Conversion indicateur trading view en PRT
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- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by
07/24/2024 at 9:49 PM #235739
Bonjour à tous,
Pourriez-vous convertir cet indicateur SMC en langage Probuilder pour PRT, s’il vous plaît ?
Il fonctionne très bien sur TradingView.
J’ai essayé avec les instructions mais il ne fonctionne pas.
Merci d’avance,
Ci-dessous le code Pinescript Ave un fichier rtf joint :
, overlay = true
, max_labels_count = 500
, max_lines_count = 500
, max_boxes_count = 500
, max_bars_back = 500)
color TRANSP_CSS = #ffffff00
string MODE_TOOLTIP = ‘Allows to display historical Structure or only the recent ones’
string STYLE_TOOLTIP = ‘Indicator color theme’
string COLOR_CANDLES_TOOLTIP = ‘Display additional candles with a color reflecting the current trend detected by structure’
string SHOW_INTERNAL = ‘Display internal market structure’
string CONFLUENCE_FILTER = ‘Filter non significant internal structure breakouts’
string SHOW_SWING = ‘Display swing market Structure’
string SHOW_SWING_POINTS = ‘Display swing point as labels on the chart’
string SHOW_SWHL_POINTS = ‘Highlight most recent strong and weak high/low points on the chart’
string INTERNAL_OB = ‘Display internal order blocks on the chart\n\nNumber of internal order blocks to display on the chart’
string SWING_OB = ‘Display swing order blocks on the chart\n\nNumber of internal swing blocks to display on the chart’
string FILTER_OB = ‘Method used to filter out volatile order blocks \n\nIt is recommended to use the cumulative mean range method when a low amount of data is available’
string SHOW_EQHL = ‘Display equal highs and equal lows on the chart’
string EQHL_BARS = ‘Number of bars used to confirm equal highs and equal lows’
string EQHL_THRESHOLD = ‘Sensitivity threshold in a range (0, 1) used for the detection of equal highs & lows\n\nLower values will return fewer but more pertinent results’
string SHOW_FVG = ‘Display fair values gaps on the chart’
string AUTO_FVG = ‘Filter out non significant fair value gaps’
string FVG_TF = ‘Fair value gaps timeframe’
string EXTEND_FVG = ‘Determine how many bars to extend the Fair Value Gap boxes on chart’
string PED_ZONES = ‘Display premium, discount, and equilibrium zones on chart’
mode = input.string(‘Historical’
, options = [‘Historical’, ‘Present’]
, group = ‘Smart Money Concepts’
, tooltip = MODE_TOOLTIP)
style = input.string(‘Colored’
, options = [‘Colored’, ‘Monochrome’]
, group = ‘Smart Money Concepts’
, tooltip = STYLE_TOOLTIP)
show_trend = input(false, ‘Color Candles’
, group = ‘Smart Money Concepts’
//Internal Structure
show_internals = input(true, ‘Show Internal Structure’
, group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’
, tooltip = SHOW_INTERNAL)
show_ibull = input.string(‘All’, ‘Bullish Structure’
, options = [‘All’, ‘BOS’, ‘CHoCH’]
, inline = ‘ibull’
, group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)
swing_ibull_css = input(#089981, ”
, inline = ‘ibull’
, group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)
//Bear Structure
show_ibear = input.string(‘All’, ‘Bearish Structure’
, options = [‘All’, ‘BOS’, ‘CHoCH’]
, inline = ‘ibear’
, group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)
swing_ibear_css = input(#f23645, ”
, inline = ‘ibear’
, group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)
ifilter_confluence = input(false, ‘Confluence Filter’
, group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’
internal_structure_size = input.string(‘Tiny’, ‘Internal Label Size’
, options = [‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’]
, group = ‘Real Time Internal Structure’)
//Swing Structure
show_Structure = input(true, ‘Show Swing Structure’
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’
, tooltip = SHOW_SWING)
//Bull Structure
show_bull = input.string(‘All’, ‘Bullish Structure’
, options = [‘All’, ‘BOS’, ‘CHoCH’]
, inline = ‘bull’
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)
swing_bull_css = input(#089981, ”
, inline = ‘bull’
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)
//Bear Structure
show_bear = input.string(‘All’, ‘Bearish Structure’
, options = [‘All’, ‘BOS’, ‘CHoCH’]
, inline = ‘bear’
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)
swing_bear_css = input(#f23645, ”
, inline = ‘bear’
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)
swing_structure_size = input.string(‘Small’, ‘Swing Label Size’
, options = [‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’]
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)
show_swings = input(false, ‘Show Swings Points’
, inline = ‘swings’
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’
