Contact number in UK

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  • #234464

    Hi is there a contact number in the UK? I have an account query regarding the number of candles for chart, I want 1 million, but currently my account is restricted to 200k, my account is via


    You would need Premium version PRT whihc is available direct from PRT.


    OK but can that be integrated with my existing account, of should I take, as you may have suggested before, a second account purely for testing purposes? and if it can be integrated would I receive a discount for the relationship?


    No Premium PRT (direct from PRT) cannot be integrated with Complete PRT (from IG).

    You will need a separate Premium PRT Account with PRT.

    Use a different email address when opening Premium with PRT  than you used when you opened Complete with IG.


    Yeah sadly a different email address won’t cut it. I’m opening a premium account with Interactive Brokers, I’ll trade enough with that to get the full discount and the rest with IG because I want to use a spread betting account and IB don’t support them


    It is my understanding that Algos that work with IG dont work with IB and vice versa so you could be starting a lot of heartache for yourself  by opening an Account with IB.

    There is lots on here by PeterSt as to why above is the case.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Oh that sounds very frustrating.


    is there an easy way to find  PeterSt’s posts?


    PeterSt posts may be in here …

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Maybe I can reassure you a bit…

    I have two identical systems running on IB and IG and they run 95% parallel to each other, the (small) differences in execution is due to the difference in price/volume between the CFD (IG) and the future (IB)…

    3 users thanked author for this post.

    ah ha, that sounds reasonable.


    There is lots on here by PeterSt as to why above is the case.

    It depends largely on how close to the facts you operate;
    If you have a daily timeframe nothing will be different much (better read : nothing at all). But would you mere scalp and use a “seconds” timeframe in order to do your thing, nothing will work at all.

    I would like to attest that this is not related to CFDs as such, but merely to the way IG operate their business. Take Forex for example; both IB and IG use CFDs for that. IB is hard to differentiate from Spot Fx (at least for EUR/USD which I sorted out at the moment IB offered both spot and CFD). Now compare that to IG for a smaller average (say 100 bars of 1 second) and be shocked. Just nothing compares and this starts with the 10 times or so more “volatility (ahem) of IG. So it is movement (doing their own business) all over the place, and no scalping can deal with that.

    Using a time frame of 1 minute already bears very different results, but depending on what you do it could be portable. It could even be so that the results are only 5% off, but that 5% could just be the matter of day and night of winning vs losing all. Coming from IB you could re-optimize in IG so all looks good again. But then IG will change their internal strategies and you will later blame changed markets for your algo not wanting to work any more.

    This latter really did it for me :
    Over and over I saw big changes with backtesting at certain dates without me recognizing the why of it (like no new Putins or Trumps or Covids). Then I started to work with IB for the same instruments and nothing of such changes ever occurred (unless with Putin etc. reasons). So Yes, CFDs may matter, but it is about what’s done with them;

    I always claimed or saw that the “spread” visible with what IG makes of it vs reality, is exactly the playground IG could use to take your money. As long as they stay within their own offset bounds … (prove me wrong but please mind the italics in could).

    I have running 12 systems in PRT-IG for 18 months without ever looking at them. That were 25 systems at first, which I reviewed last January (2024). I then ditched 13 mere rotten apples who could not stand the times and upscaled the remaining. If you look at the overall result in that instrument in IG now ( 🙂 🙂 )… But this can only be done by empirical finding. Say machine learning by my own eyes without intelligence.  – blurp

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    a very interesting post.  thankyou.  I also have my concerns about the way IG manipulate their spreads. It maybe better for me to give up the spread bet aspect and optimise my strategies for IB as tax free benefits are not benefit at all if IG make it difficult to make a profit. My starts typically work in the 1 and 5 minute timeframes and so I feel I could fall victim to IG malarkey, which I am pretty sure I have been a victim of before when I traded their Sprints about 8 years ago.


    I am still waiting for my IB account to be approved, how do the spread and charges compare on say USDJPY between IB and IG? do IB only charge transaction fees and add no spread to the market price at all?


    The spread on IB can be neglected in most cases. For USD/JPY I don’t know it by heart but for EUR/USD it is virtually nothing. But indeed, pay the commission (0,40 for 100K one side – I hope I am doing this right, from the top of my head).

    But @Morpheous, please keep in mind what I told about in that other thread today : No Fx allowed any more by PRT-IB. So that route would be in vain.



    FX won’t be available on IB ? Oh right that would be a waste of time then

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