Help with ChatGPT coding please

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  • #235526


    I sparred with ChatGPT on this but it couldnt help me.

    It suggested the below code, but no matter how much I asked it to adjust the code it didnt help.

    I got an error message on the line concerning “position_size_percent” (line 4), “entry_dates” (line 6), and “profit_treshold” (line 8).

    So basically I want to create a code that says BUY or SELL at certain dates in the future, with adjusting trailing stop losses and also adjusting for volatility.

    Assistance would be greatly appreciated:)


    // Parameters
    DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = False

    // Position size percentage
    POSITION_SIZE_PERCENT = 5.0 // 5% of the total capital

    // List of dates to go long (in YYYYMMDD format)
    ENTRY_DATES = [20240801, 20240901, 20241001, 20241101, 20241201]

    // Constants for profit thresholds and trailing stops
    PROFIT_THRESHOLD_1 = 0.5 // Profit threshold of 0.5%
    PROFIT_THRESHOLD_2 = 1.0 // Profit threshold of 1%
    PROFIT_THRESHOLD_3 = 1.5 // Profit threshold of 1.5%
    PROFIT_THRESHOLD_4 = 3.0 // Profit threshold of 3%

    INITIAL_TRAILING_STOP_PERCENT = 2.0 // Initial trailing stop of 2%
    TRAILING_STOP_1_PERCENT = 1.5 // Trailing stop of 1.5%
    TRAILING_STOP_2_PERCENT = 1.0 // Trailing stop of 1%
    TRAILING_STOP_3_PERCENT = 0.75 // Trailing stop of 0.75%
    TRAILING_STOP_4_PERCENT = 0.5 // Trailing stop of 0.5%

    // Variables
    var trailing_stop = 0.0
    var entry_price = 0.0
    var contracts_to_trade = 0

    // Calculate the last 10 days historical volatility
    historical_volatility = Std[10](Close)

    // Adjust position size and trailing stop loss based on historical volatility
    adjusted_position_size_percent = POSITION_SIZE_PERCENT * (historical_volatility / 0.01) // Assuming 0.01 as a reference volatility
    adjusted_initial_trailing_stop = INITIAL_TRAILING_STOP_PERCENT * (historical_volatility / 0.01)

    // Conditions to enter long positions
    IF NOT LongOnMarket THEN
    FOR i = 0 TO (ArraySize(ENTRY_DATES) – 1) DO
    IF (Date = ENTRY_DATES[i] AND IntradayBarIndex = IntradayBarIndexMax) THEN
    // Calculate the number of contracts to trade
    contracts_to_trade = (adjusted_position_size_percent * StrategyAccountEquity) / Close
    contracts_to_trade = Round(contracts_to_trade) // Ensure it’s an integer value

    entry_price = Close
    trailing_stop = adjusted_initial_trailing_stop
    BUY contracts_to_trade CONTRACTS AT MARKET
    BREAK // Exit loop once position is opened

    // Conditions to exit long positions
    IF LongOnMarket THEN
    // Calculate the current profit percentage
    current_profit = (Close – entry_price) / entry_price * 100

    // Adjust the trailing stop based on profit thresholds
    IF current_profit >= PROFIT_THRESHOLD_4 THEN
    trailing_stop = TRAILING_STOP_4_PERCENT * (historical_volatility / 0.01)
    ELSIF current_profit >= PROFIT_THRESHOLD_3 THEN
    trailing_stop = TRAILING_STOP_3_PERCENT * (historical_volatility / 0.01)
    ELSIF current_profit >= PROFIT_THRESHOLD_2 THEN
    trailing_stop = TRAILING_STOP_2_PERCENT * (historical_volatility / 0.01)
    ELSIF current_profit >= PROFIT_THRESHOLD_1 THEN
    trailing_stop = TRAILING_STOP_1_PERCENT * (historical_volatility / 0.01)
    trailing_stop = adjusted_initial_trailing_stop

    // Set the trailing stop price
    trailing_stop_price = entry_price * (1 – trailing_stop / 100)

    // If the current price falls below the trailing stop price, close the position
    IF Close <= trailing_stop_price THEN


    It is not allowed to use “underscore” in variables… (this happens in many places in the code)

    For the “Entry_Dates do not use square brackets and 1 date at a time…





    Thanks a lot.

