Conversion de code Pine Script

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  • #241573

    Bonjour, pouvez-vous m’aider à convertir ce code pine script en Probuilder pour PRT ?


    indicator(title=’Heatmap Volume [xdecow]’, shorttitle=’HMV [xdecow]’, format=format.volume)

    // Inputs

    length =, title=’MA Length’, minval = 2, tooltip = ‘Moving Average Length\n\n- Smaller values will respond more quickly and activate more frequently. (Best for short-term analysis)\n- Larger values will have a slower response, will be less sensitive to small volume variations, and will highlight large volumes. (Best for long-term analysis)\n\nFormula: How many stdev is the volume far from the Moving Average?’)
    slength =, title=’Standard Deviation Length’, minval=2, tooltip = ‘Standard Deviation lookback period.\n\nFormula: How many stdev is the volume far from the Moving Average?’)

    g_hmz = ‘Heatmap Threshold Multipliers’
    thresholdExtraHigh = input.float(4, title=’Extra High Multiplier’, tooltip = ‘Volume Threshold Multiplier\neg: 4 = 400% or 4 x Stdev above the mean’, group=g_hmz)
    thresholdHigh = input(2.5, title=’High Multiplier’, group=g_hmz)
    thresholdMedium = input.float(1, title=’Medium Multiplier’, group=g_hmz)
    thresholdNormal = input(-0.5, title=’Normal Multiplier’, group=g_hmz)

    // Colors

    // config
    g_color = ‘Color settings’
    bcolor_enabled = input(true, ‘Colored bars’, group = g_color)
    zmode = input.string(‘Backgrounds’, ‘Display Heatmap Zones as’, options=[‘None’, ‘Lines’, ‘Backgrounds’, ‘Both’], group = g_color)
    cmode = input.string(‘Heatmap’, ‘Color Mode’, options=[‘Heatmap’, ‘Up/Down’], group = g_color, tooltip = ‘- Heatmap mode: colors based only on volume.\n- Up/Down mode: colors based on candle volume and direction.\nChange the cores below according to the selected mode.’)

    // heatmap colors
    chm1 = #ff0000 // extra high red
    chm2 = #ff7800 // high orange
    chm3 = #ffcf03 // medium yellow
    chm4 = #a0d6dc // normal
    chm5 = #1f9cac // low

    // heatmap colors
    g_mhcolor = ‘Heatmap colors’
    chmthresholdExtraHigh = input(chm1, ‘Extra High’, group=g_mhcolor)
    chmthresholdHigh = input(chm2, ‘High’, group=g_mhcolor)
    chmthresholdMedium = input(chm3, ‘Medium’, group=g_mhcolor)
    chmthresholdNormal = input(chm4, ‘Normal’, group=g_mhcolor)
    chmthresholdLow = input(chm5, ‘Low’, group=g_mhcolor)

    // up colors
    g_up = ‘Up colors’
    cupthresholdExtraHigh = input(#00FF00, ‘Extra High’, group = g_up)
    cupthresholdHigh = input(#30FF30, ‘High’, group = g_up)
    cupthresholdMedium = input(#60FF60, ‘Medium’, group = g_up)
    cupthresholdNormal = input(#8FFF8F, ‘Normal’, group = g_up)
    cupthresholdLow = input(#BFFFBF, ‘Low’, group = g_up)

    // down colors
    g_down = ‘Down colors’
    cdnthresholdExtraHigh = input(#FF0000, ‘Extra High’, group = g_down)
    cdnthresholdHigh = input(#FF3030, ‘High’, group = g_down)
    cdnthresholdMedium = input(#FF6060, ‘Medium’, group = g_down)
    cdnthresholdNormal = input(#FF8F8F, ‘Normal’, group = g_down)
    cdnthresholdLow = input(#FFBFBF, ‘Low’, group = g_down)

    // threshold colors
    cthresholdExtraHighUp = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdExtraHigh : cupthresholdExtraHigh
    cthresholdHighUp = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdHigh : cupthresholdHigh
    cthresholdMediumUp = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdMedium : cupthresholdMedium
    cthresholdNormalUp = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdNormal : cupthresholdNormal
    cthresholdLowUp = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdLow : cupthresholdLow

    cthresholdExtraHighDn = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdExtraHigh : cdnthresholdExtraHigh
    cthresholdHighDn = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdHigh : cdnthresholdHigh
    cthresholdMediumDn = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdMedium : cdnthresholdMedium
    cthresholdNormalDn = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdNormal : cdnthresholdNormal
    cthresholdLowDn = cmode == ‘Heatmap’ ? chmthresholdLow : cdnthresholdLow