, tooltip = SHOW_SWING_POINTS)
length =, ”
, minval = 10
, inline = ‘swings’
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’)
show_hl_swings = input(true, ‘Show Strong/Weak High/Low’
, group = ‘Real Time Swing Structure’
, tooltip = SHOW_SWHL_POINTS)
//Order Blocks
show_iob = input(true, ‘Internal Order Blocks’
, inline = ‘iob’
, group = ‘Order Blocks’
, tooltip = INTERNAL_OB)
iob_showlast =, ”
, minval = 1
, inline = ‘iob’
, group = ‘Order Blocks’)
show_ob = input(false, ‘Swing Order Blocks’
, inline = ‘ob’
, group = ‘Order Blocks’
, tooltip = SWING_OB)
ob_showlast =, ”
, minval = 1
, inline = ‘ob’
, group = ‘Order Blocks’)
ob_filter = input.string(‘Atr’, ‘Order Block Filter’
, options = [‘Atr’, ‘Cumulative Mean Range’]
, group = ‘Order Blocks’
, tooltip = FILTER_OB)
ibull_ob_css = input.color(, 80), ‘Internal Bullish OB’
, group = ‘Order Blocks’)
ibear_ob_css = input.color(, 80), ‘Internal Bearish OB’
, group = ‘Order Blocks’)
bull_ob_css = input.color(, 80), ‘Bullish OB’
, group = ‘Order Blocks’)
bear_ob_css = input.color(, 80), ‘Bearish OB’
, group = ‘Order Blocks’)
show_eq = input(true, ‘Equal High/Low’
, group = ‘EQH/EQL’
, tooltip = SHOW_EQHL)
eq_len =, ‘Bars Confirmation’
, minval = 1
, group = ‘EQH/EQL’
, tooltip = EQHL_BARS)
eq_threshold = input.float(0.1, ‘Threshold’
, minval = 0
, maxval = 0.5
, step = 0.1
, group = ‘EQH/EQL’
, tooltip = EQHL_THRESHOLD)
eq_size = input.string(‘Tiny’, ‘Label Size’
, options = [‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’]
, group = ‘EQH/EQL’)
//Fair Value Gaps
show_fvg = input(false, ‘Fair Value Gaps’
, group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’
, tooltip = SHOW_FVG)
fvg_auto = input(true, “Auto Threshold”
, group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’
, tooltip = AUTO_FVG)
fvg_tf = input.timeframe(”, “Timeframe”
, group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’
, tooltip = FVG_TF)
bull_fvg_css = input.color(, 70), ‘Bullish FVG’
, group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’)
bear_fvg_css = input.color(, 70), ‘Bearish FVG’
, group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’)
fvg_extend =, “Extend FVG”
, minval = 0
, group = ‘Fair Value Gaps’
, tooltip = EXTEND_FVG)
//Previous day/week high/low
show_pdhl = input(false, ‘Daily’
, inline = ‘daily’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
pdhl_style = input.string(‘⎯⎯⎯’, ”
, options = [‘⎯⎯⎯’, ‘—-‘, ‘····’]
, inline = ‘daily’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
pdhl_css = input(#2157f3, ”
, inline = ‘daily’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
show_pwhl = input(false, ‘Weekly’
, inline = ‘weekly’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
pwhl_style = input.string(‘⎯⎯⎯’, ”
, options = [‘⎯⎯⎯’, ‘—-‘, ‘····’]
, inline = ‘weekly’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
pwhl_css = input(#2157f3, ”
, inline = ‘weekly’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
show_pmhl = input(false, ‘Monthly’
, inline = ‘monthly’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
pmhl_style = input.string(‘⎯⎯⎯’, ”
, options = [‘⎯⎯⎯’, ‘—-‘, ‘····’]
, inline = ‘monthly’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
pmhl_css = input(#2157f3, ”
, inline = ‘monthly’
, group = ‘Highs & Lows MTF’)
//Premium/Discount zones
show_sd = input(false, ‘Premium/Discount Zones’
, group = ‘Premium & Discount Zones’
, tooltip = PED_ZONES)
premium_css = input.color(#f23645, ‘Premium Zone’
, group = ‘Premium & Discount Zones’)
eq_css = input.color(#b2b5be, ‘Equilibrium Zone’
, group = ‘Premium & Discount Zones’)
discount_css = input.color(#089981, ‘Discount Zone’
, group = ‘Premium & Discount Zones’)
n = bar_index
atr = ta.atr(200)
cmean_range = ta.cum(high – low) / n
//HL Output function
hl() => [high, low]
//Get ohlc values function
get_ohlc()=> [close[1], open[1], high, low, high[2], low[2]]
//Display Structure function
display_Structure(x, y, txt, css, dashed, down, lbl_size)=>
structure_line =, y, n, y
, color = css
, style = dashed ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid)
structure_lbl =, n)), y, txt
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = css
, style = down ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up
, size = lbl_size)
if mode == ‘Present’
//Swings detection/measurements
var os = 0
upper = ta.highest(len)
lower = ta.lowest(len)
os := high[len] > upper ? 0 : low[len] < lower ? 1 : os[1]
top = os == 0 and os[1] != 0 ? high[len] : 0
btm = os == 1 and os[1] != 1 ? low[len] : 0
[top, btm]
//Order block coordinates function
ob_coord(use_max, loc, target_top, target_btm, target_left, target_type)=>
min = 99999999.
max = 0.