    I tried to backtest and the system did not flag any errors with the code.

    However, the backtest did not return any trades…What could be the issue?

    I tried to backtest on the SP500 Cash 50 USD contract.

    Full code below.


    // Parameters

    DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = False


    // Position size percentage

    PositionSizePercent = 5.0  // 5% of the total capital


    // List of dates to go long (in YYYYMMDD format)

    EntryDate1 = 20231508

    EntryDate2 = 20232509

    EntryDate3 = 20232112

    EntryDate4 = 20242602

    EntryDate5 = 20241704


    // Constants for profit thresholds and trailing stops

    ProfitThreshold1 = 0.5  // Profit threshold of 0.5%

    ProfitThreshold2 = 1.0  // Profit threshold of 1%

    ProfitThreshold3 = 1.5  // Profit threshold of 1.5%

    ProfitThreshold4 = 3.0  // Profit threshold of 3%


    InitialTrailingStopPercent = 2.0  // Initial trailing stop of 2%

    TrailingStop1Percent = 1.5        // Trailing stop of 1.5%

    TrailingStop2Percent = 1.0        // Trailing stop of 1%

    TrailingStop3Percent = 0.75       // Trailing stop of 0.75%

    TrailingStop4Percent = 0.5        // Trailing stop of 0.5%


    // Calculate the last 10 days historical volatility

    HistoricalVolatility = Std[10](Close)


    // Adjust position size and trailing stop loss based on historical volatility

    AdjustedPositionSizePercent = PositionSizePercent * (HistoricalVolatility / 0.05)  // Assuming 0.1 as a reference volatility

    AdjustedInitialTrailingStop = InitialTrailingStopPercent * (HistoricalVolatility / 0.01)


    // Conditions to enter long positions

    IF NOT LongOnMarket THEN

    IF Date = EntryDate1 OR Date = EntryDate2 OR Date = EntryDate3 OR Date = EntryDate4 OR Date = EntryDate5 THEN

    IF Time = 160000 THEN  // Assuming the market close time is 16:00 (4 PM) in HHMMSS format

    // Calculate the number of contracts to trade based on fixed capital

    TotalCapital = 10000  // Example fixed capital value for calculation

    contractsToTrade = (AdjustedPositionSizePercent * TotalCapital) / Close

    contractsToTrade = Round(contractsToTrade)  // Ensure it’s an integer value


    entryPrice = Close

    trailingStop = AdjustedInitialTrailingStop

    BUY contractsToTrade CONTRACTS AT MARKET





    // Conditions to exit long positions

    IF LongOnMarket THEN

    // Calculate the current profit percentage

    CurrentProfit = (Close – entryPrice) / entryPrice * 100


    // Adjust the trailing stop based on profit thresholds

    IF CurrentProfit >= ProfitThreshold4 THEN

    trailingStop = TrailingStop4Percent * (HistoricalVolatility / 0.01)

    ELSIF CurrentProfit >= ProfitThreshold3 THEN

    trailingStop = TrailingStop3Percent * (HistoricalVolatility / 0.01)

    ELSIF CurrentProfit >= ProfitThreshold2 THEN

    trailingStop = TrailingStop2Percent * (HistoricalVolatility / 0.01)

    ELSIF CurrentProfit >= ProfitThreshold1 THEN

    trailingStop = TrailingStop1Percent * (HistoricalVolatility / 0.01)


    trailingStop = AdjustedInitialTrailingStop



    // Set the trailing stop price

    TrailingStopPrice = entryPrice * (1 – trailingStop / 100)


    // If the current price falls below the trailing stop price, close the position

    IF Close <= TrailingStopPrice THEN






    You got the format of the “date” wrong: YYYYMMDD

    Because there are also times in your code (160000) you must use a time frame of maximum 1 hour…


    Thanks reply.