    // Calcs

    length := length > bar_index + 1 ? bar_index + 1 : length
    slength := slength > bar_index + 1 ? bar_index + 1 : slength

    dir = close > open
    mean = ta.sma(volume, length)
    std = ta.stdev(volume, slength)

    // how many stdev is the volume far from the mean?
    // eg: stdbar = 2.5, is 2.5 * stdev above the mean (2.5 * stdev + mean)
    stdbar = (volume – mean) / std

    bcolor = stdbar > thresholdExtraHigh ? dir ? cthresholdExtraHighUp : cthresholdExtraHighDn : stdbar > thresholdHigh ? dir ? cthresholdHighUp : cthresholdHighDn : stdbar > thresholdMedium ? dir ? cthresholdMediumUp : cthresholdMediumDn : stdbar > thresholdNormal ? dir ? cthresholdNormalUp : cthresholdNormalDn : dir ? cthresholdLowUp : cthresholdLowDn

    // heatmap lines
    zshow_lines = zmode == ‘Lines’ or zmode == ‘Both’
    zshow_backgrounds = zmode == ‘Backgrounds’ or zmode == ‘Both’

    ts1 = std * thresholdExtraHigh + mean
    ts2 = std * thresholdHigh + mean
    ts3 = std * thresholdMedium + mean
    ts4 = std * thresholdNormal + mean
    ts0 = 0

    tsDelta = ts1 – ts2
    tst = ts1 + tsDelta

    // Plots

    barcolor(bcolor_enabled ? bcolor : na, editable=false)

    // hidden heatmap lines to fill
    pt = plot(zshow_backgrounds ? tst : na, color=na, display=display.none, editable=false)
    p0 = plot(zshow_backgrounds ? ts0 : na, color=na, display=display.none, editable=false)
    p1 = plot(zshow_backgrounds ? ts1 : na, color=na, display=display.none, editable=false)
    p2 = plot(zshow_backgrounds ? ts2 : na, color=na, display=display.none, editable=false)
    p3 = plot(zshow_backgrounds ? ts3 : na, color=na, display=display.none, editable=false)
    p4 = plot(zshow_backgrounds ? ts4 : na, color=na, display=display.none, editable=false)

    // heatmap fills
    tpf = 85
    fill(pt, p1,, tpf), title=’Extra High heatmap zone’)
    fill(p1, p2,, tpf), title=’High heatmap zone’)
    fill(p2, p3,, tpf), title=’Medium heatmap zone’)
    fill(p3, p4,, tpf), title=’Normal heatmap zone’)
    fill(p4, p0,,tpf), title=’Low heatmap zone’)

    // volume
    plot(volume, color=bcolor, style=plot.style_columns, title=’Volume’, editable=false)

    // moving average
    plot(mean,, 0), linewidth=2, title=’Moving Average’, style=plot.style_line, display=display.none)

    // heatmap lines
    tpp = 50
    plot(zshow_lines ? ts1 : na,, tpp), title=’Extra High heatmap line’)
    plot(zshow_lines ? ts2 : na,, tpp), title=’High heatmap line’)
    plot(zshow_lines ? ts3 : na,, tpp), title=’Medium heatmap line’)
    plot(zshow_lines ? ts4 : na,, tpp), title=’Normal heatmap line’)

    // Alerts

    conditionExtraHigh = stdbar > thresholdExtraHigh
    conditionHigh = stdbar <= thresholdExtraHigh and stdbar > thresholdHigh
    conditionMedium = stdbar <= thresholdHigh and stdbar > thresholdMedium
    conditionNormal = stdbar <= thresholdMedium and stdbar > thresholdNormal
    conditionLow = stdbar <= thresholdNormal alertcondition(conditionExtraHigh, title='Any Extra High Vol', message='Any Bar Extra High Volume Threshold') alertcondition(conditionExtraHigh and open < close, title='Up Extra High', message='Up Bar Extra High Volume Threshold') alertcondition(conditionExtraHigh and open > close, title=’Down Extra High’, message=’Down Bar Extra High Volume Threshold’)

    alertcondition(conditionHigh, title=’Any High Vol’, message=’Any Bar High Volume Threshold’)
    alertcondition(conditionHigh and open < close, title='Up High Vol', message='Up Bar High Volume Threshold') alertcondition(conditionHigh and open > close, title=’Down High Vol’, message=’Down Bar High Volume Threshold’)

    alertcondition(conditionMedium, title=’Any Medium Vol’, message=’Any Bar Medium Volume Threshold’)
    alertcondition(conditionMedium and open < close, title='Up Medium Vol', message='Up Bar Medium Volume Threshold') alertcondition(conditionMedium and open > close, title=’Down Medium Vol’, message=’Down Bar Medium Volume Threshold’)


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