Conversion indicateur supertrend Mt5
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- This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by
12/19/2020 at 11:39 PM #154499
J’aimerais convertir cet indicateur Mt5 vers prorealtime, c’est un mix du supertrend et du cci.
Merci pour votre travail.
Bien cordialement
//| Supertrend.mq5 |
//| Copyright © 2005, Jason Robinson (jnrtrading). |
//| |
#property copyright “Copyright © 2005, Jason Robinson (jnrtrading).”
#property link “”
//—- indicator version
#property version “1.00”
//—- drawing the indicator in the main window
#property indicator_chart_window
//—- number of indicator buffers 4
#property indicator_buffers 4
//—- four plots are used in total
#property indicator_plots 4
//| Indicator drawing parameters |
//—- drawing the indicator as a line
#property indicator_type1 DRAW_LINE
//—- lime color is used for the indicator
#property indicator_color1 Lime
//—- indicator line is a solid one
#property indicator_style1 STYLE_SOLID
//—- indicator line width is equal to 2
#property indicator_width1 2
//—- displaying the signal line label
#property indicator_label1 “Supertrend Up”
//| Indicator drawing parameters |
//—- drawing the indicator as a line
#property indicator_type2 DRAW_LINE
//—- three colors are used for the indicator
#property indicator_color2 Red
//—- indicator line is a solid one
#property indicator_style2 STYLE_SOLID
//—- indicator line width is equal to 2
#property indicator_width2 2
//—- displaying the signal line label
#property indicator_label2 “Supertrend Down”
//| Bullish indicator drawing parameters |
//—- drawing the indicator 3 as a label
#property indicator_type3 DRAW_ARROW
//—- medium turquoise color is used as the color of the bullish line of the indicator
#property indicator_color3 MediumTurquoise
//—- the indicator 3 line is a continuous curve
#property indicator_style3 STYLE_SOLID
//—- the width of the indicator 3 line is 4
#property indicator_width3 4
//—- bullish indicator label display
#property indicator_label3 “Buy Supertrend signal”
//| Bearish indicator drawing parameters |
//—- drawing the indicator 4 as a label
#property indicator_type4 DRAW_ARROW
//—- dark orange color is used for the indicator bearish line
#property indicator_color4 DarkOrange
//—- the indicator 2 line is a continuous curve
#property indicator_style4 STYLE_SOLID
//—- thickness of the indicator 4 line is equal to 4
#property indicator_width4 4
//—- bearish indicator label display
#property indicator_label4 “Sell Supertrend signal”
//| Indicator input parameters |
input int CCIPeriod=50; // CCI indicator period
input int ATRPeriod=5; // ATR indicator period
input int Level=0; // CCI activation level
input int Shift=0; // Horizontal shift of the indicator in bars
//—- declaration of dynamic arrays that further
//—- will be used as indicator buffers
double TrendUp[],TrendDown[];
double SignUp[];
double SignDown[];
//—- declaration of the integer variables for the start of data calculation
int min_rates_total;
//—- declaration of integer variables for the indicators handles
int ATR_Handle,CCI_Handle;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
void OnInit()
//—- initialization of variables of the start of data calculation
//—- getting handle of the CCI indicator
if(CCI_Handle==INVALID_HANDLE)Print(” Failed to get handle of the CCI indicator”);
//—- getting handle of the ATR indicator
if(ATR_Handle==INVALID_HANDLE)Print(” Failed to get handle of the ATR indicator”);
//—- initializations of a variable for the indicator short name
string shortname;
StringConcatenate(shortname,”Supertrend(“,string(CCIPeriod),”, “,string(ATRPeriod),”, “,string(Shift),”)”);
//—- creating a name for displaying in a separate sub-window and in a tooltip
//—- determination of accuracy of displaying the indicator values
IndicatorSetInteger(INDICATOR_DIGITS,_Digits+1);//—- set ExtBuffer[] dynamic array as an indicator buffer
//—- shifting the indicator horizontally by Shift
//—- performing the shift of the beginning of the indicator drawing
//—- restriction to draw empty values for the indicator
//—- indexing the elements in buffers as timeseries
ArraySetAsSeries(TrendUp,true);//—- set ExtBuffer[] dynamic array as an indicator buffer
//—- shifting the indicator horizontally by Shift
//—- performing the shift of the beginning of the indicator drawing
