Definition of Variables Screen – Needs to be Left Open

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Definition of Variables Screen – Needs to be Left Open

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  • #153007

    Various features (lack of) starting to bug me now about v11! 🙁

    Why couldn’t PRT have left the Close button on the Definition of Variables (DoV) Screen??

    Least in v10.3 we knew we were meant to close the DoV Screen!

    Now in v11 if we close the DoV Screen or click in the coding area … the new variables we have entered or changed are not taken account in the Optimisation run.

    Many times now I do above (new or change variables) then when I see the results appearing I realise that I must have clicked in the coding area or whatever before setting the Optimiser going??

    Anybody else getting this frustrating effect? Or am I missing a trick??



    GraHal, what I recall of it when I started first with V11, is that there’s actually no means to Save anything (for elements) explicitly. Yes, this is crazy.
    So the same would happen to your code, if you close PRT without saving (or PRT closes for you after 18 hours) – you’d just lose the changes.

    Saving things properly (seen from any angle) is something PRT coders are not the best at.

    General remedy for the whole coding environment : using Ctrl-s for the whole platform regularly.
    But actually PRT coders should explain to us what the advantage is of this (crazy) change. I will admit, not saving anything keeps the whole (coding) platform consistent – better consistent than saving one element only. But … come on …


    PS: Disclaimer : My last experiences regarding this are from at least 6 months ago. I learned to live with it mostly so I don’t see / encounter it any more; things could have been improved.


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    what the advantage is of this (crazy) change.

    I agree! Seems that with v11 many changes are change for change sake with no apparent benefit.

    I’m all for change, but ONLY when the change brings improvement, ease of use, benefits?

    When 863k users of PRT worldwide get used to clicking on a Close button after changing variable values in the Optimiser … why o why get rid of the Close button??

    In fact we now have to do the opposite of Close, we have to leave the screen OPEN before Optimising!

    If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!?


    Sorry, if you have not closed the window, the changes made are not taken into consideration, this is what you talked about?


    Thought I was losing it! 🙂 I tried to reproduce what I had experienced and I couldn’t!

    But I have now (by chance) … with the Automatic Trading tab selected (see red arrowhead) if I close the Definition of Variables (DoV) window all the changes and additions I just made to the variables are lost / not saved.

    Okay now I know, I will NOT close the DoV window WITH the Automatic Trading tab selected.

    If it can be broke, I will break it! 🙂

    I also will try not to sound off so readily!

    Best to sit on an anomaly for a few days … I had though and, when PeterSt replied, I got convinced it was an Issue.

    Be good – on posts like mine – if some folk could reply, saying something like … “I’m not getting that Issue, what are you doing?”  Kinda like you did Nicolas … thank you! 🙂


    Best to sit on an anomaly for a few days … I had though and, when PeterSt replied, I got convinced it was an Issue.

    I am a (bad) Influencer. Sorry for that !

    FYI : I have an internal (tough formal) report with 34 issues (written on 14 A4 pages) in the Autotrading environment and all them things not saved (while you surely would want that) are in there too. For fun the first two topics in that document :

    V11.1 (1.8.0_45)

    Feb 15, 2020

    Almost nothing in the Programming environment is saved for position on the screen, size of the form or width if columns, etc. etc. etc.

    Program Code can not explicitly be saved (like Ctrl-s in a coding screen could do that).

    So please beware – regularly save the whole platform data (Ctrl-s) and get acquainted with that or else one day you will be sorry about losing an hour or more of precious coding work.
    As far as I remember, in 10.3 all stuff in such separate windows could be saved (I also recall a “floppy” icon to do that), which in v11 has disappeared.
    Again, unless things recently changed there is one option to save whatever data you changed : save the whole platform (the big master Ctrl-s).

    Mind you please: I never even started to complain at PRT (create a ticket) because I have been fighting with super trivial “Save” issues first. These are mainly related to unexpected platform close down (among which auto closing after 18 hours) that I am super satisfied that it looks like by now (since maybe two months) I nailed all of the most regularly occurring issues (for what I use of the platform, obviously).

    Anyway and summarised, I file the h*ll out of me on tickets for the regular platform, but for the coding environment I only have them internally, so far. This relates to Auto Trading in the direct PRT platform (with IB as broker) being postponed because of Brexit issues, while I don’t want to Auto Trade with IG. So in direct PRT we can only Back Test and I deem it over-done to have issues solved which are actually not really used by me. The fine people at PRT work hard already.


    PS: I can tell you that it is quite a task to save all what there is to save at the right moment(s). Look around in the platform; there’s a kazillion of things. So I’d only complain when there’s no work around which can reasonably be applied. But things really changed for “saving” matters in V11 vs V10.3 and it may fool people. Next time I will try not to agree with you, GraHal. Haha.


    Next time I will try not to agree with you, GraHal. Haha.  Sorry for that !

    Not at all, I’m glad you did! I didn’t mean my comment (above) like it read.

    I’ve got a fast fuse esp when frustrated and I can’t unload onto my wife (she gets enough!).  Oops didn’t mean that like it read either! 🙂





    34 issues

    So how many of these have you sent in to PRT via their Suggestions Form

    I need to get going (using above) as more and more is frustrating me with v11. Us all suggesting stuff can only mean the Platform gets better?

    I need to turn my mind from the fact that we have no visibility of progress after submission (not even a Ticket number, unless that has changed?).

    I am seeing more and more features in V11  that I suggested (years ago) so this is encouraging.



    Oh man, my own fast fuse just exploded into laughing out loud. But my wife does not like contenders, so I will keep it a secret.

    I need to get going (using above) as more and more is frustrating me with v11. Us all suggesting stuff can only mean the Platform gets better?

    I am not sure this is the real path to travel (this is not diplomacy – I just really don’t know). I mean, I did not encounter any “2nd line” human relationships from tickets as such. I really count them : 0 (zero). However …

    Might you be able to enter a fine relationship with your local (UK) 1st line support really human being, then there’s a lot of better chance.
    (shht, don’t tell …) … And if you these days run into our Johan from Holland (you will) and you tell him that this was my advice, he will laugh his *ss out in Double Dutch, will build up a relationship with you because you are the entrepreneur from the (UK) dark side (just tell him that I deem this the truth) and next he may divert you to me (useless), but if you hold on and are persistent with fine ideas, you next may be appointed as pro-support for the UK.
    Of course you can always reject, but when that happens you will be confronted with German support … and then you really have to tell your wife. So not advised.
    I had to, however.

    So I am crazy, right ?
    Maybe. But what I notice is that PRT 1st line support is really really so enjoyable because they know what you are after. They also know their job is the most responsible (because it is about your dollar) and they foremost know their job is to comfort you.

    Still the distance to France is quite far and let’s say that for them the topmost priority is responsibility for your money (now try marry a bookkeeper and see how you’d like that).

    No more lyrics.

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