Dynamic Price Line Indicators

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Dynamic Price Line Indicators

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  • #3488


    I am trying to determine if the indicators I require are included as standard, or will require any custom coding.

    I have 2 Price Lines setup on a the main price chart using the standard price line indicators.

    1. Displays previous days close.
    2. Displays current days open.

    What I am after is the option to setup additional price lines, offset from the current day open. ie +.10 , +20, -.10 , -.20, etc.

    I can add these manually to the main chart, but it is time consuming, and it would be ideal to configure these as a dynamic indicator.

    Can anyone advise if this can be done with the standard indicators, I cant seem to find one.

    Many Thanks


    Hello scribbles, welcome on ProRealCode.

    There is no such indicator already included in the platform. If you just want to add plus and minus lines offset from the day open, it is not difficult to add them by code.

    Hold on an hour or two while I finish other hurry duties and I’ll post the indicator for you to understand 🙂


    That will be most helpful, thanks


    Here we go, as simple as it is.


    PriceLines indicator

    Would be great to make a small presentation of yourself scribbles, here : http://www.prorealcode.com/forum/announcements/forums-new-members/

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