Close – Deleting temp files

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Close – Deleting temp files

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  • #11121

    Hi everybody,

    You run a pretty large Backtest with some variables, get out of the room for a couple of minutes, coming back and boom:
    ProRealtime closed because of this “have to delete temporary files” thing bla bla.
    Anybody else finding this unbelievably annoying?
    We’re 2016.

    Would love to see a solution in a future update.

    (If that matters: I’m on the IG version)


    The same happened several times to me and, I guess, to anyone using PRT with IG broker. Yes it’s a bit annoying, but don’t know how I can work it out.

    Suggestions are welcome.



    It happened to me too several times. So I save the platform (CTRL+S) many times when I work on projects. It has saved me many hours of work this way! 🙂

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