Deal Breaker!!
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- This topic has 16 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by
04/04/2017 at 11:03 AM #30976
I had 10 autosystems working in demo for about a month and some of them radomly stopped, don´t know why. It was anoying but I can cope with it. But yesterday something really scary happened. Five of them were blocked, In the ProOrder Window appeared as “Detenido” (Stopped in spanish) but with the trades opened and the button of Stop grayed, so I couldn´t stop them. I tried to close the positions from the graph and it said to me “Position already closing”. They were like that all day and two of them are still today, the other two stopped and are down in the area of “Esperando” (Waiting in Spanish). Most of these systems are with low TF, 5 or 15 min and very active, so to have the positions opened for a day is devastating, one of them has lost 62.000 €.
I sent an incidence to PRT, and they just asked me about my code, when for me it´s clear it has nothing to do with it. I even have on the option of stopping when the system fails, in AutoTrading options, something that obviously didn´t do or did it very badly.
Have something like this happened to you? Do you know why it happens?
If I don´t discover why this happened for me is a deal breaker, I wouldn´t risk any money in real with these things happening
I attached the ProOrder Window
04/04/2017 at 11:27 AM #30984I´ve just received an email from PRT, saying that yesterday there was a general incidence and that´s the reason. So if yesterday I would have been operating in real instead of demo I would have lost 62.000 € for a general incidence??? Guau! But hey, they say they are sorry….I copy the mail below, in spanishEstimado XXXXX,Gracias por su correo electrónico.
Le podemos confirmar que hemos detectado una incidencia general en Pro Real Time desde ayer que afecta a las cuentas demo.Por este motivo le pedimos disculpas pero comprendemos que este es el motivo de los errores.Ante cualquier otra cuestión, no dude en contactar con nosotros.
Un saludo cordial,
Atención al Cliente
04/04/2017 at 12:30 PM #30988Sounds very disturbing. I think we need to read the fine print in this situation, because what if it was a real live scenario- devastation. So anyone with the fine print knowledge?
did you check is close of the position in web trader was possible?
Cheers Kasper
04/04/2017 at 2:12 PM #31001PRT do say the incidence affected DEMO accounts.
We can confirm that we have detected an overall incidence in Pro Real Time since yesterday affecting demo accounts.
And, as Kasper suggests, I have always found if anything odd happens I can always close via the IG Positions Tab.
04/04/2017 at 2:27 PM #31002I had news about this problem, it seems that IG trading protocol was not responding correctly yesterday for the demo accounts and it would seem that it was more localized for Spanish users… But of course, this is not official news, just thangs I “heard”.. 🙂
04/04/2017 at 3:01 PM #31007Thank guys,
I didn´t check before in the IG web because I wanted a PRT solution but now I looked now and the positions in the web and this positions doesn´t appear!!!! I just hope I could close them calling by phone but I can´t now.
Does something like this happen you before? because right now I don´t trust it much, if a day I cannot connect or I do late and this happen in real… ufff. So I guess the only way I could trust it it´s in “automatic with my alltime-supervision”, and if these things happen more not even that.
04/04/2017 at 6:33 PM #31024If these kind of things happened in live trading (not your fault, broker side problem), the broker will get your money back for sure. That’s one of the benefit that us (customers) don’t get at all while hosting our program at home or with a rented VPS..
04/04/2017 at 6:47 PM #31030One good thing would be to install the IG App on a smart phone- here you can always check, and close positions very easy- often much faster to close any position here than anywhere else. However I don’t recommend general trading here- it seems to lead to FOMO and I-trade-because-I’m-bored tendencies. non of them has hardly ever been profitable 😉
04/04/2017 at 9:36 PM #31046@Elsborgtrading. Really, you can close running strategies via your phone app? I only tried this once with a runaway position when I was away from home, it failed and I ended up phoning IG to close it for me.
I had an incident with IG some time ago when a position was closed prematurely due to some system error while a winning position was open, it won less than it would have done and I did get compensated for the difference.
Also had an incident last week where I updated a strategy and put it back live, for some reason I had accidently commented out Preloadbars but instead of failing with the yellow triangle it continued to run but didn’t take any positions and I missed 5 (!!) winning trades over 2 days before I realised. I have a ticket open with PRT and am waiting for a response. Will add that to the list of future improvements, surely can’t be that hard for the software to check how many pre-loaded bars are required before letting you go live, it already does it for other things like graph statements etc.
04/05/2017 at 8:20 AM #31066yes in the app, click the position- then click close. much faster than any other way.
04/05/2017 at 9:55 AM #3108504/05/2017 at 12:14 PM #31105Ok thanks, must have been a poor connection or something when it failed on me
04/05/2017 at 1:26 PM #31119The app is a good tool, it has less functions but I like more his design and lyout than the web. But in my case I think was useless, correct me if I am wrong but I think I cannot see the ProOrder systems in the app, only the positions, so I cannot know they got blocked
04/05/2017 at 1:48 PM #31123I´ve just noticed other thing that really disturbs me… I have two positions opened in EUR/USD from two different autosystems, 1 lot long and 1 lot short at different prices. And the result (Profit/Loss) that appeared in the graph of PRT is different than the one in the IG web at the same moment. One position has 1€ difference and 7 € the other one, I send attachments of almost the same moment.
How is this possible? Time Delay? If so, shouldn´t be the difference equal in both positions?
04/05/2017 at 1:50 PM #31126I think this image wasn missed the previous message
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