Hi, Guyes
I know this might not be the proper place to ask this but since you all are prorealtime community so i’m asking -I just wanted to know that do you guys gets the same warning message while subscribing for the prorealtime platform services Here is the warning message-
“Warning, please read before you continue
During the validation of your payment, the amount of the operation will be indicated at the maximum allowed: €900.00.
This is NOT the amount ProRealTime will debit every month.
ProRealTime will only debit your bank account for your actual monthly subscription amount (including additional prorate amounts for adding extra markets or services you ordered during the previous month.”
-by the way i have talked with customer care i just wanted to know from you all that it is ok to rely solely on prorealtime that they will charge only subscription amount not 900 Euro .Because i’m getting the message from my payment bank also that if i permit this transaction then €900 will be charged while prorealtime saying only subscription cost(which is €29 ) ,So i’m confused –