Extreme volumes in DAX futures

Forums ProRealTime English forum General trading discussions Extreme volumes in DAX futures

  • This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by avatarEric.
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  • #55535

    Does anybody know what is happening with the DAX futures these days ?

    Within 1 minute there are the last days volumes of sometimes 4000, without significant price movement. Normally the 1 minute volume is around 100-500 .

    What is happening in the market, what causes these volumes ?


    I agree, there were some ‘well weird’ stalls of price movement today!?

    What is the source of your volume figures?


    I think its maybe some “adjustment” before the options/futures expiration and also FED today thats way the DAX is in a range with no trend maybe next week we can get some action?  second half of december usally bull Hexensabbat https://www.godmode-trader.de/know-how/hexensabbat-der-verfallstag-und-seine-schatten,3694213    


    From IG (FTSE) ”  past 31 years. The results are interesting. We found that the best time period to invest has been December 15 to 31, with an average annual return of 2.51%, and a positive return 87% of the time. Showing that the 15th is not a complete anomaly, December 14-31 (+2.42%), and December 16-31 (+2.50%) were also in the top ten.  


    What kind of volume is it? huge selloff or hoarding? 


    IMO the reliability of the stock volumes has been invalided since the banks have introduced intermarket exchanges where only the big names see the voluminas. as far as i remember one of the arguments to create such hidden market places was, that when a big boy starts to sell/buy huge sizes of stocks / derivatives it is not in his intention, that the traded volume will become visible to all market participants. of course, when intermarket the prices changes then also the price on the official exchanges will be affected. this can hardly be prevented, but often it happens with a “controlled” delay.


    1 user thanked author for this post.

    yes there are dark pools and CFDs  but in this case i think the volume are from FDAX? (but i am not sure)



    yes, Volumes are taken from FDAX.


    Now when they are done “manipulate” dax at the expiry of options/future

    maybe we can get some decent upside next week?

    i wouldnt be suprised if it starts with a gap up on monday so that they leave some of us behind



    seems to be some volume today also

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