closing one position when theres more than one opened

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support closing one position when theres more than one opened

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  • #162395


    if i have more than one position in the market and i want to close a specific position, how do i do that?


    You cannot close a specific position, just one position (exit 1 Long position instead of exiting all positions):



    if i have 4 long positions and i sell 1 of them, which one does it sell? most recent or first one that was opened?



    Good question…. I don’t know, but I guess ProOrder’s logic should be to close the most profitable one!



    In my experience when manual trading, the position that gets closed first is the oldest position!

    If the oldest position happens to be the biggest loser then tough … that is what gets closed!

    Easy to test out on Demo in Auto-Trading (with a trial / quickie code) … be sure to let us know your finding please?


    Closing position is FIFO (First In First Out), so it is always the oldest order that is closed first.

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