Is it possible to filter for currency in ProRealCode?
I want to build 1 ProScreener that filters on traded capital, for instance “Today traded capital > EUR 1000.000)”
But multiplying “close x volume” is incorrect as it does not account for currency (GBP*Volume cannot be compared with EUR*Volume for example)
If is not possible, how would you suggest to solve my problem?
You say dat automatically it cannot be done, but can it be manually?
Let’s say that in one screener I select the universe of Euronext (EUR) stocks and LSE (GBP) stocks.
How would you calculate the traded capital in EUR for the LSE stocks in this screener?
Yes, you need to set up a variable with the conversion value, but you cannot do it at every tick, maybe once or twice a day so it will not be 100% accurate.
In your case the problem is that you cannot tell what assets come from one list or the other.
You should run two copies of your screener, one for each currency.
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