Fractal Trail Algorithm Conversion

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  • #243428

    Hi All,

    I have found a very interesting Fractal Trail Algorithm based on Williams Fractals. The code is in Pine v5.0 and available for TradingView. You can find a comprehensive description in the following link:

    I have attempted translating the code into Pro Real Code with the help of Chat GPT. Nonetheless, the results I am getting for the same assets and parameters are different in both TW and PRT as you can see in the images attached, so I reckon I am not properly capturing the indicator’s logic. This is what I have so far:

    Would anyone be interested in checking the code I have produced or translating the code directly into Pro Real Code?

    Many thanks in advance for your support!


    Anyone could give me hand with the code conversion, please? For your convenience, I am attaching below the original code from TradingView together with another caption of the indicator:

    // This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
    // © UAlgo
    indicator(title=’Fractal Trail [UAlgo]’, shorttitle=’Fractal Trail [UAlgo]’, overlay=true)

    bool showWilliamsFractals = input.bool(defval=true, title=’Show All Williams Fractals’, group=”Fractal Trail [UAlgo]”, tooltip=’Places triangle indicators to mark each Williams fractal position’)
    bool showWilliamsStops = input.bool(defval=true, title=’Show Williams Trail’, tooltip=’Creates a dynamic trailing stop based on the latest identified fractal’, group=”Fractal Trail [UAlgo]”)
    int williamsLeftRange =, minval=1, maxval=50, title=’Williams Fractal Range Left/Right’, group=”Fractal Trail [UAlgo]”, tooltip=’Specifies the number of previous bars to analyze for the range. Standard setting is two bars in both directions.’,inline = “range”)
    int williamsRightRange =, minval=1, maxval=50, title=’ ‘, tooltip=’Determines the number of forward bars to examine for the range. Best practice suggests matching the backward range value.’, group=”Fractal Trail [UAlgo]”,inline = “range”)
    float williamsStopBuffer = input.float(defval=0, minval=0, maxval=20, step=0.5, title=’Trail Buffer Percent (%)’, group=”Fractal Trail [UAlgo]”, tooltip=’Sets a percentage-based safety margin between the fractal price and the trailing stop’)
    string flipInput = input.string(title=’Trail Invalidation Source’, defval=’Close’, options=[‘Close’, ‘Wick’], tooltip=’Determines whether the trail flips based on candle closing prices or extreme points (high/low)’, group=”Fractal Trail [UAlgo]”)
    color upTrailColor = input.color(defval=color.rgb(40, 218, 150), title=’Up/Down Trail Color’, group=”Fractal Trail [UAlgo]”,inline = “trailC”)
    color dnTrailColor = input.color(, 0), title=’ ‘, group=”Fractal Trail [UAlgo]”,inline = “trailC”)
    color fillColorUp =, 218, 150), 80)
    color fillColorDn =, 80)

    f_IsWilliamsFractal(_leftRange, _rightRange, _type) =>
    _isFractal = _type == ‘high’ and high[_rightRange] >= ta.highest(high, _leftRange + _rightRange + 1) or _type == ‘low’ and low[_rightRange] <= ta.lowest(low, _leftRange + _rightRange + 1)
    _fractalValue = _isFractal and _type == ‘high’ ? high[_rightRange] : _isFractal and _type == ‘low’ ? low[_rightRange] : na
    [_isFractal, _fractalValue]

    [isHighFractal, highFractalPrice] = f_IsWilliamsFractal(williamsLeftRange, williamsRightRange, ‘high’)
    [isLowFractal, lowFractalPrice] = f_IsWilliamsFractal(williamsLeftRange, williamsRightRange, ‘low’)

    isHighFractal := isHighFractal[1] ? false : isHighFractal
    isLowFractal := isLowFractal[1] ? false : isLowFractal

    highFractalOffset = 0 – williamsRightRange
    color white10 =, 10)
    plotshape(isHighFractal and showWilliamsFractals, title=’Shape for Williams High’, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white10, size=size.tiny, offset=highFractalOffset)
    lowFractalOffset = 0 – williamsRightRange
    plotshape(isLowFractal and showWilliamsFractals, title=’Shape for Williams Low’, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=white10, size=size.tiny, offset=lowFractalOffset)

    f_addPercentBuffer(_input, _buffer, _direction) =>
    _direction == ‘plus’ ? _input * (1 + _buffer / 100) : _direction == ‘minus’ ? _input * (1 – _buffer / 100) : na

    lowFractalPriceBuffered = f_addPercentBuffer(lowFractalPrice, williamsStopBuffer, ‘minus’)
    highFractalPriceBuffered = f_addPercentBuffer(highFractalPrice, williamsStopBuffer, ‘plus’)

    f_persistAndReset(_trigger, _source) =>
    var float _output = 0.0
    _output := _trigger ? _source : _output[1]

    longStopPrice = f_persistAndReset(isLowFractal, lowFractalPriceBuffered)
    shortStopPrice = f_persistAndReset(isHighFractal, highFractalPriceBuffered)

    f_trail(_source, _trail, _direction) =>
    _direction == ‘down’ and _source >= _trail[1] ? _trail : _direction == ‘up’ and _source <= _trail[1] ? _trail : _source

    var float longStopPriceTrail = longStopPrice
    var float shortStopPriceTrail = shortStopPrice

    shortStopPriceTrail := f_trail(shortStopPrice, shortStopPriceTrail, ‘down’)
    longStopPriceTrail := f_trail(longStopPrice, longStopPriceTrail, ‘up’)

