Hello ,
I am tyring to see if it’s possible have a screener to see the percentage of ATR done for the day (14 periods) and RVOL done for the day (10 periods).
This would give us an idea how much more juice left in the trade from a per point perspective and how much volume is there to achive that objective.
Here is the link https://www.tradingview.com/script/JmoFByTz-DTR-vs-ATR-w-RVol/
// © ssksubam
// Relative Volume in Percentage (%) label
study(“DTR vs ATR”, “DTR vs ATR”, true, scale = scale.none)
var string GP1 = “Input Data”
atrLen = input(defval=14, title=”ATR Length”, type=input.integer, group = GP1)
atrSmooth = input(title=”Smoothing Type”, type=input.string, defval=”RMA”, options=[“EMA”, “RMA”, “SMA”, “WMA”], group = GP1)
vol_len = input(title=”Relative Volume Length”, defval=20, group = GP1)
var string GP2 = “Display”
txt_sizeopt = input(title=”Text Size”, defval=”auto”, inline = “10”, options = [“auto”, “tiny”, “small”, “normal”, “large”, “huge”], group = GP2)
txt_size = (txt_sizeopt == “auto”) ? size.auto : (txt_sizeopt == “tiny”) ? size.tiny : (txt_sizeopt == “small”) ? size.small : (txt_sizeopt == “normal”) ? size.normal : (txt_sizeopt == “large”) ? size.large : size.huge
string i_tableYpos = input(“top”, “Panel position”, inline = “11”, options = [“top”, “middle”, “bottom”], group = GP2)
string i_tableXpos = input(“right”, “”, inline = “11”, options = [“left”, “center”, “right”], group = GP2)
show_header = input(true, title=”Show Table Header”, type=input.bool, inline = “12”, group = GP2)
color header_color = input(#ba68c8, “”, inline = “12”, group = GP2)
var table dtrDisplay = table.new(i_tableYpos + “_” + i_tableXpos, 2, 2, border_width = 1, border_color=color.white)
Round( _val, _decimals) =>
// Rounds _val to _decimals places.
_p = pow(10,_decimals)
format_text(str) =>
str + “\n”
t = tickerid(syminfo.prefix, syminfo.ticker)
f_AvgTrueRange() =>
float result = 0
if (atrSmooth == “EMA”)
result := ema(tr, atrLen)
if (atrSmooth == “RMA”)
result := rma(tr, atrLen)
if (atrSmooth == “SMA”)
result := sma(tr, atrLen)
if (atrSmooth == “WMA”)
result := wma(tr, atrLen)
timeFrame = timeframe.isweekly ? “W” : timeframe.ismonthly ? “M” : “D”
avg_atr = security(t, timeFrame, f_AvgTrueRange(), lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
daily_atr = security(t, timeFrame, high) – security(t, timeFrame, low)
dtrpct = round((daily_atr / avg_atr ) * 100)
today_vol = security(t, timeFrame, volume)
yday_vol = security(t, timeFrame, volume[1])
avg_vol = security(t, timeFrame, sma(yday_vol, vol_len))
volpct = round((today_vol / avg_vol ) * 100)
final_atr = format_text(tostring(Round(daily_atr,2)) + ” vs ” + tostring(Round(avg_atr,2)) + ” => ” + tostring(dtrpct) +”%”)
final_rvol = format_text(tostring(volpct) +”%”)
color_atr = (dtrpct <= 70) ? color.new(color.green, 0) : ((dtrpct >= 90) ) ? color.new(color.red, 0) : color.new(color.orange, 5)
if barstate.islast
// We only populate the table on the last bar.
if (show_header == true)
table.cell(dtrDisplay, 0, 0, timeFrame+”TR vs ATR”, bgcolor = header_color, text_size=txt_size)
table.cell(dtrDisplay, 1, 0, “RVol”, bgcolor = header_color, text_size=txt_size)
table.cell(dtrDisplay, 0, 1, final_atr, bgcolor=color_atr, text_size=txt_size)
table.cell(dtrDisplay, 1, 1, final_rvol, bgcolor=color_atr, text_size=txt_size)
table.cell(dtrDisplay, 0, 0, final_atr, bgcolor=color_atr, text_size=txt_size)
table.cell(dtrDisplay, 1, 0, final_rvol, bgcolor=color_atr, text_size=txt_size)
showbarLine = input(false, title=”Show Selected Bar RVol Line”)
bar_today_vol = volume
bar_avg_vol = sma((volume[1]), vol_len)
bar_volpct = round((bar_today_vol / bar_avg_vol ) * 100)
plot(bar_volpct, color=showbarLine ? color.red : na, linewidth=1, title=”Each Bar RVol”)