//—- restriction to draw empty values for the indicator
//—- indexing the elements in buffers as timeseries
ArraySetAsSeries(TrendDown,true);//—- set SignUp [] dynamic array as an indicator buffer
//—- shifting the indicator 1 horizontally by Shift
//—- shifting the start of drawing the indicator 1
//—- indexing the elements in buffers as timeseries
//—- setting the indicator values that won’t be visible on a chart
//—- indicator symbol
PlotIndexSetInteger(2,PLOT_ARROW,108);//—- set SignDown[] dynamic array as an indicator buffer
//—- shifting the indicator 2 horizontally by Shift
//—- shifting the start of drawing the indicator 2
//—- indexing the elements in buffers as timeseries
//—- setting the indicator values that won’t be visible on a chart
//—- indicator symbol
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, // number of bars in history at the current tick
const int prev_calculated,// number of bars calculated at previous call
const datetime &time[],
const double &open[],
const double& high[], // price array of maximums of price for the indicator calculation
const double& low[], // price array of minimums of price for the indicator calculation
const double &close[],
const long &tick_volume[],
const long &volume[],
const int &spread[])
//—- checking the number of bars to be enough for the calculation
(BarsCalculated(CCI_Handle)rates_total || prev_calculated<=0) // checking for the first start of the indicator calculation { limit=rates_total-min_rates_total; // starting index for calculation of all bars } else { limit=rates_total-prev_calculated; // starting index for calculation of new bars } to_copy=limit+1; //---- copy newly appeared data in the ATR[] array if(CopyBuffer(ATR_Handle,0,0,to_copy,ATR)<=0) return(0); to_copy++; //---- copy newly appeared data in the CCI[] array if(CopyBuffer(CCI_Handle,0,0,to_copy,CCI)<=0) return(0); //---- main indicator calculation loop for(bar=limit; bar>=0; bar–)
SignDown[bar]=0.0;if(CCI[bar]>=Level && CCI[bar+1]
Level) TrendDown[bar]=TrendUp[bar+1]; if(CCI[bar]>Level)
if(TrendUp[bar]=Level) TrendUp[bar]=TrendUp[bar+1];
TrendDown[bar+1] && CCI[bar+1]<=Level) TrendDown[bar]=TrendDown[bar+1]; } if(TrendDown[bar+1]!=0.0 && TrendUp[bar]!=0.0) SignUp[bar]=TrendUp[bar]; if(TrendUp[bar+1]!=0.0 && TrendDown[bar]!=0.0) SignDown[bar]=TrendDown[bar]; } //---- return(rates_total); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ 12/20/2020 at 12:51 PM #154569Bonjour, il manque des éléments par rapport à la checklist du formulaire de demande de conversion gratuite (par ex capture écran, description plus précise…) pour que Nicolas fasse la conversion, merci de compléter à la suite de ce topic (pas besoin d’en démarrer un nouveau).
1 user thanked author for this post.
12/20/2020 at 1:54 PM #15458012/21/2020 at 1:35 PM #15472712/21/2020 at 11:42 PM #154794Indicateur Supertrend + CCI
Il donne des signaux d’achat et de vente . Signal d’achat en vert et signal de vente en rouge. Naturellement il ne fonctionnera que sur une valeur qui a une forte tendance , sur une valeur qui stagne ca multipliera les faux signaux.
En pièce jointe veuillez trouver un imprim ecran de l’indicateur
12/22/2020 at 12:00 AM #154803Indicateur Supertrend + CCI
Il donne des signaux d’achat et de vente . Signal d’achat en vert et signal de vente en rouge. Naturellement il ne fonctionnera que sur une valeur qui a une forte tendance , sur une valeur qui stagne ca multipliera les faux signaux.
En pièce jointe veuillez trouver un imprim ecran de l’indicateur.
Je ne connais pas la formule mathématique mais je suppose qu’elle est ecrite sur le codage mt512/22/2020 at 12:03 AM #154804Indicateur Supertrend + CCI
Il donne des signaux d’achat et de vente . Signal d’achat en vert et signal de vente en rouge. Naturellement il ne fonctionnera que sur une valeur qui a une forte tendance , sur une valeur qui stagne ca multipliera les faux signaux.
En pièce jointe veuillez trouver un imprim ecran de l’indicateur.
Je ne connais pas la formule mathématique mais je suppose qu’elle est ecrite sur le codage mt5
01/02/2021 at 12:10 AM #15589001/04/2021 at 1:35 PM #15623101/06/2021 at 1:31 PM #156585L’indicateur a été convertit, tu peux le télécharger désormais ici : Supertrend + CCI
1 user thanked author for this post.
01/06/2021 at 1:40 PM #156588 -
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