CFD AutoTrading – MarketPlace vendor – Questions, announcements and updates

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  • This topic has 43 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by avatarBobb.
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  • #227371

    Hello! Here’s the update on the results for January 2024.

    It became one of our worst months, with only the NASDAQ market in the positive. But not to worry; these moments are part of the journey.
    We have confidence in the current systems (which have already turned themselves around many times!)


    Our best


    Hello! Time to post the February 2024 results.

    Another negative month, significantly impacted by failed short positions. The good news is that there are over 2,000€ in ongoing and closed positions in March, offsetting a large part of the losses from the start of the year.


    Best regards!


    Hello! It’s time for some good news, it seems.

    In March, our systems earned €3,800 (not as impressive as last November or December 2023, but still very profitable). The month ended with all markets in the positive, boasting an impressive average of more than €290 won per active system (across 13 systems).

    The year has turned decidedly positive, but today we’re excited to highlight the year-to-year results of our current portfolio:

    –> €20,000 profit (without reinvestment, and totally scalable!)

    –> 5% drawdown (for peace of mind)

    –> 13 systems across 6 markets (offering optimal variety without complexity or the need for a large initial capital)

    Get our TOTAL PACK now at ProRealCode MarketPlace: (available from €49/week!)


    Sorry, when I came here to update April’s results, I realized that the March results had not been updated here, due to an error in the NEPTUNE NAS results. The correct final result is 3.434€.


    Hello! Here’s the update on the results for April 2024.

    The month closed with minor losses. Although April ended with nearly flat profits for the year, the portfolio demonstrated its robustness by maintaining minimal losses in a challenging scenario.

    Are we on the brink of a significant upturn? As I write these lines, the portfolio shows a profit of over 2.000€ in the first week of May.


    Today, we want to introduce our CUSTOM PACKS. Choose your preferred 3 or 5 systems with a great discount. Contact us for pricing.


    Hello! It’s time to post the May 2024 results.

    Nice month with 76% successful trades, and all markets ending positive. This month, we achieved a total of 2.805€ with an average profit of 216€ per active system/contract (means a really great profit for a reduced invested capital)

    During May, we released a new version of ARES DAX (just a few days ago), and the new system for DOW JONES (new EROS strategy) will be released in June. In fact, our current DOW JONES systems (historically our worst market and underweighted in the portfolio) have been performing well in the rolling year. We will increase the price of the DOW JONES PACK when the new system is released (now it is super-reduced!), although we will keep the TOTAL PACK price the same, at least during June and July.

    Get our TOTAL PACK (for CFD) now at ProRealCode MarketPlace: (available from €49/week! We don’t know of a better risk/reward or profit/contract portfolio!)
    Remember that we also work with IBKR and standard futures under IBKR AutoTrading vendor name:
    Also you can find other style of CFD and FUTURES systems with ProRealAuto:

    🤫Psst! 🤫  Get 2×1 on single algos exclusively at the MarketPlace until June 16th.

    Simply place your order for the first trading system and email us at mentioning this message to receive a discount coupon for the second trading system (it will cost €1 due to the payment platform’s minimum requirement).

    Ask us for guidance if you don’t know which ones to choose!


    Turn for the June 2024 results!

    Nice month again (final profit very similar to last month), this time with NASDAQ systems shining with 2.700€ profit per contract each


    Today, we’re skipping the summaries, offers, and advertisements. If you’re feeling lost in AutoTrading and suspect you’re being misled (which is quite common), reach out to us. We have a deep understanding of the business. While we can’t promise specific future results (but you can see our past results for reference), we can assure you that after a conversation with us, you’ll be equipped with better knowledge and tools to evaluate systems and take decisions.


    We are giving away 1 TOTAL PACK license using the ProRealCode MarketPlace. Now you have the chance you’ve been waiting for!

    Simply like ❤️ and retweet 🔁 this tweet to participate:

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Done! 🙂

    Is above a competition for  1 TOTAL PACK only or does everybody who like ❤️ and retweet 🔁 get 1 TOTAL PACK each??


    Ouch! Seriously, I hope I translated the tweet correctly to indicate that there will be a draw for a single TOTAL PACK among all participants (at least that’s how it seems to me! I’m going to add an explanation also on X, just in case).


    Hello! Here’s the update on the results for July 2024.

    It was a complicated month in the markets and algotrading, wasn’t it? We weathered the storm by finishing July in positive territory. Although the beginning of August was hard, the month is long, the rest of the year even longer, and we know very well that in the markets, the sun will shine after the rain.


    Delivering fantastic results this month! August ended with 2.976€ with the default sizing.

    This marks the fourth time we’ve reached around 3.000€ this year. Our portfolio consistently proves its stability and profitability, no matter the market challenges.

    A special mention goes to our four trading systems for the NASDAQ, which have generated nearly 7.000€ in profit so far this year, and around 10.500€ in the rolling year (Year-to-Year)





    Hello! Here’s the update on the results for September 2024.

    Flat results overall: no gains, but also no shocks.

    2 users thanked author for this post.

    It was a difficult month. It’s nice to see that things are similar for the pros.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
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