Copying Alerts

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  • #125204

    I have two Alerts set for each market I trade each containing three conditions. I was wondering if it is possible to save these Alert configurations so I don’t have to type them out in full every time I want to add them to a new market but just copy them over.

    My Alert conditions are:

    Alert 1

    1. Stochastic %K over 80
    2. Stochastic %D over 80
    3. Stochastic %K crosses under Stochastic %D

    Alert 2

    1. Stochastic %K under 20
    2. Stochastic %D under 20
    3. Stochastic %K crosses over Stochastic %D

    I know I could set these up as Screeners but I wanted to have them as Alerts as first choice

    Any advice would be appreciated


    I think I am not understanding your need fully, but is attached any use (at red arrowhead)??


    so I don’t have to type them out in full every time

    Where are you typing them?

    Ah I checked your image … I see now! 🙂

    So yes my 1st suggestion should work, but you would have to set up the conditions on a chart then use the Alert maker then store for later etc ?

    Let us know how you get on please?


    You can’t.

    From within the alert window you can duplicate/cancel conditions, but there’s no provision to duplicate alerts.

    It would be great if, beyond setting an alert on an instrument, we could set an alert on the chart (no matter what instrument is displayed).


    Many thanks for your feedback. I’ll have to type them out in full each time, but would like to see this as a future enhancement.

    Alert templates ?


    Put it forward as an Improvement … click the Suggestion Box in left hand margin.

    You can link to this Topic to make it easier / quicker to complete the Form.


    Will do

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    I questioned my own suggestion, but don’t know the answer! 🙂

    Anybody know what the box / function at the red arrowhead is for?

    It seems to do nothing at all??


    This shows on the chart when an Alert is triggered using that function.

    I was wondering if it’s possible to code a drawing into the Indicator so it shows on the chart instead of a graph


    I think we’ve got my two support requests mixed up ??


    The wording alongside the box states … Store Alerts for future Activation.

    But I don’t see how it is possible to store alerts??

    EDIT / PS

    Aha .. I see now, thanks to your prompt with your screenshots … the alert is stored in the Alerts Table.

    Thank You




    the option you refer to, when ticked, disables the alert, but will keep it for a later use. If you delete it you’ll have to add all conditions again to get it back, if you disable it, you can simply restore it clearing that box.

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