My scenario is like this.
I have a template for my daily trades in which I have a chart with the price for the intrument.
In this chart I want to add a stoploss based upon the atr (Chandelier).
This indicator should only be shown from a specific date (when the trade was taken) and could be entered by a setting.
Another setting that could differ from intrument to instrument is the multiple of the atr.
I have a list with my open daily trades in this daily template which I want to go through each day but when I do this the setting for the chart is the same for all instruments.
Of course I could have a seperate template for every open trade but that make it more complicated.
Btw I have tried to use DateToBarIndex to implement part of this but it seems that this function doesn’t exist in ver. 11.1 – 1.8.0_202. Is that correct?