CFD AutoTrading – MarketPlace vendor – Questions, announcements and updates

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  • This topic has 43 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by avatarBobb.
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  • #213412

    Hello all,

    Opening this thread where we will be talking about our releases, news and we will be showing real results. But our main desire is to open this thread as a channel for your questions about our systems and services.

    Expecting to reach those who do not follow us on social networks yet, we leave below a set of reference links; and keep waiting for any questions you may have.

    Our store in the ProRealCode Market:

    –> In addition to the common sections like ‘Results’ or ‘Our systems’, it could be helpful to take a look to the blog:
    – In Spanish (all the history):
    – In English: (only the last entries):

    Company website: (we are expanding to other platforms)

    Social media:
    – Twitter:   (our primary and first social profile, the rest are more recent or do not have all the publications)
    – Instagram:
    – YouTube:
    – TikTok:
    – Facebook:

    Groups (all open, no private channels)

    Additional business contact:
    – Find our business email and phone in our website

    Finally, of course, here is our open and permanent demo, where you can see our systems and follow its results in your own ProRealTime (see the attached PDF inside the demo to understand what the demo brings)


    Best regards


    Let’s start with the live results of the NEPTUNE strategy.

    NEPTUNE is a trend-following strategy, using different averages and timeframes (SMA, EMA, VWAP and others). The first version was created in June 2022. It is designed to be launched on DOW JONES and NASDAQ. Unfortunately, since released it’s not working well in DOW JONES (shit happens!), but at the same time is working nice on NASDAQ.

    Let’s look at the live results of launching NEPTUNE in NASDAQ.  See attached images with live results using 0.8 contracts and low MM, with the same OutOfSample period launching a BT as default (1 contract, no MM, spread 2), and with the full BT using 1M candles and spread 2.


    See a related video with live and BT results here:

    See full information and other results and BT in the product page:



    More live results, in that case of TALOS NASDAQ system, in the attached image.  See it in video here:

    Useful info and backtests of the latest update

    – In video here:

    – A related article in our blog (including release notes):


    More info about the strategy, older results and so on in the product page:

    Remember that you can see all our systems and follow its results in out demo (it includes the current systems, the older versions and discarded systems, and even the systems or versions under validation):


    Updating here our April results (and the 2023 results so far). April ended with 1.309€ profit for all the standard portfolio using our sample sizing. Results are extracted from instances in real, then the results compared with the demo will not be exact but so similar. Please note the sizing.

    By the way, being the first time that we publish our results here, let’s comment on the sizing. Before 2023 we used another contract sizing, but this year we used what you see in the table to make the weight between systems similar and create a balanced sample portfolio for those who use our TOTAL PACK with all standard systems (sizing always shown as a reference. It’s fully configurable and always customers have to adapt to its preferences. We provide support about sizing topics for who need it)


    P.S: Remember the demo!!


    🌟 VENUS NIKKEI system released !! 🌟

    After 10 months of outstanding performance, you can now get it at a special launch price. See attached backtest images and results in demo and real. See the product page for more details and download it in our demo to launch and analyze the system for yourself.

    Download it in our demo:

    Subscribe now on the Market:



    Hello! Let’s update our May results

    If April was good, May was even better. A total of 2.120€ with our suggested portfolio and balanced sizing.

    Please take a look at the 2023 results so far, by market and by system.

    Feel free to explore and analyze our systems using our public and permanent demo at No registration or commitment is required. For purchasing, visit our store in the PRC Market: If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by messaging, via phone or schedule a meeting.

    Thank you!


    Presenting the live results of the top three systems this year: NEPTUNE NAS, TALOS NAS, and ZEUS NAS (NASDAQ performing exceptionally well!).

    Please take note of the varying initial contract sizes for each system in the instances shown. The reinvestment feature utilized by these instances is configurable (disabled by default) and is not accounted for in the official results, which show profit based on fixed contracts.

    Adding a summary table of results.  The image of TALOS NAS shows the long-only config (with a higher profit than the table shows for the long+short default config)


    You can get these systems at a reduced price in the NASDAQ PACK product bundle:   (As our standard practice, current subscribers of any of these systems with a single subscription will receive a discount equivalent to the remaining subscription period when upgrading to the PACK.).


    Feel free to ask for any doubt here or in our channels.


    Hello! Let’s update our June results

    The past week was tough, and on this last week we accumulated a big latent that is not reflected for now in the results (that are based on closed positions during the month). The month closes with 717€ in losses, mainly based on the bad month for commodities. The current latent exceeds by far the losses; let’s see how it ends.

    Please take a look at the 2023 results so far, by market and by system. The selection of our best systems and markets, and the reinvestment multiply this general and standard results.

