DAILY BREAKOUT a little coding help

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  • #7222

    I have code made in EA Builder for a DAILY BREAKOUT. This code is only for MT4

    How do i say this in PRT

    Price crosses above Ressistance and Price crosses under Support?

    And a time interval 12.00 hours






    //|                                 Strategy: Daily Breakout 1.0.mq4 |
    //|                                       Created with EABuilder.com |
    //|                                             http://eabuilder.com |
    #property copyright “Created with EABuilder.com”
    #property link      “http://eabuilder.com”
    #property version   “1.00”
    #property description “”
    #include <stdlib.mqh>
    #include <stderror.mqh>
    int LotDigits; //initialized in OnInit
    int MagicNumber = 401652;
    int NextOpenTradeAfterTOD_Hour = 10; //next open trade after time of the day
    int NextOpenTradeAfterTOD_Min = 00; //next open trade after time of the day
    datetime NextTradeTime = 0;
    extern double TradeSize = 0.01;
    int MaxSlippage = 3; //adjusted in OnInit
    bool crossed[2]; //initialized to true, used in function Cross
    extern bool Audible_Alerts = true;
    int MaxOpenTrades = 1000;
    int MaxLongTrades = 1000;
    int MaxShortTrades = 1000;
    int MaxPendingOrders = 1000;
    bool Hedging = true;
    int OrderRetry = 5; //# of retries if sending order returns error
    int OrderWait = 5; //# of seconds to wait if sending order returns error
    double myPoint; //initialized in OnInit
    //— Custom functions ———————————————–
    double ExampleFunction()
    return(High[1] – Low[1]);
    //— End of custom functions —————————————-
    bool Cross(int i, bool condition) //returns true if “condition” is true and was false in the previous call
    bool ret = condition && !crossed[i];
    crossed[i] = condition;
    void myAlert(string type, string message)
    if(type == “print”)
    else if(type == “error”)
    Print(type+” | Daily Breakout 1.0 @ “+Symbol()+”,”+Period()+” | “+message);
    if(Audible_Alerts) Alert(type+” | Daily Breakout 1.0 @ “+Symbol()+”,”+Period()+” | “+message);
    else if(type == “order”)
    if(Audible_Alerts) Alert(type+” | Daily Breakout 1.0 @ “+Symbol()+”,”+Period()+” | “+message);
    else if(type == “modify”)
    int TradesCount(int type) //returns # of open trades for order type, current symbol and magic number
    int result = 0;
    int total = OrdersTotal();
    for(int i = 0; i < total; i++)
    if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) == false) continue;
    if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() != type) continue;
    int myOrderSend(int type, double price, double volume, string ordername) //send order, return ticket (“price” is irrelevant for market orders)
    if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return(-1);
    int ticket = -1;
    int retries = 0;
    int err;
    int long_trades = TradesCount(OP_BUY);
    int short_trades = TradesCount(OP_SELL);
    int long_pending = TradesCount(OP_BUYLIMIT) + TradesCount(OP_BUYSTOP);
    int short_pending = TradesCount(OP_SELLLIMIT) + TradesCount(OP_SELLSTOP);
    string ordername_ = ordername;
    if(ordername != “”)
    ordername_ = “(“+ordername+”)”;
    //test Hedging
    if(!Hedging && ((type % 2 == 0 && short_trades + short_pending > 0) || (type % 2 == 1 && long_trades + long_pending > 0)))
    myAlert(“print”, “Order”+ordername_+” not sent, hedging not allowed”);
    //test maximum trades
    if((type % 2 == 0 && long_trades >= MaxLongTrades)
    || (type % 2 == 1 && short_trades >= MaxShortTrades)
    || (long_trades + short_trades >= MaxOpenTrades)
    || (type > 1 && long_pending + short_pending >= MaxPendingOrders))
    myAlert(“print”, “Order”+ordername_+” not sent, maximum reached”);
    //prepare to send order
    while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
    if(type == OP_BUY)
    price = Ask;
    else if(type == OP_SELL)
    price = Bid;
    else if(price < 0) //invalid price for pending order
    myAlert(“order”, “Order”+ordername_+” not sent, invalid price for pending order”);
    int clr = (type % 2 == 1) ? clrRed : clrBlue;
    while(ticket < 0 && retries < OrderRetry+1)
    ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), type, NormalizeDouble(volume, LotDigits), NormalizeDouble(price, Digits()), MaxSlippage, 0, 0, ordername, MagicNumber, 0, clr);
    if(ticket < 0)
    err = GetLastError();
    myAlert(“print”, “OrderSend”+ordername_+” error #”+err+” “+ErrorDescription(err));
    if(ticket < 0)
    myAlert(“error”, “OrderSend”+ordername_+” failed “+(OrderRetry+1)+” times; error #”+err+” “+ErrorDescription(err));
    string typestr[6] = {“Buy”, “Sell”, “Buy Limit”, “Sell Limit”, “Buy Stop”, “Sell Stop”};
    myAlert(“order”, “Order sent”+ordername_+”: “+typestr[type]+” “+Symbol()+” Magic #”+MagicNumber);
    int myOrderModify(int ticket, double SL, double TP) //modify SL and TP (absolute price), zero targets do not modify
    if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return(-1);
    bool success = false;
    int retries = 0;
    int err;
    SL = NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits());
    TP = NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits());
    if(SL < 0) SL = 0;
    if(TP < 0) TP = 0;
    //prepare to select order
    while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
    if(!OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES))
    err = GetLastError();
    myAlert(“error”, “OrderSelect failed; error #”+err+” “+ErrorDescription(err));
    //prepare to modify order
    while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
    if(CompareDoubles(SL, 0)) SL = OrderStopLoss(); //not to modify
    if(CompareDoubles(TP, 0)) TP = OrderTakeProfit(); //not to modify
    if(CompareDoubles(SL, OrderStopLoss()) && CompareDoubles(TP, OrderTakeProfit())) return(0); //nothing to do
    while(!success && retries < OrderRetry+1)
    success = OrderModify(ticket, NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits()), NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits()), NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits()), OrderExpiration(), CLR_NONE);
    err = GetLastError();
    myAlert(“print”, “OrderModify error #”+err+” “+ErrorDescription(err));
    myAlert(“error”, “OrderModify failed “+(OrderRetry+1)+” times; error #”+err+” “+ErrorDescription(err));
    string alertstr = “Order modified: ticket=”+ticket;
    if(!CompareDoubles(SL, 0)) alertstr = alertstr+” SL=”+SL;
    if(!CompareDoubles(TP, 0)) alertstr = alertstr+” TP=”+TP;
    myAlert(“modify”, alertstr);
    int myOrderModifyRel(int ticket, double SL, double TP) //modify SL and TP (relative to open price), zero targets do not modify