idx = 1
ob_threshold = ob_filter == ‘Atr’ ? atr : cmean_range
//Search for highest/lowest high within the structure interval and get range
if use_max
for i = 1 to (n – loc)-1
if (high[i] – low[i]) < ob_threshold[i] * 2
max := math.max(high[i], max)
min := max == high[i] ? low[i] : min
idx := max == high[i] ? i : idx
for i = 1 to (n – loc)-1
if (high[i] – low[i]) < ob_threshold[i] * 2
min := math.min(low[i], min)
max := min == low[i] ? high[i] : max
idx := min == low[i] ? i : idx
array.unshift(target_top, max)
array.unshift(target_btm, min)
array.unshift(target_left, time[idx])
array.unshift(target_type, use_max ? -1 : 1)
//Set order blocks
display_ob(boxes, target_top, target_btm, target_left, target_type, show_last, swing, size)=>
for i = 0 to math.min(show_last-1, size-1)
get_box = array.get(boxes, i)
box.set_lefttop(get_box, array.get(target_left, i), array.get(target_top, i))
box.set_rightbottom(get_box, array.get(target_left, i), array.get(target_btm, i))
box.set_extend(get_box, extend.right)
color css = na
if swing
if style == ‘Monochrome’
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ?, 80) :, 80)
border_css = array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? #b2b5be : #5d606b
box.set_border_color(get_box, border_css)
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? bull_ob_css : bear_ob_css
box.set_border_color(get_box, css)
box.set_bgcolor(get_box, css)
if style == ‘Monochrome’
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ?, 80) :, 80)
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? ibull_ob_css : ibear_ob_css
box.set_border_color(get_box, css)
box.set_bgcolor(get_box, css)
//Line Style function
get_line_style(style) =>
out = switch style
‘⎯⎯⎯’ => line.style_solid
‘—-‘ => line.style_dashed
‘····’ => line.style_dotted
//Set line/labels function for previous high/lows
phl(h, l, tf, css)=>
var line high_line =,na,na,na
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, color = css
, style = get_line_style(pdhl_style))
var label high_lbl =,na
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, text = str.format(‘P{0}H’, tf)
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = css
, size = size.small
, style = label.style_label_left)
var line low_line =,na,na,na
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, color = css
, style = get_line_style(pdhl_style))
var label low_lbl =,na
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, text = str.format(‘P{0}L’, tf)
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = css
, size = size.small
, style = label.style_label_left)
hy = ta.valuewhen(h != h[1], h, 1)
hx = ta.valuewhen(h == high, time, 1)
ly = ta.valuewhen(l != l[1], l, 1)
lx = ta.valuewhen(l == low, time, 1)
if barstate.islast
ext = time + (time – time[1])*20
line.set_xy1(high_line, hx, hy)
line.set_xy2(high_line, ext, hy)
label.set_xy(high_lbl, ext, hy)
line.set_xy1(low_line, lx, ly)
line.set_xy2(low_line, ext, ly)
label.set_xy(low_lbl, ext, ly)
//Global variables
var trend = 0, var itrend = 0
var top_y = 0., var top_x = 0
var btm_y = 0., var btm_x = 0
var itop_y = 0., var itop_x = 0
var ibtm_y = 0., var ibtm_x = 0
var trail_up = high, var trail_dn = low
var trail_up_x = 0, var trail_dn_x = 0
var top_cross = true, var btm_cross = true
var itop_cross = true, var ibtm_cross = true
var txt_top = ”, var txt_btm = ”
bull_choch_alert = false
bull_bos_alert = false
bear_choch_alert = false
bear_bos_alert = false
bull_ichoch_alert = false
bull_ibos_alert = false
bear_ichoch_alert = false
bear_ibos_alert = false
bull_iob_break = false
bear_iob_break = false
bull_ob_break = false
bear_ob_break = false
eqh_alert = false
eql_alert = false
//Structure colors
var bull_css = style == ‘Monochrome’ ? #b2b5be
: swing_bull_css
var bear_css = style == ‘Monochrome’ ? #b2b5be
: swing_bear_css
var ibull_css = style == ‘Monochrome’ ? #b2b5be
: swing_ibull_css
var ibear_css = style == ‘Monochrome’ ? #b2b5be
: swing_ibear_css
//Labels size
var internal_structure_lbl_size = internal_structure_size == ‘Tiny’
? size.tiny
: internal_structure_size == ‘Small’
? size.small
: size.normal
var swing_structure_lbl_size = swing_structure_size == ‘Tiny’
? size.tiny
: swing_structure_size == ‘Small’
? size.small
: size.normal
var eqhl_lbl_size = eq_size == ‘Tiny’
? size.tiny
: eq_size == ‘Small’
? size.small
: size.normal
[top, btm] = swings(length)
[itop, ibtm] = swings(5)
//Pivot High
var line extend_top = na
var label extend_top_lbl =, na
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bear_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = size.tiny)
if top
top_cross := true
txt_top := top > top_y ? ‘HH’ : ‘LH’
if show_swings
top_lbl =, top, txt_top
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bear_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = swing_structure_lbl_size)
if mode == ‘Present’
//Extend recent top to last bar
extend_top :=, top, n, top
, color = bear_css)
top_y := top
top_x := n – length
trail_up := top
trail_up_x := n – length
if itop
itop_cross := true
itop_y := itop
itop_x := n – 5
//Trailing maximum
trail_up := math.max(high, trail_up)
trail_up_x := trail_up == high ? n : trail_up_x
//Set top extension label/line
if barstate.islast and show_hl_swings
line.set_xy1(extend_top, trail_up_x, trail_up)
line.set_xy2(extend_top, n + 20, trail_up)
label.set_x(extend_top_lbl, n + 20)
label.set_y(extend_top_lbl, trail_up)
label.set_text(extend_top_lbl, trend < 0 ? ‘Strong High’ : ‘Weak High’)
//Pivot Low
var line extend_btm = na
var label extend_btm_lbl =, na
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bull_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = size.tiny)
