mydistanciamax = CALL "Distancia a maximos"
porcentaje = (mydistanciamax - close) / close * 100
mydistanciaPV, ignored = CALL "DISTANCIA MM30pv"
mydistancia, ignored = CALL "DISTANCIA MM30"
ignored, ignored, ignored, mfuerte, ignored, ignored, ignored, ignored = CALL "Blai5 Koncorde v.09" [15]
myCPM = CALL "Capital proporcional medio" [52]
Promedio = ( myCPM+ myCPM[1]+ myCPM[2]) / 3
Promedio5 = ( myCPM+ myCPM[1]+ myCPM[2]+ myCPM[3]+ myCPM[4]) / 5
mm30 = WeightedAverage [30] (close)
cap = volume * close
c1 = 0
if (mydistancia < 3 and (mfuerte > 5 and Promedio > 5)) then
c1 = 1
c2 = 0
if (mydistanciaPV < 7 and MM30<close and MM30>MM30[1]) then
c2 = 1
c3 = 0
if CLOSE[1] < OPEN[1] AND OPEN < CLOSE[1] AND CLOSE > OPEN[1] then
c3 = 1
apoyo = 0
if c1>0 and c2 > 0 and c3 > 0 and cap > 1000000 then
apoyo = 10
if (porcentaje < 2 and (mydistanciamax = mydistanciamax [10]) and mydistancia < 8 and (mfuerte > 0 or Promedio5 > 0) and cap > 1000000) then
c4 = 10
return apoyo as "apoyo", c4 as "fuga"