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study(“HLC Trend”)
// Pull traditional HLC
sHigh = security(tickerid, period, high)
sLow = security(tickerid, period, low)
sClose = security(tickerid, period, close)
sOpen = security(tickerid, period, open)
// Inputs
option_SMA = ‘SMA’, option_EMA = ‘EMA’, option_WMA = ‘WMA’
length_Close = input(defval = 5, title = “Close MA Period Length”, type = integer)
length_High = input(defval = 30, title = “High MA Period Length”, type = integer)
length_Low = input(defval = 13, title = “Low MA Period Length”, type = integer)
type_MA = input(defval = option_SMA, title = “Moving Average Type”, type = string, options = [option_SMA, option_EMA, option_WMA])
fill_Cloud = input(defval = true, title = “Use cloud coloring for Bull/Bear identification?”, type = bool)
fill_BG = input(defval = true, title = “Color Indicator background based on Bull/Bear/Neautral?”, type = bool)
// Calculations
ma_High = type_MA == option_SMA ? sma(sHigh, length_High) : type_MA == option_EMA ? ema(sHigh, length_High) : type_MA == option_WMA ? wma(sHigh, length_High) : sma(sHigh, length_High)
ma_Low = type_MA == option_SMA ? sma(sLow, length_Low) : type_MA == option_EMA ? ema(sLow, length_Low) : type_MA == option_WMA ? wma(sLow, length_Low) : sma(sLow, length_Low)
ma_Close = type_MA == option_SMA ? sma(sClose, length_Close) : type_MA == option_EMA ? ema(sClose, length_Close) : type_MA == option_WMA ? wma(sClose, length_Close) : sma(sClose, length_Close)
ma_CH = ma_Close – ma_High
ma_LC = ma_Low – ma_Close
// Draw Colors
fill_Color = ma_CH > ma_LC ? green : red
bg_Color = ma_CH >= ma_LC ? ma_CH < 0 and ma_CH < ma_CH[1] ? yellow : green : ma_LC < 0 and ma_LC < ma_LC[1] ? yellow : red
// Draw Out
hline(0, color = white, title = "Zero Line")
plot_CH = plot(ma_CH, color = green, transp = 0, title = "MA Close - MA High")
plot_LC = plot(ma_LC, color = red, transp = 0, title = "MA Low - MA Close")
bgcolor(fill_BG == true ? bg_Color : na, transp = 40, title = "Indicator Background Color")
// Cloud fill selector
fill_plot_CH = fill_Cloud == true ? ma_CH : na
fill_plot_LC = fill_Cloud == true ? ma_LC : na
cloud_plot_CH = plot(fill_plot_CH, transp = 100, title = "Hidden MA Close - MA High Cloud")
cloud_plot_LC = plot(fill_plot_LC, transp = 100, title = "Hidden MA Low - MA Close Cloud")
fill(cloud_plot_CH, cloud_plot_LC, color = fill_Color, transp = 40, title = "Cloud Color")
// END Cloud fill selector