if btm
btm_cross := true
txt_btm := btm < btm_y ? ‘LL’ : ‘HL’
if show_swings
btm_lbl = – length, btm, txt_btm
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bull_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = swing_structure_lbl_size)
if mode == ‘Present’
//Extend recent btm to last bar
extend_btm := – length, btm, n, btm
, color = bull_css)
btm_y := btm
btm_x := n-length
trail_dn := btm
trail_dn_x := n-length
if ibtm
ibtm_cross := true
ibtm_y := ibtm
ibtm_x := n – 5
//Trailing minimum
trail_dn := math.min(low, trail_dn)
trail_dn_x := trail_dn == low ? n : trail_dn_x
//Set btm extension label/line
if barstate.islast and show_hl_swings
line.set_xy1(extend_btm, trail_dn_x, trail_dn)
line.set_xy2(extend_btm, n + 20, trail_dn)
label.set_x(extend_btm_lbl, n + 20)
label.set_y(extend_btm_lbl, trail_dn)
label.set_text(extend_btm_lbl, trend > 0 ? ‘Strong Low’ : ‘Weak Low’)
//Order Blocks Arrays
var iob_top = array.new_float(0)
var iob_btm = array.new_float(0)
var iob_left = array.new_int(0)
var iob_type = array.new_int(0)
var ob_top = array.new_float(0)
var ob_btm = array.new_float(0)
var ob_left = array.new_int(0)
var ob_type = array.new_int(0)
//Pivot High BOS/CHoCH
var bull_concordant = true
if ifilter_confluence
bull_concordant := high – math.max(close, open) > math.min(close, open – low)
//Detect internal bullish Structure
if ta.crossover(close, itop_y) and itop_cross and top_y != itop_y and bull_concordant
bool choch = na
if itrend < 0
choch := true
bull_ichoch_alert := true
bull_ibos_alert := true
txt = choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’
if show_internals
if show_ibull == ‘All’ or (show_ibull == ‘BOS’ and not choch) or (show_ibull == ‘CHoCH’ and choch)
display_Structure(itop_x, itop_y, txt, ibull_css, true, true, internal_structure_lbl_size)
itop_cross := false
itrend := 1
//Internal Order Block
if show_iob
ob_coord(false, itop_x, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type)
//Detect bullish Structure
if ta.crossover(close, top_y) and top_cross
bool choch = na
if trend < 0
choch := true
bull_choch_alert := true
bull_bos_alert := true
txt = choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’
if show_Structure
if show_bull == ‘All’ or (show_bull == ‘BOS’ and not choch) or (show_bull == ‘CHoCH’ and choch)
display_Structure(top_x, top_y, txt, bull_css, false, true, swing_structure_lbl_size)
//Order Block
if show_ob
ob_coord(false, top_x, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type)
top_cross := false
trend := 1
//Pivot Low BOS/CHoCH
var bear_concordant = true
if ifilter_confluence
bear_concordant := high – math.max(close, open) < math.min(close, open – low)
//Detect internal bearish Structure
if ta.crossunder(close, ibtm_y) and ibtm_cross and btm_y != ibtm_y and bear_concordant
bool choch = false
if itrend > 0
choch := true
bear_ichoch_alert := true
bear_ibos_alert := true
txt = choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’
if show_internals
if show_ibear == ‘All’ or (show_ibear == ‘BOS’ and not choch) or (show_ibear == ‘CHoCH’ and choch)
display_Structure(ibtm_x, ibtm_y, txt, ibear_css, true, false, internal_structure_lbl_size)
ibtm_cross := false
itrend := -1
//Internal Order Block
if show_iob
ob_coord(true, ibtm_x, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type)
//Detect bearish Structure
if ta.crossunder(close, btm_y) and btm_cross
bool choch = na
if trend > 0
choch := true
bear_choch_alert := true
bear_bos_alert := true
txt = choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’
if show_Structure
if show_bear == ‘All’ or (show_bear == ‘BOS’ and not choch) or (show_bear == ‘CHoCH’ and choch)
display_Structure(btm_x, btm_y, txt, bear_css, false, false, swing_structure_lbl_size)
//Order Block
if show_ob
ob_coord(true, btm_x, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type)
btm_cross := false
trend := -1
//Order Blocks
//Set order blocks
var iob_boxes = array.new_box(0)
var ob_boxes = array.new_box(0)
//Delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
for element in iob_type
index = array.indexof(iob_type, element)
if close < array.get(iob_btm, index) and element == 1
array.remove(iob_top, index)
array.remove(iob_btm, index)
array.remove(iob_left, index)
array.remove(iob_type, index)
bull_iob_break := true
else if close > array.get(iob_top, index) and element == -1
array.remove(iob_top, index)
array.remove(iob_btm, index)
array.remove(iob_left, index)
array.remove(iob_type, index)
bear_iob_break := true
//Delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
for element in ob_type
index = array.indexof(ob_type, element)
if close < array.get(ob_btm, index) and element == 1
array.remove(ob_top, index)
array.remove(ob_btm, index)
array.remove(ob_left, index)
array.remove(ob_type, index)
bull_ob_break := true
else if close > array.get(ob_top, index) and element == -1
array.remove(ob_top, index)
array.remove(ob_btm, index)
array.remove(ob_left, index)
array.remove(ob_type, index)
bear_ob_break := true
iob_size = array.size(iob_type)
ob_size = array.size(ob_type)
if barstate.isfirst
if show_iob
for i = 0 to iob_showlast-1
array.push(iob_boxes,,na,na,na, xloc = xloc.bar_time))
if show_ob
for i = 0 to ob_showlast-1
array.push(ob_boxes,,na,na,na, xloc = xloc.bar_time))
if iob_size > 0
if barstate.islast
display_ob(iob_boxes, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type, iob_showlast, false, iob_size)
if ob_size > 0
if barstate.islast
display_ob(ob_boxes, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type, ob_showlast, true, ob_size)
var eq_prev_top = 0.
