Color Code a specific day of the week

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Color Code a specific day of the week

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  • #235362

    Hi – am new here (and to coding)

    Does anyone know how (or if is even possible) to color a candle on a specific day-of-the week a particular color please?

    EG: want to make every FRIDAY turn a specific color regardless of whether it’s an up/down day

    Many thanks in advance, and good trading to you all !!




    Run this indicator in the price chart.

    Changing the value of ‘opendayofweek’ sets the day, 0 – 6.

    Changing the RGB values sets the colour, 0-255.

    The indicator should overwrite the price candle’s with the day/colour chosen.


    2 users thanked author for this post.

    Here you have an example:

    2 users thanked author for this post.

    thank you so much Druby and Ivan – i really appreciate your help with this – thanks !!

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