Convention script tradingview

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  • #239486

    Bonjour, serait il possible de convertir un script trading view? Merci

    // © Julien_Eche

    indicator(“Smart Trend Envelope”, overlay=true, max_bars_back=1000, max_lines_count=500)

    group1 = “Channel Settings”
    h = input.float(8.0, title=’Bandwidth’, group=group1)
    multnw = input.float(3.0, title=’Multiplier’)
    log(x) => math.log(x) / math.log(math.e)
    exp(x) => math.pow(math.e, x)
    src = log(input(close, title=’Source’))

    up_col = input(color.teal, title=’Upper Line Color’)
    dn_col = input(, title=’Lower Line Color’)
    line_widthnw =, title=’Line Width’)

    group2 = “Table Settings”
    tablePositionInput = input.string(“Top Center”, “Table Position”, options=[“Bottom Right”, “Bottom Left”, “Middle Right”, “Middle Left”, “Top Right”, “Top Left”, “Top Center”, “Bottom Center”], group=group2)
    getTablePosition(pos) =>
    // Function to convert table position input string to the corresponding position value
    if pos == “Bottom Right”
    else if pos == “Bottom Left”
    else if pos == “Middle Right”
    else if pos == “Middle Left”
    else if pos == “Top Right”
    else if pos == “Top Left”
    else if pos == “Top Center”
    else if pos == “Bottom Center”

    tablePos = getTablePosition(tablePositionInput)

    rightTableTextColorInput = input.color(color.silver, “Projection Confidence Text Color”)

    showPearsonInput = input.bool(false, “Show Pearson’s R instead of Projection Confidence Level”)

    lengthInput1 = 50
    lengthInput2 = 100
    lengthInput3 = 150
    lengthInput4 = 200
    lengthInput5 = 250
    lengthInput6 = 300
    lengthInput7 = 350
    lengthInput8 = 400
    lengthInput9 = 450
    lengthInput10 = 500

    calcSlope(src, length) =>
    // Function to calculate slope, average, and intercept
    max_bars_back(src, 5000)
    if not barstate.islast or length <= 1
    [float(na), float(na), float(na)]
    sumX = 0.0
    sumY = 0.0
    sumXSqr = 0.0
    sumXY = 0.0
    for i = 0 to length – 1 by 1
    val = math.log(src[i])
    per = i + 1.0
    sumX += per
    sumY += val
    sumXSqr += per * per
    sumXY += val * per
    slope = (length * sumXY – sumX * sumY) / (length * sumXSqr – sumX * sumX)
    average = sumY / length
    intercept = average – slope * sumX / length + slope
    [slope, average, intercept]

    calcDev(src, length, slope, average, intercept) =>
    // Function to calculate standard deviation, Pearson’s R, up deviation, and down deviation
    upDev = 0.0
    dnDev = 0.0
    stdDevAcc = 0.0
    dsxx = 0.0
    dsyy = 0.0
    dsxy = 0.0
    periods = length – 1
    daY = intercept + slope * periods / 2
    val = intercept
    for j = 0 to periods by 1
    price = math.log(high[j]) – val
    if price > upDev
    upDev := price
    price := val – math.log(low[j])
    if price > dnDev
    dnDev := price
    price := math.log(src[j])
    dxt = price – average
    dyt = val – daY
    price -= val
    stdDevAcc += price * price
    dsxx += dxt * dxt
    dsyy += dyt * dyt
    dsxy += dxt * dyt
    val += slope
    stdDev = math.sqrt(stdDevAcc / (periods == 0 ? 1 : periods))
    pearsonR = dsxx == 0 or dsyy == 0 ? 0 : dsxy / math.sqrt(dsxx * dsyy)
    [stdDev, pearsonR, upDev, dnDev]

    // Calculate slope, average, and intercept for each length
    [s1, a1, i1] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput1)
    [s2, a2, i2] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput2)
    [s3, a3, i3] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput3)
    [s4, a4, i4] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput4)
    [s5, a5, i5] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput5)
    [s6, a6, i6] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput6)
    [s7, a7, i7] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput7)
    [s8, a8, i8] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput8)
    [s9, a9, i9] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput9)
    [s10, a10, i10] = calcSlope(src, lengthInput10)

    // Calculate standard deviation, Pearson’s R, up deviation, and down deviation for each length
    [stdDev1, pearsonR1, upDev1, dnDev1] = calcDev(src, lengthInput1, s1, a1, i1)
    [stdDev2, pearsonR2, upDev2, dnDev2] = calcDev(src, lengthInput2, s2, a2, i2)
    [stdDev3, pearsonR3, upDev3, dnDev3] = calcDev(src, lengthInput3, s3, a3, i3)
    [stdDev4, pearsonR4, upDev4, dnDev4] = calcDev(src, lengthInput4, s4, a4, i4)
    [stdDev5, pearsonR5, upDev5, dnDev5] = calcDev(src, lengthInput5, s5, a5, i5)
    [stdDev6, pearsonR6, upDev6, dnDev6] = calcDev(src, lengthInput6, s6, a6, i6)
    [stdDev7, pearsonR7, upDev7, dnDev7] = calcDev(src, lengthInput7, s7, a7, i7)
    [stdDev8, pearsonR8, upDev8, dnDev8] = calcDev(src, lengthInput8, s8, a8, i8)
    [stdDev9, pearsonR9, upDev9, dnDev9] = calcDev(src, lengthInput9, s9, a9, i9)
    [stdDev10, pearsonR10, upDev10, dnDev10] = calcDev(src, lengthInput10, s10, a10, i10)

