Conversion Indic Predictive Ranges from TV to PRT

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Conversion Indic Predictive Ranges from TV to PRT

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  • #243750

    Hello to the PRT masters,

    Would you be so kind to adapt the following TradingView code into a PRT code ?

    indicator(“Predictive Ranges [LuxAlgo]”, “LuxAlgo – Predictive Ranges”, overlay = true)
    length =, ‘Length’, minval = 2)
    mult   = input.float(6., ‘Factor’, minval = 0, step = .5)
    tf     = input.timeframe(”, ‘Timeframe’)
    src    = input(close, ‘Source’)
    pred_ranges(length, mult)=>
        var avg = src
        var hold_atr = 0.
        atr = nz(ta.atr(length)) * mult
        hold_atr := avg != avg[1] ? atr / 2 : hold_atr
        [avg + hold_atr * 2, avg + hold_atr, avg, avg – hold_atr, avg – hold_atr * 2]
      , prR1
      , avg
      , prS1
      , prS2] =, tf, pred_ranges(length, mult))
    plot_pru2  = plot(prR2, ‘PR Upper 2’, avg != avg[1] ? na : #f23645)
    plot_pru1  = plot(prR1, ‘PR Upper 1’, avg != avg[1] ? na : #f23645)
    plot_pravg = plot(avg , ‘PR Average’, avg != avg[1] ? na : #5b9cf6)
    plot_prl1  = plot(prS1, ‘PR Lower 1’, avg != avg[1] ? na : #089981)
    plot_prl2  = plot(prS2, ‘PR Lower 2’, avg != avg[1] ? na : #089981)
    fill(plot_pru2, plot_pru1, avg != avg[1] ? na :, 95))
    fill(plot_prl1, plot_prl2, avg != avg[1] ? na :, 95))
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi. Here you have the code:


    Hi Ivan

    Well done, nice job

    I have a discrepancy between  range size in PRT and those in TV, do you know why ? (see attached)


    Thks in  advance




    Hi. I don't know. It could be because the prices are not the same (dividend adjustment, due to the data source itself, …)

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