flatafter / flatbefore

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support flatafter / flatbefore

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  • #17874

    I start with my first question, which maybe somebody can help me. I not sure if I should write english or german here, but I think english today is for everybody ok.

    My issue flatafter / flatbefore, is this influence only one strategy and his orders or all orders e.g.:

    2 stratgies and in the one is a flatafter 150000, does this then also would stop all orders in the second strategy too or is this flatafter then only for the one strategy which it is written in the program?

    maybe somebody can tell me and have this experience, otherwise I will try it out and give here the feedback to all, because I could not find such kind of topic in the search here.


    Best regards



    English topic goes to English forum, thank you 🙂

    All strategies in ProOrder are independent of one another. The code in a strategy only deal with the trades generated by this strategy. Hope I helped you.


    Ok, thanks.

    And your answer is / was perfect help.


    Best regards


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