var eq_top_x = 0
var eq_prev_btm = 0.
var eq_btm_x = 0
if show_eq
eq_top = ta.pivothigh(eq_len, eq_len)
eq_btm = ta.pivotlow(eq_len, eq_len)
if eq_top
max = math.max(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
min = math.min(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
if max < min + atr * eq_threshold
eqh_line =, eq_prev_top, n-eq_len, eq_top
, color = bear_css
, style = line.style_dotted)
eqh_lbl =, eq_top_x)), eq_top, ‘EQH’
, color = #00000000
, textcolor = bear_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = eqhl_lbl_size)
if mode == ‘Present’
eqh_alert := true
eq_prev_top := eq_top
eq_top_x := n-eq_len
if eq_btm
max = math.max(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
min = math.min(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
if min > max – atr * eq_threshold
eql_line =, eq_prev_btm, n-eq_len, eq_btm
, color = bull_css
, style = line.style_dotted)
eql_lbl =, eq_btm_x)), eq_btm, ‘EQL’
, color = #00000000
, textcolor = bull_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = eqhl_lbl_size)
eql_alert := true
if mode == ‘Present’
eq_prev_btm := eq_btm
eq_btm_x := n-eq_len
//Fair Value Gaps
var bullish_fvg_max = array.new_box(0)
var bullish_fvg_min = array.new_box(0)
var bearish_fvg_max = array.new_box(0)
var bearish_fvg_min = array.new_box(0)
float bullish_fvg_avg = na
float bearish_fvg_avg = na
bullish_fvg_cnd = false
bearish_fvg_cnd = false
[src_c1, src_o1, src_h, src_l, src_h2, src_l2] =, fvg_tf, get_ohlc())
if show_fvg
delta_per = (src_c1 – src_o1) / src_o1 * 100
change_tf = timeframe.change(fvg_tf)
threshold = fvg_auto ? ta.cum(math.abs(change_tf ? delta_per : 0)) / n * 2
: 0
//FVG conditions
bullish_fvg_cnd := src_l > src_h2
and src_c1 > src_h2
and delta_per > threshold
and change_tf
bearish_fvg_cnd := src_h < src_l2
and src_c1 < src_l2
and -delta_per > threshold
and change_tf
//FVG Areas
if bullish_fvg_cnd
array.unshift(bullish_fvg_max,, src_l, n + fvg_extend, math.avg(src_l, src_h2)
, border_color = bull_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bull_fvg_css))
array.unshift(bullish_fvg_min,, math.avg(src_l, src_h2), n + fvg_extend, src_h2
, border_color = bull_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bull_fvg_css))
if bearish_fvg_cnd
array.unshift(bearish_fvg_max,, src_h, n + fvg_extend, math.avg(src_h, src_l2)
, border_color = bear_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bear_fvg_css))
array.unshift(bearish_fvg_min,, math.avg(src_h, src_l2), n + fvg_extend, src_l2
, border_color = bear_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bear_fvg_css))
for bx in bullish_fvg_min
if low < box.get_bottom(bx)
box.delete(array.get(bullish_fvg_max, array.indexof(bullish_fvg_min, bx)))
for bx in bearish_fvg_max
if high > box.get_top(bx)
box.delete(array.get(bearish_fvg_min, array.indexof(bearish_fvg_max, bx)))
//Previous day/week high/lows
//Daily high/low
[pdh, pdl] =, ‘D’, hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Weekly high/low
[pwh, pwl] =, ‘W’, hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Monthly high/low
[pmh, pml] =, ‘M’, hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Display Daily
if show_pdhl
phl(pdh, pdl, ‘D’, pdhl_css)
//Display Weekly
if show_pwhl
phl(pwh, pwl, ‘W’, pwhl_css)
//Display Monthly
if show_pmhl
phl(pmh, pml, ‘M’, pmhl_css)
//Premium/Discount/Equilibrium zones
var premium =, na, na, na
, bgcolor =, 80)
, border_color = na)
var premium_lbl =, na
, text = ‘Premium’
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = premium_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = size.small)
var eq =, na, na, na
, bgcolor = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 80)
, border_color = na)
var eq_lbl =, na
, text = ‘Equilibrium’
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = eq_css
, style = label.style_label_left
, size = size.small)
var discount =, na, na, na
, bgcolor =, 80)
, border_color = na)
var discount_lbl =, na
, text = ‘Discount’
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = discount_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = size.small)
//Show Premium/Discount Areas
if barstate.islast and show_sd
avg = math.avg(trail_up, trail_dn)
box.set_lefttop(premium, math.max(top_x, btm_x), trail_up)
box.set_rightbottom(premium, n, .95 * trail_up + .05 * trail_dn)
label.set_xy(premium_lbl, int(math.avg(math.max(top_x, btm_x), n)), trail_up)
box.set_lefttop(eq, math.max(top_x, btm_x), .525 * trail_up + .475*trail_dn)
box.set_rightbottom(eq, n, .525 * trail_dn + .475 * trail_up)
label.set_xy(eq_lbl, n, avg)
box.set_lefttop(discount, math.max(top_x, btm_x), .95 * trail_dn + .05 * trail_up)
