Feature wish list

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Feature wish list

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  • #238228

    Things that would be nice to have :-

    1. Environment variables.   Being able to configure variables that can be read by all live systems.
    2. Multiple instrument back testing and automated execution, perhaps algos could be developed that study the correlations between instruments
    3. Communication between active live trading processes.
    4. Communication from active algos and the outside world, perhaps by allowing processes to call REST interfaces

    Hi! I'll pass on your suggestions to the development team. However, you can also open a ticket via PRT to request it.


    It would make sense for PRT to fix the most fundamental of features first, like for example, the scroll bar on the Definition of Variables (DofV) window/

    Every single separate time I / we use DofV window (note, not once per PRT session) we  have to drag the window down from the top bar in order to get the scroll bar to show.

    If we have lots of variables, we have to drag the top bar down several times; 1 single drag down does not always make the scroll bar show and / or show enough of the scroll bar to reach the bottom of the screen to show the number of combination of variables.

    This is such a fundamental, essential use function, it is used so often and therefore is so frequently annoying that is does not work correctly and a work-around has to be applied each and every time!

    I find it hard to understand why this single failure is not the highest priority problem for PRT to fix?  The scroll bar has not worked correctly for what seems like years?

    Please if anybody knows that a fix is already deployed in v13 then PLEASE put us out of our misery and tell us?


    Hi @Grahal! Since I've passed this ticket to improvement requests, they'll read your request as well. You're right, it's an improvement that should be implemented.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Improvement ???
    It is a BUG to be solved !

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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