Erreur à la fin des codes

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  • #233542


    Je me heurte au probleme suivant avec mon screener: Characters missing: end of code.

    Pouvez vous m aidez à corriger les erreurs, merci.

    currentEarningsGrowth = (close – close[3]) / close[3] * 100
    annualEarningsGrowth = (close – close[4]) / close[4] * 100
    revenueGrowth = (close – close[6]) / close[6] * 100
    profitMargins = (close – close[8]) / close[8] * 100

    peRatio = close / average[5](close)
    pbRatio = close / average[20](close)
    pegRatio = peRatio / annualEarningsGrowth

    volumeAverage = average[20](volume)

    shortMA = average[50](close)
    longMA = average[200](close)
    rsiValue = RSI[14](close)
    [macdLine, signalLine] = MACD[12, 26, 9](close)
    macdHist = macdLine – signalLine
    adxValue = ADX[14](high, low, close)
    [upperBB, middleBB, lowerBB] = BollingerBands[20, 2](close)
    obvValue = OBV(close, volume)
    accDistValue = AccDist(high, low, close, volume)
    [conversionLine, baseLine, spanA, spanB, laggingSpan] = IchimokuCloud(high, low, close)

    newsSentiment = 1
    socialSentiment = 1
    sectorRotation = 1
    geopoliticalStability = 1

    fundamentalCondition = currentEarningsGrowth > 25 and annualEarningsGrowth > 25 and revenueGrowth > 15 and profitMargins > 10 and peRatio < 20 and pbRatio < 3 and pegRatio < 1.5
    technicalCondition = shortMA > longMA and rsiValue > 30 and rsiValue < 70 and macdHist > 0 and adxValue > 20 and close > upperBB and obvValue > average[20](obvValue) and accDistValue > average[20](accDistValue) and conversionLine > baseLine and spanA > spanB and laggingSpan > close
    sentimentCondition = newsSentiment > 0 and socialSentiment > 0
    macroCondition = sectorRotation > 0 and geopoliticalStability > 0

    combinedCondition = fundamentalCondition and technicalCondition and sentimentCondition and macroCondition



    Essayez de remplacer la dernière ligne par ceci :



    Merci, mais ca ne semble pas fonctionné


    dans le code donnée il y a une erreur

    [macdLine, signalLine] = MACD[12, 26, 9](close)

    en regardant de prêt ,il y a plein erreur

    voici le debut modifié



    3 users thanked author for this post.

    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide. je vais tester les codes. Bonne journee


    Merci d’avoir pris le temps de modifier les variables. Tout semble correcte.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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