box.set_rightbottom(discount, n, trail_dn)
label.set_xy(discount_lbl, int(math.avg(math.max(top_x, btm_x), n)), trail_dn)
var color trend_css = na
if show_trend
if style == ‘Colored’
trend_css := itrend == 1 ? bull_css : bear_css
else if style == ‘Monochrome’
trend_css := itrend == 1 ? #b2b5be : #5d606b
plotcandle(open, high, low, close
, color = trend_css
, wickcolor = trend_css
, bordercolor = trend_css
, editable = false)
//Internal Structure
alertcondition(bull_ibos_alert, ‘Internal Bullish BOS’, ‘Internal Bullish BOS formed’)
alertcondition(bull_ichoch_alert, ‘Internal Bullish CHoCH’, ‘Internal Bullish CHoCH formed’)
alertcondition(bear_ibos_alert, ‘Internal Bearish BOS’, ‘Internal Bearish BOS formed’)
alertcondition(bear_ichoch_alert, ‘Internal Bearish CHoCH’, ‘Internal Bearish CHoCH formed’)
//Swing Structure
alertcondition(bull_bos_alert, ‘Bullish BOS’, ‘Internal Bullish BOS formed’)
alertcondition(bull_choch_alert, ‘Bullish CHoCH’, ‘Internal Bullish CHoCH formed’)
alertcondition(bear_bos_alert, ‘Bearish BOS’, ‘Bearish BOS formed’)
alertcondition(bear_choch_alert, ‘Bearish CHoCH’, ‘Bearish CHoCH formed’)
//order Blocks
alertcondition(bull_iob_break, ‘Bullish Internal OB Breakout’, ‘Price broke bullish internal OB’)
alertcondition(bear_iob_break, ‘Bearish Internal OB Breakout’, ‘Price broke bearish internal OB’)
alertcondition(bull_ob_break, ‘Bullish Swing OB Breakout’, ‘Price broke bullish swing OB’)
alertcondition(bear_ob_break, ‘Bearish Swing OB Breakout’, ‘Price broke bearish swing OB’)
alertcondition(eqh_alert, ‘Equal Highs’, ‘Equal highs detected’)
alertcondition(eql_alert, ‘Equal Lows’, ‘Equal lows detected’)
alertcondition(bullish_fvg_cnd, ‘Bullish FVG’, ‘Bullish FVG formed’)
alertcondition(bearish_fvg_cnd, ‘Bearish FVG’, ‘Bearish FVG formed’)
07/25/2024 at 8:08 AM #235743Salut. Je l'ai mis dans la liste des traductions. La prochaine fois, essayez de partager le code avec la commande "Ajouter un code PRT", joignez si possible des captures d'écran et le lien vers la page tradingview de l'auteur. Mettez au moins le titre de l'indicateur car je pourrai alors le trouver facilement. Je suis devenu fou en cherchant l'indicateur dans le catalogue tradingview…
07/25/2024 at 9:50 AM #235750Salut Ivan,
Désolé, j’ignorais tout ça. Je ferai ce qu’il faut la prochaine fois.
Le nom de l’indicateur est bien Smart money Concepts par LuxAlgo. Le lien vers la page de l’auteur est le suivant :
Vous y trouverez plusieurs captures d’écran.
Merci pour votre aide et votre réaction rapide.
07/29/2024 at 2:53 PM #235899Hola
Aquí está el código: at 1:13 AM #23590507/30/2024 at 9:35 AM #235916Ahora mejor…
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537defparam drawonlastbaronly=true//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////PRC_Smart Money Concepts//version = 1//29.07.2024//Iván González @ ProRealTime knowledge//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////-----Inputs---------------------------------------------------------------------//length=50n=barindexshowswings=1showHLswings=1showinternals=1showibull=1//1=all 2=bos 3=CHoCHshowibear=1//1=all 2=bos 3=CHoCHshowStructure=1showbull=1//1=all 2=bos 3=CHoCHshowbear=1//1=all 2=bos 3=CHoCHshowOB=1showiOB=1showlastOB=5ifilterConfluence=0obFilter=1 //1=ATR 0=Cumulative mean Range//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////--------------------------------------------------------------------------------//atr=averagetruerange[200](close)cmeanrange=summation[max(1,n)](high-low)/n//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////-----Swings---------------------------------------------------------------------////---Swing lengthos=0upper=highest[length](high)lower=lowest[length](low)if high[length]>upper thenos=0elsif low[length]<lower thenos=1elseos=os[1]endifif os=0 and os[1]<>0 thenmytop=high[length]elsemytop=0endifif os=1 and os[1]<>1 thenmybot=low[length]elsemybot=0endif//---Swing 5os1=0upper1=highest[5](high)lower1=lowest[5](low)if high[5]>upper1 thenos1=0elsif low[5]<lower1 thenos1=1elseos1=os1[1]endifif os1=0 and os1[1]<>0 thenitop=high[5]elseitop=0endifif os1=1 and os1[1]<>1 thenibot=low[5]elseibot=0endif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////-----Pivot High-----------------------------------------------------------------//if mytop thentopcross=1if showswings thenif mytop>topy then$phy[z+1]=mytop$phx[z+1]=n-length$phtype[z+1]=1z=z+1else$phy[z+1]=mytop$phx[z+1]=n-length$phtype[z+1]=-1z=z+1endifendiftopy=mytoptopx=n-lengthtrailup=mytoptrailupx=n-lengthendifif itop thenitopcross=1itopy=itopitopx=n-5endif//Trailing maximuntrailup=max(high,trailup)if