    Feel free to explore and analyze our systems using our public and permanent demo at No registration or commitment is required. For purchasing, visit our store in the PRC Market: If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by messaging, via phone or schedule a meeting.

    Thank you!


    Hello!  The Q2 was amazing, and July is going so well (around +800€ at this moment)

    Starting today and until the end of July, we will have 30% discount in all our products, to ease you to increase (or start!) a great algo portfolio.


    Prices already applied in our store (no coupons, permanent discount in renewal price too!)



    We’re here with an update on our July performance. Although our NASDAQ algorithms experienced a slower month, the robust performance across other markets (this time especially good for DOW JONES) has driven a highly satisfactory overall result.

    Please take a look at the 2023 results so far, by market and by system. In fact, we can see that using only NAS + DAX systems, the results are so better (6k profit with NAS+DAX vs 4k profit approx in overall). To subscribe, visit our store in the PRC Market:

    We are the most sold vendor of trading systems! We’re proud to say that this month we’ve reached a total of 600 orders inside the PRC Market.

    Feel free to contact us for any doubt, see all our channels in our website footer:



    Updating with August results: No big movements as a result at the end of the month, but having the first weeks intricate.

    We know that many users “saw the writing on the wall” on many own or commercial systems this month. In this kind of periods, people realize the importance of solid systems (that anyway will have drawdowns but will not try the same wrong operation again and again, evidencing overfit)

    See previous posts for more info and links! 😛

    Wishing everyone a successful September!


    Hello! Updating here the September’23 results. 

    If August was a challenging month, September was even more complex. It is worth noting that September is known for being the worst time of the year, especially during the last two weeks. Then, despite our contrasting behaviours depending on the market (with a turbulent NASDAQ and an outstanding DAX) we closed September without major setbacks altogether

    Our flagship TALOS NAS did not perform as well as expected this month, recording its worst result in a month’s history. However, our top-performing system of the year, NEPTUNE NAS, continues to be the most profitable system with a profit of around 1.800€ and a smaller DD at month close of less than 300€. 

    Once again, the synergy of our NAS + DAX packs in tandem showcased superior results, showing itself as the best choice (refer to the specific image for details)

    As we step into the traditionally stronger and bullish final quarter, we’re buoyed by the steadfast reliability of our portfolio. Remember to explore our store at and feel free to reach out with any queries.


    Good luck!


    Hello! Here’s the update on the results for October 2023.

    Unfortunately, this time we couldn’t avoid the impact of the market’s downturn in the latter half month. We’ve always emphasized the importance of diversification, particularly in our monthly results emails. We’ve advised our users, especially those using the NASDAQ PACK – our most popular market pack – to consider pairing it with the DAX PACK, which has shown the most consistent results over the year. At this juncture, our DAX systems have emerged as the most profitable, with the VENUS DAX system deserving special mention for its role as a hedge in bearish scenarios.

    Despite the challenges, these strategies have helped many of our users navigate through these turbulent times, underscoring the value of a well-diversified portfolio. We remain committed to providing you with the best strategies to help you succeed in all market conditions.


    Our best


    Hello! It is now the turn to see the November 2023 results.

    An awesome turnaround to have the best month of this year! Each system generated more than 400€ on average per active system. 10 out of the 11 systems positive (all markets positive), with 6 systems reaching new ATH.
    Even better: Currently, there is an additional +1.266€ in ongoing positions

    That’s all!  🙂


    Our best



    Updating the December 2023 results and then adding the summary of 2023.

    Regarding December’23, we had A new best month this year! Even better than November, with all systems positive and 8 systems in new ATH.

    Regarding the summary of 2023, we finally got fantastic results, with the best profit/risk portfolio we know for the ProRealTime platform.  11.046€ with our sizing (see images), with a max DD of 2.509€. Remains an excellent and diversified catalogue of 11 active systems, well prepared for any 2024 scenario.


    Updates for 2024: Streamlines procedures and new prices

    • In 2024, we’re simplifying our approach. No more chasing with personalized emails or negotiating prices. Instead, we’re focusing on our new partnership program and engagement rewards. Contact us for more information using any of our channels. Our reduction in workload focuses solely on marketing, enhancing our product quality and customer support.
    • We’re thrilled to announce a huge price reduction starting in 2024. Check out the updated prices on our MarketPlace vendor page. We already applied up to 40% discounts compared with the previous prices (at the same time, having those prices…we will not make big offers during the year). Plus, discover our new “MASTERS PACK” – a special selection of 4 systems.


    Our MarketPlace store:

    The new MASTERS PACK:


    Good look for everyone in 2024!

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