eur/usd position à la vente
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- This topic has 51 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 2 months ago by
12/24/2022 at 10:53 AM #206274
Bonjour à tous,
je vous joint une technique qui m’a fait du 100% depuis le 02/06/21 mais je voudrais avoir l’avis d’expert pour améliorer les gains (vous pouvez retirer également la condition c3 mais un peu de perte prévu)
Programmé de 09h00 à 11h00 sur eur/usd
technique simple mais qui semble correcte.
Merci à nicolas et robberto au passage j’ai utilisé votre programme de breakeven.
Alors si quelq’un pourrais se pencher dessus pour esseyer de l’améliorer et qu’il partage ses connaissances.
bonne fête à tous.
eur/usd 3 minutes123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166// Définition des paramètres du codeDEFPARAM CumulateOrders = FalseDEFPARAM PRELOADBARS = 2000// Empêche le système de placer des ordres pour entrer sur le marché ou augmenter la taille d'une position avant l'heure spécifiéenoEntryBeforeTime = 090000timeEnterBefore = time >= noEntryBeforeTime// Empêche le système de placer des ordres pour entrer sur le marché ou augmenter la taille d'une position après l'heure spécifiéenoEntryAfterTime = 110000timeEnterAfter = time < noEntryAfterTime// Empêche le système de placer de nouveaux ordres sur les jours de la semaine spécifiésdaysForbiddenEntry = OpenDayOfWeek = 6 OR OpenDayOfWeek = 0// Conditions pour ouvrir une position en vente à découvertindicator1 = SenkouSpanB[9,26,52]c1 = (close CROSSES UNDER indicator1)indicator2 = SenkouSpanA[9,26,52]c2 = (close CROSSES UNDER indicator2)indicator3 = ExponentialAverage[300](close)c3 = (close > indicator3)IF (c1 AND c2 and c3) AND timeEnterBefore AND timeEnterAfter AND not daysForbiddenEntry and tally < maxTrades THENsellshort 1 CONTRACT AT MArketpartial=0endif// sortie partielleif shortonmarket and positionperf>0.10/100 and partial=0 thenexitshort 0.5 contract at marketpartial = 1endifonce maxTrades = 10 //maxNumberDailyTradesonce tally = 0if intradayBarIndex = 0 thentally = 0endifnewTrades = (onMarket and not onMarket[1]) or ((not onMarket and not onMarket[1]) and (strategyProfit <> strategyProfit[1])) or (longOnMarket and ShortOnMarket[1]) or (longOnMarket[1] and shortOnMarket) or ((tradeIndex(1) = tradeIndex(2)) and (barIndex = tradeIndex(1)) and (barIndex > 0) and (strategyProfit = strategyProfit[1]))if newTrades thentally = tally +1endif//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//Max-Orders per Dayonce maxOrdersL = 1 //longonce maxOrdersS = 1 //shortif intradayBarIndex = 0 then //reset orders countordersCountL = 0ordersCountS = 0endifif longTriggered then //check if an order has opened in the current barordersCountL = ordersCountL + 1endifif shortTriggered then //check if an order has opened in the current barordersCountS = ordersCountS + 1endif//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Stops et objectifsset stop %loss 0.58set target %profit 0.195IF Not OnMarket THEN//// when NOT OnMarket reset values to default values//TrailStart = 2.45 //30 Start trailing profits from this 1.74BasePerCent = 0.000 //20.0% Profit percentage to keep when setting BerakEvenStepSize = 1 //10 Pip chunks to increase PercentagePerCentInc = 0.000 //10.0% PerCent increment after each StepSize chunkBarNumber = 10 //10 Add further % so that trades don't keep running too longBarPerCent = 0.235 //10% Add this additional percentage every BarNumber barsRoundTO = -0.5 //-0.5 rounds always to Lower integer, +0.4 rounds always to Higher integer, 0 defaults PRT behaviourPriceDistance = 9 * pipsize //7 minimun distance from current pricey1 = 0 //reset to 0y2 = 0 //reset to 0ProfitPerCent = BasePerCent //reset to desired default valueTradeBar = BarIndexELSIF LongOnMarket AND close > (TradePrice + (y1 * pipsize)) THEN //LONG positions//// compute the value of the Percentage of profits, if any, to lock in for LONG trades//x1 = (close - tradeprice) / pipsize //convert price to pipsIF x1 >= TrailStart THEN // go ahead only if N+ pipsDiff1 = abs(TrailStart - x1) //difference from current profit and TrailStartChunks1 = max(0,round((Diff1 / StepSize) + RoundTO)) //number of STEPSIZE chunksProfitPerCent = BasePerCent + (BasePerCent * (Chunks1 * PerCentInc)) //compute new size of ProfitPerCent// compute number of bars elapsed and add an additionl percentage// (this percentage is different from PerCentInc, since it's a direct percentage, not a Percentage of BasePerCent)// (if BasePerCent is 20% and this is 10%, the whole percentage will be 30%, not 22%)BarCount = BarIndex - TradeBarIF BarCount MOD BarNumber = 0 THENProfitPerCent = ProfitPerCent + BarPerCentENDIF//ProfitPerCent = max(ProfitPerCent[1],min(100,ProfitPerCent)) //make sure ProfitPerCent doess not exceed 100%y1 = max(x1 * ProfitPerCent, y1) //y1 = % of max profitENDIFELSIF ShortOnMarket AND close < (TradePrice - (y2 * pipsize)) THEN //SHORT positions//// compute the value of the Percentage of profits, if any, to lock in for SHORT trades//x2 = (tradeprice - close) / pipsize //convert price to pipsIF x2 >= TrailStart THEN // go ahead only if N+ pipsDiff2 = abs(TrailStart - x2) //difference from current profit and TrailStartChunks2 = max(0,round((Diff2 / StepSize) + RoundTO)) //number of STEPSIZE chunksProfitPerCent = BasePerCent + (BasePerCent * (Chunks2 * PerCentInc)) //compute new size of ProfitPerCent// compute number of bars elapsed and add an additionl percentage// (this percentage is different from PerCentInc, since it's a direct percentage, not a Percentage of BasePerCent)// (if BasePerCent is 20% and this is 10%, the whole percentage will be 30%, not 22%)BarCount = BarIndex - TradeBarIF BarCount MOD BarNumber = 0 THENProfitPerCent = ProfitPerCent + BarPerCentENDIF//ProfitPerCent = max(ProfitPerCent[1],min(100,ProfitPerCent)) //make sure ProfitPerCent doess not exceed 100%y2 = max(x2 * ProfitPerCent, y2) //y2 = % of max profitENDIFENDIFIF y1 THEN //Place pending STOP order when y1 > 0 (LONG positions)SellPrice = Tradeprice + (y1 * pipsize) //convert pips to price//// check the minimun distance between ExitPrice and current price//IF abs(close - SellPrice) > PriceDistance THEN//// place either a LIMIT or STOP pending order according to current price positioning//IF close >= SellPrice THENSELL AT SellPrice STOPELSESELL AT SellPrice LIMITENDIFELSE////sell AT MARKET when EXITPRICE does not meet the broker's minimun distance from current price//SELL AT MarketENDIFENDIFIF y2 THEN //Place pending STOP order when y2 > 0 (SHORT positions)ExitPrice = Tradeprice - (y2 * pipsize) //convert pips to price//// check the minimun distance between ExitPrice and current price//IF abs(close - ExitPrice) > PriceDistance THEN//// place either a LIMIT or STOP pending order according to current price positioning//IF close <= ExitPrice THENEXITSHORT AT ExitPrice STOPELSEEXITSHORT AT ExitPrice LIMITENDIFELSE////ExitShort AT MARKET when EXITPRICE does not meet the broker's minimun distance from current price//EXITSHORT AT MarketENDIFENDIF1 user thanked author for this post.
12/24/2022 at 5:55 PM #206283j’ai modifier le TP aussi a 0.2
et le code en dessous1234567891011// Conditions pour ouvrir une position en vente à découvertindicator1 = SenkouSpanB[9,26,52]indicator2 = SenkouSpanA[9,26,52]c1 = (close CROSSES UNDER indicator1)c2 = (close CROSSES UNDER indicator2)indicator3 = Average[400](close)c3 = (close > indicator3)IF (c1 AND c2 and (c3 or (high[3]<high[1]and low[3]<low[1] )))AND timeEnterBefore AND timeEnterAfter AND not daysForbiddenEntry and tally < maxTrades THENsellshort 1 CONTRACT AT MArketpartial=0endif1 user thanked author for this post.
