Delta Flow Profile Conversion from TV to PRT

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Delta Flow Profile Conversion from TV to PRT

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 days ago by avatarIván.
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  • #244593

    I have come across the following indicator in TV and I would kindly ask for a PRT conversion. The indicator is described in the following link:

    while the code is attached below:

    // This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
    // © LuxAlgo


    indicator(“Delta Flow Profile [LuxAlgo]”, “LuxAlgo – Delta Flow Profile”, true, max_bars_back = 1500, max_boxes_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500)

    // Settings

    display = display.all – display.status_line

    vpGR = ‘Calculation Settings’

    vpTP = ‘MONEY FLOW PROFILE:\n\nDisplays total money flow (both buying and selling) over a specified time period at specific price levels. ‘ +
    ‘Row lengths indicate the amount of money flow at specific price levels.\n\n’ +
    ‘NORMALIZED:\n\nThis profile normalizes the money flow data so that the length of each level is presented as a percentage of the maximum level length. This makes it easier to compare levels relative to the peak money flow.’
    vpSH = input.bool(true, ‘Money Flow Profile’, inline = ‘mfp’, group = vpGR, tooltip = vpTP, display = display)
    mfpC = input.color(, 0), ”, inline = ‘mfp’, group = vpGR)
    npSH = input.bool(true, ‘Normalized ‘, inline = ‘mfp’, group = vpGR, tooltip = vpTP, display = display)

    spTP = ‘DELTA PROFILE:\n\nDisplays the delta and the dominant party over a specified time period at specific price levels.’
    spSH = input.bool(true, ‘Delta Profile’, group = vpGR, tooltip = spTP)

    spPT = ‘POLARITY METHOD:\n\n’ +
    ‘Conditions used to calculate the up/down money flow:\n\n’ +
    ‘* Bar Polarity\n up => if close > open\n down => if close <= open\n\n’ +
    ‘* Bar Buying/Selling Pressure\n up => if (close – low) > (high – close)\n down => if (close – low) <= (high – close)’
    spPT1 = ‘Bar Polarity’
    spPT2 = ‘Bar Buying/Selling Pressure’
    spPTY = input.string(spPT1, ‘  Polarity Method’, options = [spPT1, spPT2], inline = ‘pm’, group = vpGR, display = display, tooltip = spPT)
    spBLC = input.color(, 0), ”, inline = ‘pm’, group = vpGR)
    spBRC = input.color(, 0), ”, inline = ‘pm’, group = vpGR)

    pcTP = ‘Displays the price levels with the highest money flow or the changes in these price levels over a specified time period.’
    pcSH = input.bool(true, ‘Level of Significance’, inline = ‘PoC’, group = vpGR, tooltip = pcTP, display = display)
    rpPC = input.string(‘Developing’, ”, options = [‘Developing’, ‘Level’, ‘Row’], inline = ‘PoC’, group = vpGR, display = display)
    vpHVC = input.color(, 25), ”, inline = ‘PoC’, group = vpGR)

    rpLN =, ‘Lookback Length / Fixed Range’, minval = 10, maxval = 1500, step = 10 , group = vpGR, display = display)
    rpLN := last_bar_index > rpLN ? rpLN – 1 : last_bar_index

    rpNR =, ‘Number of Rows’ , minval = 10, maxval = 125 ,step = 5, group = vpGR, display = display)

    otGR = ‘Display Settings’

    rpW =, ‘Profile Width %’, minval = 10, maxval = 50, group = otGR, display = display) / 100
    vpHO =, ‘Profile Horizontal Offset’, group = otGR, display = display)

    vpLS = input.string(‘Tiny’, “Profile Text”, options=[‘Auto’, ‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘None’], inline = ‘txt’, group = otGR, display = display)
    vpLC = input.bool(false, ‘Currency’, inline = ‘txt’, group = otGR)

    rpPL = input.bool(false, ‘Profile Price Levels’, inline = ‘BBe’, group = otGR)
    rpLS = input.string(‘Small’, “”, options=[‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’], inline = ‘BBe’, group = otGR, display = display)

    // User Defined Types

    type bar
    float o = open
    float h = high
    float l = low
    float c = close
    float v = volume
    int i = bar_index

    // Variables

    bar b =
    nzV = nz(b.v)

    rpVST = array.new_float(rpNR, 0.)
    rpVSB = array.new_float(rpNR, 0.)
    rpVSD = array.new_float(rpNR, 0.)

    var dRP = array.new_box()
    var dPR = array.new_line()
    var pocPoints =<chart.point>()
    var polyline pocPolyline = na

    var float pLST = na
    var float pHST = na
    var int sI = na
    var color llC = na

