Heikin Ashi MTF Trend [Pt]

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  • #235470

    // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
    // © PtGambler
    indicator(“Heikin Ashi MTF Trend [Pt]”, shorttitle = ‘HA MTF Trend [Pt]’, overlay = false)

    group_display = ‘Display Options’

    tf1 = input.timeframe(’15’, ‘Timeframe 1’, inline = ‘tf1’)
    tf_weight1 = input.int(10, ‘Weight’, minval = 0, inline = ‘tf1′)

    tf2 = input.timeframe(’30’, ‘Timeframe 2’, inline = ‘tf2’)
    tf_weight2 = input.int(20, ‘Weight’, minval = 0, inline = ‘tf2′)

    tf3 = input.timeframe(’60’, ‘Timeframe 3’, inline = ‘tf3’)
    tf_weight3 = input.int(30, ‘Weight’, minval = 0, inline = ‘tf3’)

    tf4 = input.timeframe(‘240’, ‘Timeframe 4’, inline = ‘tf4’)
    tf_weight4 = input.int(40, ‘Weight’, minval = 0, inline = ‘tf4’)

    show_bar_color = input.bool(true, ‘Show Bar Color’, inline = ‘col’)
    strong_bear_col = input.color(color.rgb(255, 74, 74), ”, inline = ‘col’)
    weak_bear_col = input.color(color.rgb(223, 126, 61), ”, inline = ‘col’)
    weak_bull_col = input.color(color.rgb(157, 159, 46), ”, inline = ‘col’)
    strong_bull_col = input.color(color.rgb(0, 255, 8), ”, inline = ‘col’)

    show_hist_lookahead = input.bool(true, ‘Shows repainted historical HA bar colors’)
    show_trend_signal = input.bool(false, ‘Show Weighted Trend Signal’)

    display_style = input.string(‘Squares’, ‘Style’, options = [‘Squares’, ‘Lines’], group = group_display)
    line_thickness = input.int(2, ‘    └ Line Thickness’, group = group_display)
    bull_col = input.color(color.green, ‘Bull’, group = group_display, inline = ‘col2’)
    bear_col = input.color(color.red, ‘Bear’, group = group_display, inline = ‘col2’)

    lookahead_in = show_hist_lookahead ? barmerge.lookahead_on : barmerge.lookahead_off

    total_weight = tf_weight1 + tf_weight2 + tf_weight3 + tf_weight4

    //Non repainting security
    f_security(_symbol, _res, _src, _repaint) =>
    request.security(_symbol, _res, _src[_repaint ? 0 : barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0])[_repaint ? 0 : barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1]

    ha_o1 = f_security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf1, open, show_hist_lookahead)
    ha_c1 = f_security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf1, close, show_hist_lookahead)
    ha_o2 = f_security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf2, open, show_hist_lookahead)
    ha_c2 = f_security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf2, close, show_hist_lookahead)
    ha_o3 = f_security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf3, open, show_hist_lookahead)
    ha_c3 = f_security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf3, close, show_hist_lookahead)
    ha_o4 = f_security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf4, open, show_hist_lookahead)
    ha_c4 = f_security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf4, close, show_hist_lookahead)

    // [ha_o1, ha_c1] = request.security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf1, [open, close], lookahead = lookahead_in)
    // [ha_o2, ha_c2] = request.security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf2, [open, close], lookahead = lookahead_in)
    // [ha_o3, ha_c3] = request.security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf3, [open, close], lookahead = lookahead_in)
    // [ha_o4, ha_c4] = request.security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), tf4, [open, close], lookahead = lookahead_in)