trailup=high thentrailupx=nelsetrailupx=trailupxendif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////-----Pivot Low------------------------------------------------------------------//if mybot thenbotcross=1if showswings thenif mybot<boty then$ply[k+1]=mybot$plx[k+1]=n-length$pltype[k+1]=1k=k+1else$ply[k+1]=mybot$plx[k+1]=n-length$pltype[k+1]=-1k=k+1endifendifboty=mybotbotx=n-lengthtraildn=mybottraildnx=n-lengthendifif ibot thenibotcross=1iboty=ibotibotx=n-5endif//Trailing maximuntraildn=min(low,traildn)if traildn=low thentraildnx=nelsetraildnx=traildnxendif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////-----Pivot High BOS/CHoCH-------------------------------------------------------//bullConcordant=1if ifilterConfluence thenbullConcordant=high-max(close,open)>min(close,open-low)endif//Detect internal bullish structureif close crosses over itopy and itopcross and topy<>itopy and bullConcordant thenchoch=undefinedif itrend<0 thenchoch=1bullichochalert=1elsebullibosalert=1endifif showinternals thenif showibull=1 or (showibull=2 and not choch) or (showibull=3 and choch) then$itopx[m+1]=itopx$itopy[m+1]=itopy$ichoch[m+1]=choch$iright[m+1]=barindexm=m+1endifendifitopcross=0itrend=1//Internal order blockif showiOB thenminim=9999999999maxim=0idx=1if obFilter=1 thenobthreshold=atrelseobthreshold=cmeanRangeendiffor i=1 to (n-itopx)-1 doif (high[i]-low[i])<obthreshold[i]*2 thenminim=min(low[i],minim)if minim=low[i] thenmaxim=high[i]idx=ielsemaxim=maximidx=idxendifendifnext$itargetTop[t+1]=maxim$itargetBot[t+1]=minim$itargetLeft[t+1]=barindex[idx]$itargetRight[t+1]=n$itargetType[t+1]=1t=t+1endifendif//Detect bullish Structureif close crosses over topy and topcross thenchoch=undefinedif trend<0 thenchoch=1endifif showStructure thenif showbull=1 or (showbull=2 and not choch) or (showbull=3 and choch) then$topx[g+1]=topx$topy[g+1]=topy$topchoch[g+1]=choch$right[g+1]=barindexg=g+1endifendif//order blockif showOB thenminim=9999999999maxim=0idx=1if obFilter=1 thenobthreshold=atrelseobthreshold=cmeanRangeendiffor i=1 to (n-topx)-1 doif (high[i]-low[i])<obthreshold[i]*2 thenminim=min(low[i],minim)if minim=low[i] thenmaxim=high[i]idx=ielsemaxim=maximidx=idxendifendifnext$targetTop[r+1]=maxim$targetBot[r+1]=minim$targetLeft[r+1]=barindex[idx]$targetRight[r+1]=n$targetType[r+1]=1r=r+1endiftopcross=0trend=1endif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////-----Pivot Low BOS/CHoCH--------------------------------------------------------//bearConcordant=1if ifilterConfluence thenbearConcordant=high-max(close,open)<min(close,open-low)endif//Detect internal bearish Structureif close crosses under iboty and ibotcross and boty<>iboty and bearConcordant thenchoch=0if itrend>0 thenchoch=1bearichochalert=1elsebearichochalert=1endifif showinternals thenif showibear=1 or (showibear=2 and not choch) or (showibear=3 and choch) then$ibotx[s+1]=ibotx$iboty[s+1]=iboty$ibotchoch[s+1]=choch$ibotright[s+1]=barindexs=s+1endifendifibotcross=0itrend=-1//Internal order blockif showiOB thenminim=9999999999maxim=0idx=1if obFilter=1 thenobthreshold=atrelseobthreshold=cmeanRangeendiffor i=1 to (n-ibotx)-1 doif (high[i]-low[i])<obthreshold[i]*2 thenmaxim=max(high[i],maxim)if maxim=high[i] thenminim=low[i]idx=ielseminim=minimidx=idxendifendifnext$itargetTop[t+1]=maxim$itargetBot[t+1]=minim$itargetLeft[t+1]=barindex[idx]$itargetRight[t+1]=n$itargetType[t+1]=-1t=t+1endifendif//Detect Bullish Strcutureif close crosses under boty and botcross thenchoch=undefinedif trend>0 thenchoch=1bearchochalert=1elsebearbosalert=1endifif showStructure thenif showbear=1 or (showbear=2 and not choch) or (showbear=3 and choch) then$botx[w+1]=botx$boty[w+1]=boty$botchoch[w+1]=choch$botright[w+1]=barindexw=w+1endifendif//order blockif showOB thenminim=9999999999maxim=0idx=1if obFilter=1 thenobthreshold=atrelseobthreshold=cmeanRangeendiffor i=1 to (n-botx)-1 doif (high[i]-low[i])<obthreshold[i]*2 thenmaxim=max(high[i],maxim)if maxim=high[i] thenminim=low[i]idx=ielseminim=minimidx=idxendifendifnext$targetTop[r+1]=maxim$targetBot[r+1]=minim$targetLeft[r+1]=barindex[idx]$targetRight[r+1]=n$targetType[r+1]=-1r=r+1endifbotcross=0trend=-1endif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////-----Order Blocks---------------------------------------------------------------////--------------------------------------------------------------------------------////Delete internal Order Blocksfor j=t downto 0 doif close < $itargetBot[j] and $itargetType[j]=1 then$itargetTop[j]=0$itargetBot[j]=0$itargetLeft[j]=0$itargetRight[j]=0$itargetType[j]=undefinedelsif close > $itargetTop[j] and $itargetType[j]=-1 