    // Functions/Methods

    f_drawLabelX(_x, _y, _text, _style, _textcolor, _size, _tooltip) =>
    var lb =, _y, _text, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color(na), _style, _textcolor, _size, text.align_left, _tooltip)
    lb.set_xy(_x, _y)

    f_gTxtSz(_t) =>
    switch _t
    ‘Tiny’ => size.tiny
    ‘Small’ => size.small
    ‘Normal’ => size.normal

    // Calculations

    bull = spPTY == spPT1 ? b.c > b.o : (b.c – b.l) > (b.h – b.c)

    rpS = f_gTxtSz(rpLS)
    vpS = f_gTxtSz(vpLS)

    if b.i == last_bar_index – rpLN
    sI := b.i
    pLST := b.l
    pHST := b.h
    else if b.i > last_bar_index – rpLN
    pLST := math.min(b.l, pLST)
    pHST := math.max(b.h, pHST)

    pSTP = (pHST – pLST) / rpNR

    if barstate.islast and not na(nzV) and not timeframe.isseconds and rpLN > 0 and pSTP > 0 and nzV > 0

    if dRP.size() > 0
    for i = 0 to dRP.size() – 1

    if dPR.size() > 0
    for i = 0 to dPR.size() – 1

    if pocPoints.size() > 0

    a_allPolylines = polyline.all
    if array.size(a_allPolylines) > 0
    for i = 0 to array.size(a_allPolylines) – 1

    for bI = rpLN to 0
    l = 0
    for pLL = pLST to pHST – pSTP by pSTP
    if b.h[bI] >= pLL and b.l[bI] < pLL + pSTP

    vPOR = if b.l[bI] >= pLL and b.h[bI] > pLL + pSTP
    (pLL + pSTP – b.l[bI]) / (b.h[bI] – b.l[bI])
    else if b.h[bI] <= pLL + pSTP and b.l[bI] < pLL
    (b.h[bI] – pLL) / (b.h[bI] – b.l[bI])
    else if (b.l[bI] >= pLL and b.h[bI] <= pLL + pSTP)
    pSTP / (b.h[bI] – b.l[bI])

    rpVST.set(l, rpVST.get(l) + nzV[bI] * vPOR * (pLST + (l + .5) * pSTP) )

    if bull[bI] and spSH
    rpVSB.set(l, rpVSB.get(l) + nzV[bI] * vPOR * (pLST + (l + .5) * pSTP))
    l += 1

    if pcSH and rpPC == ‘Developing’
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(b.i[bI], pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))

    vtMX = rpVST.max()

    for l = 0 to rpNR – 1
    vtLV = rpVST.get(l)
    LpM = vtLV / vtMX

    bbp = 2 * rpVSB.get(l) – vtLV
    rpVSD.set(l, rpVSD.get(l) + bbp * (bbp > 0 ? 1 : -1) )

    if vpSH and npSH
    llC := color.from_gradient(LpM, 0, 1,, 93),, 53))

    sBI = b.i + int(4 * rpLN * rpW / 3)
    dRP.push( + 1 + vpHO, pLST + (l + .03) * pSTP, sBI + int(rpLN * rpW / 3) + 3 + vpHO, pLST + (l + .97) * pSTP, color(na), bgcolor = llC))
    dPR.push( + 1 + vpHO, pLST + (l + .0) * pSTP, sBI + int(rpLN * rpW / 3) + 3 + vpHO, pLST + (l + .0) * pSTP, color = color.gray, width = 2))

    if l == rpNR – 1
    dPR.push( + 1 + vpHO, pLST + (l + 1.) * pSTP, sBI + int(rpLN * rpW / 3) + 3 + vpHO, pLST + (l + 1.) * pSTP, color = color.gray, width = 2))

    sBI := sBI + int(rpLN * rpW / 3) + 3 + vpHO
    eBI = sBI – int(LpM * (int(rpLN * rpW / 3) + 2))
    llC := color.from_gradient(LpM, 0, 1,, 53),, 13))
    dRP.push(, pLST + (l + .1) * pSTP, eBI, pLST + (l + .9) * pSTP, color(na), bgcolor = llC,
    text = vpLS != ‘None’ ? str.tostring(LpM * 100, format.percent) : ”, text_color = LpM == 1 ? : LpM > .5 ? chart.bg_color : chart.fg_color, text_halign = text.align_right, text_size = LpM == 1 ? size.small : size.tiny)) //vpS ))

    if spSH
    bbp = 2 * rpVSB.sum() – rpVST.sum()
    llC := bbp > 0 ? spBLC : spBRC
    dPR.push(, pLST, sI, pHST, color = llC, width = 2))

    if vpSH
    dPR.push( + int(4 * rpLN * rpW / 3) + 1 + vpHO, pLST, b.i + int(4 * rpLN * rpW / 3) + 1 + vpHO, pHST, color = mfpC, width = 2))

    if npSH
    dPR.push( + int(5 * rpLN * rpW / 3) + 3 + vpHO, pLST, b.i + int(5 * rpLN * rpW / 3) + 3 + vpHO, pHST, color = mfpC, width = 2))

