Comparing instruments and using the data on indicators or systems

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Comparing instruments and using the data on indicators or systems

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  • #234169

    Hi, I’ve been poking around the platform during this week trying to learn as much as possible about how it works. I have a doubt I couldnt solve by myself. Hope anyone can answer my question. Is there a way to code a comparison between two instruments…let’s say between dax and sp500. How to calculate the spread of a period, sma for a period and use the spread data to include them or build an indicator or system?



    Nowadays it’s not possible, but PRT Team is working on that. It will be in future versions.

    2 users thanked author for this post.

    Gracias. Aprovecho para hacer otra pregunta: No he encontrado en la plataforma ninguna referencia a ciclos (temporales)… ¿Como podrian programarse para que aparezcan como un indicador independiente o añadidos al mismo grafico de precio?

    Por cierto. Se echa en falta que las opciones de Elliott no sean mas completas. Si incorporan la posibilidad de contar impulsos, estaria bien tener todas las opciones y no solamente un 1..5; a..c

    Gracias por la respuesta. Un saludo.

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