then$itargetTop[j]=0$itargetBot[j]=0$itargetLeft[j]=0$itargetRight[j]=0$itargetType[j]=0endifnext//Delete structural Order Blocksfor j=r downto 0 doif close < $targetBot[j] and $targetType[j]=1 then$targetTop[j]=0$targetBot[j]=0$targetLeft[j]=0$targetRight[j]=0$targetType[j]=undefinedelsif close > $targetTop[j] and $targetType[j]=-1 then$targetTop[j]=0$targetBot[j]=0$targetLeft[j]=0$targetRight[j]=0$targetType[j]=0endifnext//Plot Order Blocks if not brokencountiOB=0countOB=0if islastbarupdate then//---Internal Order Blocksfor i=t downto 0 doif $itargetBot[i]=0 thencountiOB=countiOBelsecountiOB=countiOB+1if countiOB = showlastOB thenbreakelseif close > $itargetTop[i] thendrawrectangle($itargetLeft[i],$itargetBot[i],n+20,$itargetTop[i])coloured("green",0)fillcolor("green",50)elsif close <$itargetBot[i] thendrawrectangle($itargetLeft[i],$itargetBot[i],n+20,$itargetTop[i])coloured("red",0)fillcolor("red",50)elsedrawrectangle($itargetLeft[i],$itargetBot[i],n+20,$itargetTop[i])coloured("yellow",0)fillcolor("yellow",50)endifendifendifnext//---Structural Order Blocksfor i=r downto 0 doif $targetBot[i]=0 thencountOB=countOBelsecountOB=countOB+1if countOB = showlastOB thenbreakelseif close > $targetTop[i] thendrawrectangle($targetLeft[i],$targetBot[i],n+20,$targetTop[i])coloured("green",0)fillcolor("green",100)elsif close <$targetBot[i] thendrawrectangle($targetLeft[i],$targetBot[i],n+20,$targetTop[i])coloured("red",0)fillcolor("red",100)elsedrawrectangle($targetLeft[i],$targetBot[i],n+20,$targetTop[i])coloured("yellow",0)fillcolor("yellow",100)endifendifendifnext//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------////------Draw Pivot Points------------------------------------------------------////-----------------------------------------------------------------------------////---Pivot Highfor i=z downto 0 doif $phtype[i]=1 thendrawtext("HH",$phx[i],$phy[i]+atr*0.5)coloured("red")elsedrawtext("LH",$phx[i],$phy[i]+atr*0.5)coloured("red")endifnext//---Pivot Lowfor i=k downto 0 doif $pltype[i]=1 thendrawtext("LL",$plx[i],$ply[i]-atr*0.5)coloured("green")elsedrawtext("HL",$plx[i],$ply[i]-atr*0.5)coloured("green")endifnext//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------////------Draw Internal Structure------------------------------------------------////-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//for i=m downto 0 dodrawsegment($itopx[i],$itopy[i],$iright[i],$itopy[i])style(dottedline)coloured("green")if $ichoch[i]=1 thendrawtext("CHoCH",($itopx[i]+$iright[i])/2,$itopy[i]+0.25*atr)coloured("green")elsedrawtext("BOS",($itopx[i]+$iright[i])/2,$itopy[i]+0.25*atr)coloured("green")endifnext//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//for i=s downto 0 dodrawsegment($ibotx[i],$iboty[i],$ibotright[i],$iboty[i])style(dottedline)coloured("red")if $ibotchoch[i]=1 thendrawtext("CHoCH",($ibotx[i]+$ibotright[i])/2,$iboty[i]-0.25*atr)coloured("red")elsedrawtext("BOS",($ibotx[i]+$ibotright[i])/2,$iboty[i]-0.25*atr)coloured("red")endifnext//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------////------Draw Structure---------------------------------------------------------////-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//for i=g downto 0 dodrawsegment($topx[i],$topy[i],$right[i],$topy[i])style(line)coloured("green")if $topchoch[i]=1 thendrawtext("CHoCH",($topx[i]+$right[i])/2,$topy[i]+0.25*atr)coloured("green")elsedrawtext("BOS",($topx[i]+$right[i])/2,$topy[i]+0.25*atr)coloured("green")endifnext//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//for i=w downto 0 dodrawsegment($botx[i],$boty[i],$botright[i],$boty[i])style(line)coloured("red")if $botchoch[i]=1 thendrawtext("CHoCH",($botx[i]+$botright[i])/2,$boty[i]+0.25*atr)coloured("red")elsedrawtext("BOS",($botx[i]+$botright[i])/2,$boty[i]+0.25*atr)coloured("red")endifnext//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------////-----Top and Bottom extension------------------------------------------------////-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//if showhlswings thendrawsegment(traildnx,traildn,n+20,traildn)coloured("blue")drawsegment(trailupx,trailup,n+20,trailup)coloured("red")if trend>0 thendrawtext("Strong Low",(traildnx+n+20)/2,traildn-0.35*atr)coloured("blue")drawtext("Weak High",(trailupx+n+20)/2,trailup+0.35*atr)coloured("red")elsedrawtext("Weak Low",(traildnx+n+20)/2,traildn-0.35*atr)coloured("blue")drawtext("Strong High",(trailupx+n+20)/2,trailup+0.35*atr)coloured("red")endifendifendif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------//return1 user thanked author for this post.
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