ChatGTP AI Coder

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  • #214406

    A monthly subscription.


    Hows the progress Nicolas?

    Whats your timeline.

    Can you give us a videosneakpeak of you intrigating with ChatGPT?


    I’ll do my best to open a new topic today. I will explain in details how it works and how I count on you all to explore and increase the responsiveness and accuracy of chatGPT with ProBuilder 😉

    It’s all about trials and errors which will allow us to refine the global prompt to insert in the discussion with the bot.

    2 users thanked author for this post.

    Very intressting.  Thanks Nicolas



    Topic HOW-TO use ChatGPT to code ProRealTime strategies is here:

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

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