    // Find the highest Pearson’s R among all lengths
    highestPearsonR = math.max(pearsonR1, pearsonR2, pearsonR3, pearsonR4, pearsonR5, pearsonR6, pearsonR7, pearsonR8, pearsonR9, pearsonR10)

    // Select the length, slope, intercept, and standard deviation based on the highest Pearson’s R
    selectedLength = highestPearsonR == pearsonR1 ? lengthInput1 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR2 ? lengthInput2 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR3 ? lengthInput3 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR4 ? lengthInput4 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR5 ? lengthInput5 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR6 ? lengthInput6 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR7 ? lengthInput7 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR8 ? lengthInput8 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR9 ? lengthInput9 : lengthInput10))))))))
    selectedS = highestPearsonR == pearsonR1 ? s1 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR2 ? s2 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR3 ? s3 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR4 ? s4 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR5 ? s5 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR6 ? s6 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR7 ? s7 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR8 ? s8 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR9 ? s9 : s10))))))))
    selectedI = highestPearsonR == pearsonR1 ? i1 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR2 ? i2 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR3 ? i3 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR4 ? i4 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR5 ? i5 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR6 ? i6 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR7 ? i7 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR8 ? i8 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR9 ? i9 : i10))))))))
    selectedStdDev = highestPearsonR == pearsonR1 ? stdDev1 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR2 ? stdDev2 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR3 ? stdDev3 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR4 ? stdDev4 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR5 ? stdDev5 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR6 ? stdDev6 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR7 ? stdDev7 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR8 ? stdDev8 : (highestPearsonR == pearsonR9 ? stdDev9 : stdDev10))))))))

    startPrice = math.exp(selectedI + selectedS * (selectedLength – 1))
    endPrice = math.exp(selectedI)

    StartPrice = startPrice
    EndPrice = endPrice

    var string confidenceLevel = “”

    var color lineColor = na

    trendDirection = startPrice > endPrice ? -1 : 1

    if trendDirection == 1
    lineColor := color.teal
    lineColor :=

    if barstate.islast
    var table t = = tablePos, columns = 2, rows = 2)

    text1 = “”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput1
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 50”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput2
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 100”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput3
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 150”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput4
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 200”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput5
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 250”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput6
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 300”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput7
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 350”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput8
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 400”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput9
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 450”
    if selectedLength == lengthInput10
    text1 := “Auto-Selected Length: 500”

    confidenceLevel := “”
    if highestPearsonR < 0.3
    confidenceLevel := “Ultra Weak”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.5
    confidenceLevel := “Very Weak”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.6
    confidenceLevel := “Weak”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.7
    confidenceLevel := “Moderately Weak”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.8
    confidenceLevel := “Slightly Weak”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.9
    confidenceLevel := “Moderate”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.92
    confidenceLevel := “Slightly Strong”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.94
    confidenceLevel := “Moderately Strong”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.96
    confidenceLevel := “Strong”
    else if highestPearsonR < 0.98
    confidenceLevel := “Very Strong”
    confidenceLevel := “Ultra Strong”

    table.cell(t, 0, 0, text1, text_color=lineColor)
    if showPearsonInput
    table.cell(t, 1, 0, “Pearson’s R: ” + str.tostring(highestPearsonR, “#.##”), text_color=rightTableTextColorInput)
    table.cell(t, 1, 0, “Projection Confidence: ” + confidenceLevel, text_color=rightTableTextColorInput)

    lengthnw = selectedLength

    n = bar_index
    var k = 2
    var uppernw = array.new_line(0)
    var lowernw = array.new_line(0)

    lset(l, x1, y1, x2, y2, col) =>
    line.set_xy1(l, x1, exp(y1))
    line.set_xy2(l, x2, exp(y2))
    line.set_color(l, col)
    line.set_width(l, line_widthnw)
    line.set_style(l, line.style_solid)

    if barstate.isfirst
    for i = 0 to lengthnw/k-1
    array.push(uppernw,, na, na, na, color=up_col, width=line_widthnw, style=line.style_solid))
    array.push(lowernw,, na, na, na, color=dn_col, width=line_widthnw, style=line.style_solid))

    line up = na
    line dn = na

    cross_up = 0.0
    cross_dn = 0.0
    if barstate.islast
    y = array.new_float(0)

    sum_e = 0.0
    for i = 0 to lengthnw-1
    sum = 0.0
    sumw = 0.0

    for j = 0 to lengthnw-1
    w = math.exp(-(math.pow(i-j, 2)/(h*h*2)))
    sum += src[j] * w
    sumw += w

    y2 = sum / sumw
    sum_e += math.abs(src[i] – y2)
    array.push(y, y2)

    mae = sum_e / lengthnw * multnw

    for i = 1 to lengthnw-1
    y2 = array.get(y, i)
    y1 = array.get(y, i-1)

    up := array.get(uppernw, i/k)
    dn := array.get(lowernw, i/k)

    lset(up, n-i+1, y1 + mae, n-i, y2 + mae, up_col)
    lset(dn, n-i+1, y1 – mae, n-i, y2 – mae, dn_col)


    Bonjour! Je viens de traduire cet indicateur qui est le même que celui que vous demandez :

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