12/24/2022 at 9:36 PM #206295en assemblant cela nous constatons que le pere noel existe
12/24/2022 at 9:45 PM #206296Gageons que la température du spread reste aussi froid qu’ une boule de neige! Joyeux Noel a tous les utilisateurs de ProRealCode.
12/26/2022 at 8:15 AM #206312Merci fifi743 parfait.
En augmentant TrailStart = 2.45 à 3.2 on passe à 864 pour un spread a 0.9.
merci .
Pour celui qui désirait améliorer mon code n’hesiter pas à partager.
bonne fête à tous
01/05/2023 at 3:59 PM #206836J’ai un code sur le nasdaq a partagé si tu peux y regarder prochainement afin d’apporter ton savoir et tes secrets si ca te dérange pas.
01/05/2023 at 5:38 PM #20684101/05/2023 at 6:13 PM #206847jtenvoi cela ce soir. tu me diras ce que tu en penses.
01/06/2023 at 3:13 PM #206901Bonjour, je partage ca samedi matin je suis rentré tard.
Par contre as tu un algo à partagé?
01/06/2023 at 5:05 PM #206905bonjour,
tu veux celui ci ?1 user thanked author for this post.
01/06/2023 at 5:51 PM #206912interessant sur grande unité de temps pas beaucoup de trade, tu as travaillé sur quelles technique?
01/06/2023 at 5:56 PM #206913tu exposes ton capital 10000 à combien de pourcent par trade?
01/06/2023 at 6:40 PM #2069191 contract par trade et jamais de levier
2 users thanked author for this post.
01/06/2023 at 6:53 PM #206920C’EST MAGNIFIQUE CA FIFI !!! @marlaynicolas tu as pas mis ton ITF sur le NASDAQ pour t’aider ?
Joyeux noel et bonne année 2023 !
01/07/2023 at 9:05 AM #206955Bonjour fifi743,
Voici mon petit algo sur le nasdaq 5 minutes basé que sur l’achat ( merci à nicolas et robertto au passage pour leur travail sur le breakeven).
Tu pourras voir il prend 2 contrats par trade, possibilité de l’améliorer .
Par exemple je ne comprend pas pourquoi je n’ai que des trades long.
Mais si tu veux y jeter un oeil et avec la communauté peut être que le résutat peut être meilleur.
Au niveau des conditions tu peux mettre C3 ou ne pas le mettre les résultat sont différents mis intéressants.
Il y a une année pas terrible l’annee 2022.
Je te joint aussi avec la C3.
nasdaq 5 minutes123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142// Définition des paramètres du codeDEFPARAM CumulateOrders = false // pas de cumul de positionsDEFPARAM Preloadbars = 1000000capital= 50000// Empêche le système de placer des ordres pour entrer sur le marché ou augmenter la taille d'une position avant l'heure spécifiéenoEntryBeforeTime = 150000timeEnterBefore = time >= noEntryBeforeTime// Empêche le système de placer des ordres pour entrer sur le marché ou augmenter la taille d'une position après l'heure spécifiéenoEntryAfterTime = 223000timeEnterAfter = time < noEntryAfterTime// Empêche le système de placer de nouveaux ordres sur les jours de la semaine spécifiésdaysForbiddenEntry = OpenDayOfWeek = 6 OR OpenDayOfWeek = 0// Conditions pour ouvrir une position acheteuseindicator1 = SenkouSpanA[9,26,52]c1 = (close CROSSES OVER indicator1)indicator2 = SenkouSpanB[9,26,52]c2 = (close CROSSES OVER indicator2)c3 = (close > DOpen(0)[1])IF (c1 AND c2 ) AND timeEnterBefore AND timeEnterAfter AND not daysForbiddenEntry THENBUY 2 CONTRACT AT MARKETpartial=0ENDIF// sortie partielleif longonmarket and positionperf>1.7/100 and partial=0 thensell countofposition/9.7 contract at marketpartial = 1endifif summation[1800](longonmarket)=1800 thensell at marketendifif summation[1000](shortonmarket)=1000 thenexitshort at marketendif// Stops et objectifsset stop %loss 1.8set target %profit 1.73IF Not OnMarket THEN//// when NOT OnMarket reset values to default values//TrailStart = 65 //30 Start trailing profits from this pointBasePerCent = 0.000 //20.0% Profit percentage to keep when setting BerakEvenStepSize = 1 //10 Pip chunks to increase PercentagePerCentInc = 0.000 //10.0% PerCent increment after each StepSize