I had 10 autosystems working in demo for about a month and some of them radomly stopped, don´t know why. It was anoying but I can cope with it. But yesterday something really scary happened. Five of them were blocked, In the ProOrder Window appeared as “Detenido” (Stopped in spanish) but with the trades opened and the button of Stop grayed, so I couldn´t stop them. I tried to close the positions from the graph and it said to me “Position already closing”. They were like that all day and two of them are still today, the other two stopped and are down in the area of “Esperando” (Waiting in Spanish). Most of these systems are with low TF, 5 or 15 min and very active, so to have the positions opened for a day is devastating, one of them has lost 62.000 €. I sent an incidence to PRT, and they just asked me about my code, when for me it´s clear it has nothing to do with it. I even have on the option of stopping when the system fails, in AutoTrading options, something that obviously didn´t do or did it very badly. Have something like this happened to you? Do you know why it happens? If I don´t discover why this happened for me is a deal breaker, I wouldn´t risk any money in real with these things happening I attached the ProOrder Window