    if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return(-1);
    bool success = false;
    int retries = 0;
    int err;
    SL = NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits());
    TP = NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits());
    if(SL < 0) SL = 0;
    if(TP < 0) TP = 0;
    //prepare to select order
    while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
    if(!OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES))
    err = GetLastError();
    myAlert(“error”, “OrderSelect failed; error #”+err+” “+ErrorDescription(err));
    //prepare to modify order
    while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
    //convert relative to absolute
    if(OrderType() % 2 == 0) //buy
    if(NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits()) != 0)
    SL = OrderOpenPrice() – SL;
    if(NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits()) != 0)
    TP = OrderOpenPrice() + TP;
    else //sell
    if(NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits()) != 0)
    SL = OrderOpenPrice() + SL;
    if(NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits()) != 0)
    TP = OrderOpenPrice() – TP;
    if(CompareDoubles(SL, 0)) SL = OrderStopLoss(); //not to modify
    if(CompareDoubles(TP, 0)) TP = OrderTakeProfit(); //not to modify
    if(CompareDoubles(SL, OrderStopLoss()) && CompareDoubles(TP, OrderTakeProfit())) return(0); //nothing to do
    while(!success && retries < OrderRetry+1)
    success = OrderModify(ticket, NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits()), NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits()), NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits()), OrderExpiration(), CLR_NONE);
    err = GetLastError();
    myAlert(“print”, “OrderModify error #”+err+” “+ErrorDescription(err));
    myAlert(“error”, “OrderModify failed “+(OrderRetry+1)+” times; error #”+err+” “+ErrorDescription(err));
    string alertstr = “Order modified: ticket=”+ticket;
    if(!CompareDoubles(SL, 0)) alertstr = alertstr+” SL=”+SL;
    if(!CompareDoubles(TP, 0)) alertstr = alertstr+” TP=”+TP;
    myAlert(“modify”, alertstr);
    void DrawLine(string objname, double price, int count, int start_index) //creates or modifies existing object if necessary
    if((price < 0) && ObjectFind(objname) >= 0)
    else if(ObjectFind(objname) >= 0 && ObjectType(objname) == OBJ_TREND)
    ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_TIME1, Time[start_index]);
    ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_PRICE1, price);
    ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_TIME2, Time[start_index+count-1]);
    ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_PRICE2, price);
    ObjectCreate(objname, OBJ_TREND, 0, Time[start_index], price, Time[start_index+count-1], price);
    ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
    ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_COLOR, C’0x00,0x00,0xFF’);
    ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
    ObjectSet(objname, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
    double Support(int time_interval, bool fixed_tod, int hh, int mm, bool draw, int shift)
    int start_index = shift;
    int count = time_interval / 60 / Period();
    datetime start_time;
    if(shift == 0)
    start_time = TimeCurrent();
    start_time = Time[shift-1];
    datetime dt = StringToTime(StringConcatenate(TimeToString(start_time, TIME_DATE),” “,hh,”:”,mm)); //closest time hh:mm
    if (dt > start_time)
    dt -= 86400; //go 24 hours back
    int dt_index = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dt, true);
    datetime dt2 = dt;
    while(dt_index < 0 && dt > Time[Bars-1-count]) //bar not found => look a few days back
    dt -= 86400; //go 24 hours back
    dt_index = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dt, true);
    if (dt_index < 0) //still not found => find nearest bar
    dt_index = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dt2, false);
    start_index = dt_index + 1; //bar after S/R opens at dt
    double ret = Low[iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, count, start_index)];
    if (draw) DrawLine(“Support”, ret, count, start_index);
    double Resistance(int time_interval, bool fixed_tod, int hh, int mm, bool draw, int shift)
    int start_index = shift;
    int count = time_interval / 60 / Period();
    datetime start_time;
    if(shift == 0)
    start_time = TimeCurrent();
    start_time = Time[shift-1];
    datetime dt = StringToTime(StringConcatenate(TimeToString(start_time, TIME_DATE),” “,hh,”:”,mm)); //closest time hh:mm
    if (dt > start_time)
    dt -= 86400; //go 24 hours back
    int dt_index = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dt, true);
    datetime dt2 = dt;
    while(dt_index < 0 && dt > Time[Bars-1-count]) //bar not found => look a few days back
    dt -= 86400; //go 24 hours back
    dt_index = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dt, true);
    if (dt_index < 0) //still not found => find nearest bar
    dt_index = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dt2, false);
    start_index = dt_index + 1; //bar after S/R opens at dt
    double ret = High[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, count, start_index)];
    if (draw) DrawLine(“Resistance”, ret, count, start_index);
    void TrailingStopSet(int type, double price) //set Stop Loss at “price”
    int total = OrdersTotal();
    for(int i = total-1; i >= 0; i–)
    while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
    if(!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue;
    if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() != type) continue;
    myOrderModify(OrderTicket(), price, 0);
    bool NewBar()
    static datetime LastTime = 0;
    bool ret = Time[0] > LastTime && LastTime > 0;
    LastTime = Time[0];
    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //initialize myPoint
    myPoint = Point();
    if(Digits() == 5 || Digits() == 3)
    myPoint *= 10;
    MaxSlippage *= 10;
    //initialize LotDigits
    double LotStep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
    if(LotStep >= 1) LotDigits = 0;
    else if(LotStep >= 0.1) LotDigits = 1;
    else if(LotStep >= 0.01) LotDigits = 2;
    else LotDigits = 3;
    NextTradeTime = 0;
    int i;
    //initialize crossed
    for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(crossed); i++)
    crossed[i] = true;
    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //| Expert tick function                                             |
    void OnTick()
    int ticket = -1;
    double price;
    double TP;
    bool isNewBar = NewBar();