chunkBarNumber = 10 //10 Add further % so that trades don't keep running too longBarPerCent = 0.235 //10% Add this additional percentage every BarNumber barsRoundTO = -0.5 //-0.5 rounds always to Lower integer, +0.4 rounds always to Higher integer, 0 defaults PRT behaviourPriceDistance = 9 * pipsize //7 minimun distance from current pricey1 = 0 //reset to 0y2 = 0 //reset to 0ProfitPerCent = BasePerCent //reset to desired default valueTradeBar = BarIndexELSIF LongOnMarket AND close > (TradePrice + (y1 * pipsize)) THEN //LONG positions//// compute the value of the Percentage of profits, if any, to lock in for LONG trades//x1 = (close - tradeprice) / pipsize //convert price to pipsIF x1 >= TrailStart THEN // go ahead only if N+ pipsDiff1 = abs(TrailStart - x1) //difference from current profit and TrailStartChunks1 = max(0,round((Diff1 / StepSize) + RoundTO)) //number of STEPSIZE chunksProfitPerCent = BasePerCent + (BasePerCent * (Chunks1 * PerCentInc)) //compute new size of ProfitPerCent// compute number of bars elapsed and add an additionl percentage// (this percentage is different from PerCentInc, since it's a direct percentage, not a Percentage of BasePerCent)// (if BasePerCent is 20% and this is 10%, the whole percentage will be 30%, not 22%)BarCount = BarIndex - TradeBarIF BarCount MOD BarNumber = 0 THENProfitPerCent = ProfitPerCent + BarPerCentENDIF//ProfitPerCent = max(ProfitPerCent[1],min(100,ProfitPerCent)) //make sure ProfitPerCent doess not exceed 100%y1 = max(x1 * ProfitPerCent, y1) //y1 = % of max profitENDIFELSIF ShortOnMarket AND close < (TradePrice - (y2 * pipsize)) THEN //SHORT positions//// compute the value of the Percentage of profits, if any, to lock in for SHORT trades//x2 = (tradeprice - close) / pipsize //convert price to pipsIF x2 >= TrailStart THEN // go ahead only if N+ pipsDiff2 = abs(TrailStart - x2) //difference from current profit and TrailStartChunks2 = max(0,round((Diff2 / StepSize) + RoundTO)) //number of STEPSIZE chunksProfitPerCent = BasePerCent + (BasePerCent * (Chunks2 * PerCentInc)) //compute new size of ProfitPerCent// compute number of bars elapsed and add an additionl percentage// (this percentage is different from PerCentInc, since it's a direct percentage, not a Percentage of BasePerCent)// (if BasePerCent is 20% and this is 10%, the whole percentage will be 30%, not 22%)BarCount = BarIndex - TradeBarIF BarCount MOD BarNumber = 0 THENProfitPerCent = ProfitPerCent + BarPerCentENDIF//ProfitPerCent = max(ProfitPerCent[1],min(100,ProfitPerCent)) //make sure ProfitPerCent doess not exceed 100%y2 = max(x2 * ProfitPerCent, y2) //y2 = % of max profitENDIFENDIFIF y1 THEN //Place pending STOP order when y1 > 0 (LONG positions)SellPrice = Tradeprice + (y1 * pipsize) //convert pips to price//// check the minimun distance between ExitPrice and current price//IF abs(close - SellPrice) > PriceDistance THEN//// place either a LIMIT or STOP pending order according to current price positioning//IF close >= SellPrice THENSELL AT SellPrice STOPELSESELL AT SellPrice LIMITENDIFELSE////sell AT MARKET when EXITPRICE does not meet the broker's minimun distance from current price//SELL AT MarketENDIFENDIFIF y2 THEN //Place pending STOP order when y2 > 0 (SHORT positions)ExitPrice = Tradeprice - (y2 * pipsize) //convert pips to price//// check the minimun distance between ExitPrice and current price//IF abs(close - ExitPrice) > PriceDistance THEN//// place either a LIMIT or STOP pending order according to current price positioning//IF close <= ExitPrice THENEXITSHORT AT ExitPrice STOPELSEEXITSHORT AT ExitPrice LIMITENDIFELSE////ExitShort AT MARKET when EXITPRICE does not meet the broker's minimun distance from current price//EXITSHORT AT MarketENDIF1 user thanked author for this post.
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