Charts look terrible when zoomed out

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Charts look terrible when zoomed out

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  • #233947

    buttons not always registering clicks

    I assume if you click again on the same button (so click twice) then it will register?

    Maybe even wait 500 milliseconds between clicks?? 😉
    I know the video was a demo to show non registering of clicking, but maybe you also click nearly that fast in repetition in real usage?


    In normal usage I’m not clicking back and forward between the buttons obviously. I move my mouse to the button and click once just like any other button in any app or any website the same way I’ve done for 30 years.  I’m using it not different to than I use tabs in safari for example. Sometimes the first click will register sometimes it won’t, it’s random. The 2nd and 3rd clicks on the same button also don’t always register but the percentage is higher.

    The only way to guarantee it working 100% of the time is to move my mouse over the button slowly, wait, then press it slowly. But this is not normal. Other buttons in the app work normally, toolbar buttons, trading buttons for example so it’s difficult to change one’s normal computing behaviour to remember pause before pressing a button.



    my mouse over the button slowly, wait, then press it slowly.

    I agree, I adopt the above method for the red cross alongside an open manual trade when I want to close the trade, but it is frustrating as price runs away while I am waiting for the button to work!

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