    if(isNewBar) TrailingStopSet(OP_BUY, Support(12 * PeriodSeconds(), false, 00, 00, false, 0)); //Trailing Stop = Support
    if(isNewBar) TrailingStopSet(OP_SELL, Resistance(12 * PeriodSeconds(), false, 00, 00, false, 0)); //Trailing Stop = Resistance

    //Open Buy Order, instant signal is tested first
    if(Cross(0, Bid > Resistance(12 * 3600, true, 10, 00, true, 0)) //Price crosses above Resistance
    price = Ask;
    TP = 10 * myPoint; //Take Profit = value in points (relative to price)
    if(TimeCurrent() <= NextTradeTime) return; //next open trade after time of the day
    ticket = myOrderSend(OP_BUY, price, TradeSize, “”);
    if(ticket <= 0) return;
    else //not autotrading => only send alert
    myAlert(“order”, “”);
    NextTradeTime = StringToTime(IntegerToString(NextOpenTradeAfterTOD_Hour)+”:”+IntegerToString(NextOpenTradeAfterTOD_Min));
    while(NextTradeTime <= TimeCurrent()) NextTradeTime += 86400;
    myOrderModifyRel(ticket, 0, TP);

    //Open Sell Order, instant signal is tested first
    if(Cross(1, Bid < Support(12 * 3600, true, 10, 00, true, 0)) //Price crosses below Support
    price = Bid;
    TP = 10 * myPoint; //Take Profit = value in points (relative to price)
    if(TimeCurrent() <= NextTradeTime) return; //next open trade after time of the day
    ticket = myOrderSend(OP_SELL, price, TradeSize, “”);
    if(ticket <= 0) return;
    else //not autotrading => only send alert
    myAlert(“order”, “”);
    NextTradeTime = StringToTime(IntegerToString(NextOpenTradeAfterTOD_Hour)+”:”+IntegerToString(NextOpenTradeAfterTOD_Min));
    while(NextTradeTime <= TimeCurrent()) NextTradeTime += 86400;
    myOrderModifyRel(ticket, 0, TP);


    Yes this is a simple breakout strategy with a trailing stop based on recent support resistance. Have you tried code assisted creation?

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