    ha_trend1 = ha_c1 > ha_o1 ? 1 : ha_c1 < ha_o1 ? -1 : 0 ha_trend2 = ha_c2 > ha_o2 ? 1 : ha_c2 < ha_o2 ? -1 : 0 ha_trend3 = ha_c3 > ha_o3 ? 1 : ha_c3 < ha_o3 ? -1 : 0 ha_trend4 = ha_c4 > ha_o4 ? 1 : ha_c4 < ha_o4 ? -1 : 0 lvl1 = 3 lvl2 = 2 lvl3 = 1 lvl4 = 0 plotshape(lvl1, 'TF 1 Trend', shape.square, location.absolute, display_style == 'Squares' ? ha_trend1 == 1 ? bull_col : ha_trend1 == -1 ? bear_col : color.gray : na, size = size.small) plotshape(lvl2, 'TF 2 Trend', shape.square, location.absolute, display_style == 'Squares' ? ha_trend2 == 1 ? bull_col : ha_trend2 == -1 ? bear_col : color.gray : na, size = size.small) plotshape(lvl3, 'TF 3 Trend', shape.square, location.absolute, display_style == 'Squares' ? ha_trend3 == 1 ? bull_col : ha_trend3 == -1 ? bear_col : color.gray : na, size = size.small) plotshape(lvl4, 'TF 4 Trend', shape.square, location.absolute, display_style == 'Squares' ? ha_trend4 == 1 ? bull_col : ha_trend4 == -1 ? bear_col : color.gray : na, size = size.small) plot(lvl1, 'TF 1 Trend', display_style == 'Lines' ? ha_trend1 == 1 ? bull_col : ha_trend1 == -1 ? bear_col : color.gray : na, linewidth = line_thickness) plot(lvl2, 'TF 2 Trend', display_style == 'Lines' ? ha_trend2 == 1 ? bull_col : ha_trend2 == -1 ? bear_col : color.gray : na, linewidth = line_thickness) plot(lvl3, 'TF 3 Trend', display_style == 'Lines' ? ha_trend3 == 1 ? bull_col : ha_trend3 == -1 ? bear_col : color.gray : na, linewidth = line_thickness) plot(lvl4, 'TF 4 Trend', display_style == 'Lines' ? ha_trend4 == 1 ? bull_col : ha_trend4 == -1 ? bear_col : color.gray : na, linewidth = line_thickness) trend_score = tf_weight1 * ha_trend1 + tf_weight2 * ha_trend2 + tf_weight3 * ha_trend3 + tf_weight4 * ha_trend4 trend_color = trend_score > 0 ? color.from_gradient(trend_score, 0, total_weight, weak_bull_col, strong_bull_col) : trend_score < 0 ? color.from_gradient(trend_score, -total_weight, 0, strong_bear_col, weak_bear_col) : color.gray plotshape(show_trend_signal and trend_score > 0 and ta.change(math.sign(trend_score)), ‘Bull Trend Signal’, shape.triangleup, location.bottom, bull_col, size = size.small)
    plotshape(show_trend_signal and trend_score < 0 and ta.change(math.sign(trend_score)), 'Bear Trend Signal', shape.triangledown, location.top, bear_col, size = size.small) barcolor(show_bar_color ? trend_color : na) alertcondition(trend_score > 0 and trend_score[1] < 0, 'Bull Trend Signal Alert', 'MTF HA Bull Trend Signal') alertcondition(trend_score < 0 and trend_score[1] > 0, ‘Bear Trend Signal Alert’, ‘MTF HA Bear Trend Signal’)

    f_drawLabelX(_x, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip) =>
    var id = label.new(_x, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip)
    label.set_xy(id, _x, _y)
    label.set_text(id, _text)
    label.set_tooltip(id, _tooltip)
    label.set_textcolor(id, _textcolor)

    if barstate.islast
    f_drawLabelX(bar_index, lvl1, str.tostring(tf1), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, chart.bg_color, label.style_label_left, chart.fg_color, size.small, text.align_left, ”)
    f_drawLabelX(bar_index, lvl2, str.tostring(tf2), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, chart.bg_color, label.style_label_left, chart.fg_color, size.small, text.align_left, ”)
    f_drawLabelX(bar_index, lvl3, str.tostring(tf3), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, chart.bg_color, label.style_label_left, chart.fg_color, size.small, text.align_left, ”)
    f_drawLabelX(bar_index, lvl4, str.tostring(tf4), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, chart.bg_color, label.style_label_left, chart.fg_color, size.small, text.align_left, ”)


    Ciao! Ecco l'indicatore. Tieni presente che ci sono alcune funzionalità che non possono essere implementate:


    Lo he modificado ligeramente para darle otro aspecto:


    Grazie mille e complimenti.

    Vorrei utilizzare questo indicatore essenzialmente come filtro per le strategie di inseguimento del trend di media  durata (timeframe giornalieri posizionamenti che durano settimane per capirci).

    Come filtro di entrata che eviti l’apertura di posizioni in fasi laterali ma che aiuti anche a rilevare il cambiamento di trend sul timeframe sottostante per anticipare l’uscita dalla posizione prima di conferme più “importanti”.

    Vedo però che Proreal obbliga a lavorare su tmeframe multipli… proverò a farlo lavorare su frame orario o giornaliero ritoccato il codice (ora usandolo sul Daily da errore).

    I frame che vorrei utilizzare sono 6 ore + Daily + Weekly


    Grazie mille ancora

    1. Come faccio a compensarti ?



    Prego! buona fortuna con la tua programmazione! Mi risarcisci? Grazie è sufficiente 😉

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