Would it be possible to adapt the following code from Tradingview into Prorealtime?
study(“Cumulative Delta Volume”, “CDV”)
linestyle = input(defval = ‘Candle’, title = “Style”, options = [‘Candle’, ‘Line’])
hacandle = input(defval = true, title = “Heikin Ashi Candles?”)
showma1 = input(defval = false, title = “Show SMA 1”)
ma1len = input(defval = 50, title = “SMA 1 Length”, minval = 1)
showma2 = input(defval = false, title = “Show SMA 2”)
ma2len = input(defval = 200, title = “SMA 2 Length”, minval = 1)
showema1 = input(defval = false, title = “Show EMA 1”)
ema1len = input(defval = 50, title = “EMA 1 Length”, minval = 1)
showema2 = input(defval = false, title = “Show EMA 2”)
ema2len = input(defval = 200, title = “EMA 1 Length”, minval = 1)
tw = high – max(open, close)
bw = min(open, close) – low
body = abs(close – open)
_rate(cond) =>
ret = 0.5 * (tw + bw + (cond ? 2 * body : 0)) / (tw + bw + body)
ret := nz(ret) == 0 ? 0.5 : ret
deltaup = volume * _rate(open <= close)
deltadown = volume * _rate(open > close)
delta = close >= open ? deltaup : -deltadown
cumdelta = cum(delta)
float ctl = na
float o = na
float h = na
float l = na
float c = na
if linestyle == ‘Candle’
o := cumdelta[1]
h := max(cumdelta, cumdelta[1])
l := min(cumdelta, cumdelta[1])
c := cumdelta
ctl := cumdelta
plot(ctl, title = “CDV Line”, color = color.blue, linewidth = 2)
float haclose = na
float haopen = na
float hahigh = na
float halow = na
haclose := (o + h + l + c) / 4
haopen := na(haopen[1]) ? (o + c) / 2 : (haopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2
hahigh := max(h, max(haopen, haclose))
halow := min(l, min(haopen, haclose))
c_ = hacandle ? haclose : c
o_ = hacandle ? haopen : o
h_ = hacandle ? hahigh : h
l_ = hacandle ? halow : l
plotcandle(o_, h_, l_, c_, title=’CDV Candles’, color = o_ <= c_ ? color.lime : color.red)
plot(showma1 and linestyle == “Candle” ? sma(c_, ma1len) : na, title = “SMA 1”, color = color.lime)
plot(showma2 and linestyle == “Candle” ? sma(c_, ma2len) : na, title = “SMA 2”, color = color.red)
plot(showema1 and linestyle == “Candle” ? ema(c_, ema1len) : na, title = “EMA 1”, color = color.lime)
plot(showema2 and linestyle == “Candle” ? ema(c_, ema2len) : na, title = “EMA 2”, color = color.red)
See an example in the attached file.
Thank you in advance!