    if rpPL
    f_drawLabelX(vpSH ? b.i + int(4 * rpLN * rpW / 3) + 1 + vpHO : b.i, pHST, ‘Profile High · ‘ + str.tostring(pHST, format.mintick), label.style_label_down, mfpC, rpS,
    ‘Profile High · ‘ + str.tostring(pHST, format.mintick) + ‘\n %’ + str.tostring((pHST – pLST) / pLST * 100, ‘#.##’) + ‘ higher than the Profile Low\n\n’ +
    ‘Total Money Flow (‘ + syminfo.currency + ‘) : ‘ + str.tostring(rpVST.sum(), format.volume) +
    ‘\nNumber of bars : ‘ + str.tostring(rpLN + 1))

    f_drawLabelX(vpSH ? b.i + int(4 * rpLN * rpW / 3) + 1 + vpHO : b.i, pLST, ‘Profile Low · ‘ + str.tostring(pLST, format.mintick), label.style_label_up , mfpC, rpS,
    ‘Profile Low · ‘ + str.tostring(pLST, format.mintick) + ‘\n %’ + str.tostring((pHST – pLST) / pHST * 100, ‘#.##’) + ‘ lower than the Profile High\n\n’ +
    ‘Total Money Flow (‘ + syminfo.currency + ‘) : ‘ + str.tostring(rpVST.sum(), format.volume) +
    ‘\nNumber of bars : ‘ + str.tostring(rpLN + 1))

    vdMX = rpVSD.max()

    for l = 0 to rpNR – 1
    if dRP.size() < 500
    vtLV = rpVST.get(l)
    LpM = vtLV / vtMX
    DpM = rpVSD.get(l) / vdMX

    if vpSH
    sBI = b.i + int(4 * rpLN * rpW / 3)
    eBI = sBI – int(LpM * rpLN * rpW)
    llC := color.from_gradient(LpM, 0, 1,, 73),, 3))

    dRP.push( + vpHO, pLST + (l + .1) * pSTP, eBI + vpHO, pLST + (l + .9) * pSTP, color(na), bgcolor = llC,
    text = (vpLS != ‘None’ ? str.tostring(array.get(rpVST, l), format.volume) + (vpLC ? ‘ ‘ + syminfo.currency : ”) +
    ‘ (‘ + str.tostring(math.abs(vtLV / rpVST.sum() * 100), ‘#.##’) + ‘%)’ : ”),
    text_halign = text.align_right, text_color = LpM == 1 ? color.yellow : chart.fg_color, text_size = vpS ))

    if spSH
    sBI = sI
    eBI = sBI + int(DpM * rpLN * rpW)
    bbp = 2 * rpVSB.get(l) – vtLV
    llC := bbp > 0 ? color.from_gradient(DpM, 0, 1,, 80),, 20)) :
    color.from_gradient(DpM, 0, 1,, 80),, 20))

    dRP.push( + 1, pLST + (l + .1) * pSTP, eBI + 1, pLST + (l + .9) * pSTP, color(na), bgcolor = llC,
    text = (vpLS != ‘None’ ? str.tostring(bbp, format.volume) + (vpLC ? ‘ ‘ + syminfo.currency : ”) : ”), text_halign = text.align_left, text_color = chart.fg_color, text_size = vpS ))

    if pcSH and LpM == 1

    eBI = vpSH ? b.i + math.round(rpLN * rpW / 3) + vpHO : b.i

    if rpPC == ‘Row’ or rpPC == ‘Level’
    if spSH
    sBI = sI + int(DpM * rpLN * rpW)
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(sBI + 3, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(sBI + 1, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .2) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(sBI + 3, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(sBI + 1, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .8) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(sBI + 3, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))

    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(b.i[rpLN], pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))

    if vpSH
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(eBI – 2, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(eBI, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .2) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(eBI – 2, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(eBI, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .8) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(eBI – 2, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))
    pocPoints.push(chart.point.from_index(eBI, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(rpVST.max()) + .5) * pSTP))

    if rpPC == ‘Row’ or rpPC == ‘Level’
    pocPolyline :=, false, false, xloc.bar_index, vpHVC, color(na), rpPC == ‘Level’ ? line.style_solid : line.style_dotted, rpPC == ‘Level’ ? 2 : 1)

    if rpPC == ‘Row’
    dRP.push( ? sI + int(DpM * rpLN * rpW) + 1 : b.i[rpLN], pLST + (rpVST.indexof(vtMX) + .1) * pSTP, eBI, pLST + (rpVST.indexof(vtMX) + .9) * pSTP, vpHVC, bgcolor =, 73) ))

    if pcSH and rpPC == ‘Developing’
    pocPolyline :=, false, false, xloc.bar_index, vpHVC, color(na), line.style_solid, 2)




    Hi. Here is the code.

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