    f_flip(_flipInput, _longTrail, _shortTrail, _longReset, _shortReset) =>
    var bool _flipLongNow = false
    var bool _flipShortNow = false
    var bool _isLong = true
    var bool _isShort = true
    float _flipLongSource = _flipInput == ‘Close’ ? close : _flipInput == ‘Wick’ ? high : na
    float _flipShortSource = _flipInput == ‘Close’ ? close : _flipInput == ‘Wick’ ? low : na
    _flipLongNow := _isShort[1] and _flipLongSource > _shortTrail ? true : false
    _flipShortNow := _isLong[1] and _flipShortSource < _longTrail ? true : false
    _flipLongNow := _flipShortNow and _flipLongNow and close > _longTrail ? true : _flipShortNow and _flipLongNow and close <= _longTrail ? false : _flipLongNow
    _flipShortNow := _flipLongNow and _flipShortNow and close < _shortTrail ? true : _flipShortNow and _flipLongNow and close >= _shortTrail ? false : _flipShortNow
    _isLong := _flipLongNow ? true : _flipShortNow ? false : na(_isLong[1]) ? true : _isLong[1]
    _isShort := _flipShortNow ? true : _flipLongNow ? false : na(_isShort[1]) ? true : _isShort[1]
    _longTrailOutput = _longTrail
    _shortTrailOutput = _shortTrail
    _longTrailOutput := _isLong and not _isLong[1] ? _longReset : _longTrailOutput
    _shortTrailOutput := _isShort and not _isShort[1] ? _shortReset : _shortTrailOutput
    float _longTrailPlot = _isLong ? _longTrailOutput : _isLong and _isShort ? _longTrailOutput : na
    float _shortTrailPlot = _isShort ? _shortTrailOutput : _isLong and _isShort ? _shortTrailOutput : na
    [_longTrailOutput, _shortTrailOutput, _longTrailPlot, _shortTrailPlot]

    f_getFlipResetWilliamsLong(_longTrail, _buffer, _isLowFractal, _rightRange) =>
    _barIndexWhenLastFractalConfirmed = ta.valuewhen(_isLowFractal, bar_index, 0)
    _barsSinceLastFractalConfirmed = bar_index – _barIndexWhenLastFractalConfirmed
    int _barsToGoBack = _barsSinceLastFractalConfirmed + _rightRange
    float _lowestLow = low
    for i = 0 to _barsToGoBack by 1
    _lowestLow := math.min(low[i], _lowestLow)
    _lowestLowAdjusted = _lowestLow * (1 – _buffer / 100)

    f_getFlipResetWilliamsShort(_shortTrail, _buffer, _isHighFractal, _leftRange) =>
    _barIndexWhenLastFractalConfirmed = ta.valuewhen(_isHighFractal, bar_index, 0)
    _barsSinceLastFractalConfirmed = bar_index – _barIndexWhenLastFractalConfirmed
    int _barsToGoBack = _barsSinceLastFractalConfirmed + _leftRange
    float _highestHigh = high
    for i = 0 to _barsToGoBack by 1
    _highestHigh := math.max(high[i], _highestHigh)
    _highestHighAdjusted = _highestHigh * (1 + _buffer / 100)

    longStopPrice := f_getFlipResetWilliamsLong(longStopPrice, williamsStopBuffer, isLowFractal, williamsRightRange)
    shortStopPrice := f_getFlipResetWilliamsShort(shortStopPrice, williamsStopBuffer, isHighFractal, williamsLeftRange)

    [longStopPriceTrailTemp, shortStopPriceTrailTemp, longStopPriceTrailPlot, shortStopPriceTrailPlot] = f_flip(flipInput, longStopPriceTrail, shortStopPriceTrail, longStopPrice, shortStopPrice)

    longStopPriceTrail := longStopPriceTrailTemp
    shortStopPriceTrail := shortStopPriceTrailTemp

    shortStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay = showWilliamsStops ? shortStopPriceTrailPlot : na
    longStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay = showWilliamsStops ? longStopPriceTrailPlot : na

    plot(shortStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay, ‘Williams Trailing Stop High Price’, color=dnTrailColor, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=3)
    plot(shortStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay, ‘Williams Trailing Stop High Price Highlight’, color=dnTrailColor, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=1)
    plot(longStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay, ‘Williams Trailing Stop Low Price’, color=upTrailColor, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=3)
    plot(longStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay, ‘Williams Trailing Stop Low Price Highlight’, color=upTrailColor, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=1)

    pricefill = plot(hl2, ‘Midline’, color=color.gray, display=display.none)

    isUptrend = close < shortStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay
    isDowntrend = close > longStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay

    fillColor = isUptrend ?, 85) :, 85)
    fillPrice = isUptrend ? shortStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay : longStopPriceTrailPlotDisplay

    fill(plot(fillPrice, title=’Williams Trailing Stop Fill High’), pricefill, color=fillColor)

    alertCrossLongStop = na(longStopPriceTrailPlot) and not na(longStopPriceTrailPlot[1])
    alertCrossShortStop = na(shortStopPriceTrailPlot) and not na(shortStopPriceTrailPlot[1])
    alertcondition(alertCrossLongStop, title=’Crossed Williams Long Stop’, message=’Alert from Williams Fractal Trailing Stops: \n {{ticker}} price crossed long stop’)
    alertcondition(alertCrossShortStop, title=’Crossed Williams Short Stop’, message=’Alert from Williams Fractal Trailing Stops: \n {{ticker}} price crossed short stop’)

    alertcondition(isHighFractal, title=’High Printed’, message=’Alert from Williams Fractal Trailing Stops: \n {{ticker}} Williams High has been confirmed’)
    alertcondition(isLowFractal, title=’Low Printed’, message=’Alert from Williams Fractal Trailing Stops: \n {{ticker}} Williams Low has been confirmed’)


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