    Adjusted the dates. What do you mean by Timeframe?

    I tried removing the code concerning hours, and changed the chart display from weekly to hourly. The backtest still showed nothing..



    What I meant by time frame is that in your code there is a certain time (160000), and you then must use a time frame in which this time occurs, so for example 5 min, 10 min and a maximum of an hour…

    I tried your code on a time frame of 1 hour and your system works, only the number of contracts bought was very high (more than 5000 contracts)…


    The backtest still showed nothing..

    JS got 5000 contracts, so you might be ‘out of funds’ and it therefore appears as no contracts?


    When I reduce the number of contracts to 1 contract, the system opens a long position on December 21, 2023 at 16:00, only this position is not closed by a take profit or a stop loss (position continues to run) …

    @GraHal you could see the number of contracts, probably because the position was in profit for a while and then immediately ran out of money…


    This is your code I’m currently using (IG, Dow Jones, TF 1 hour)…



    Thanks again, much appreciated.

    However, the backtest is still blank…

    And why would the contract sizes be so large? I put 10.000 USD as start capital.



    I think it goes wrong with the calculation of your contracts because you use the historical volatility, this volatility can change a lot and affects the calculation of the number of contracts…



    Give your topic a meaningful title. Describe your question or your subject in your title. Do not use meaningless titles such as ‘Coding Help Needed’

    Thanks 🙂

    I changed it.


    2 users thanked author for this post.


    Thanks to all for the replies!

    Tried a code generated by ChatGPT, without adjusting for historical volatility.

    The below code was able to backtest, but as you can see from the attached picture – no trades were executed. What is wrong?


    // Parameters
    DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = False

    // Position size percentage
    PositionSizePercent = 5.0 // 5% of the total capital

    // List of dates to go long (in YYYYMMDD format)
    EntryDate1 = 20230815
    EntryDate2 = 20230925
    EntryDate3 = 20231221
    EntryDate4 = 20240226
    EntryDate5 = 20240417

    // Constants for profit thresholds and trailing stops
    ProfitThreshold1 = 1.0 // Profit threshold of 1%
    ProfitThreshold2 = 2.0 // Profit threshold of 2%
    ProfitThreshold3 = 3.0 // Profit threshold of 3%

    InitialTrailingStopPercent = 5.0 // Initial trailing stop of 5%
    TrailingStop1Percent = 4.0 // Trailing stop of 4%
    TrailingStop2Percent = 3.0 // Trailing stop of 3%
    TrailingStop3Percent = 2.0 // Trailing stop of 2%

    // Conditions to enter long positions
    IF NOT LongOnMarket THEN
    IF Date = EntryDate1 OR Date = EntryDate2 OR Date = EntryDate3 OR Date = EntryDate4 OR Date = EntryDate5 THEN
    IF Time = 160000 THEN // Assuming the market close time is 16:00 (4 PM) in HHMMSS format
    // Calculate the number of contracts to trade based on fixed capital
    TotalCapital = 10000 // Example fixed capital value for calculation
    contractsToTrade = (PositionSizePercent * TotalCapital) / Close
    contractsToTrade = Round(contractsToTrade) // Ensure it’s an integer value

    entryPrice = Close
    trailingStop = InitialTrailingStopPercent
    BUY contractsToTrade CONTRACTS AT MARKET

    // Conditions to exit long positions
    IF LongOnMarket THEN
    // Calculate the current profit percentage
    CurrentProfit = (Close – entryPrice) / entryPrice * 100

    // Adjust the trailing stop based on profit thresholds
    IF CurrentProfit >= ProfitThreshold3 THEN
    trailingStop = TrailingStop3Percent
    ELSIF CurrentProfit >= ProfitThreshold2 THEN
    trailingStop = TrailingStop2Percent
    ELSIF CurrentProfit >= ProfitThreshold1 THEN
    trailingStop = TrailingStop1Percent
    trailingStop = InitialTrailingStopPercent

    // Set the trailing stop price
    TrailingStopPrice = entryPrice * (1 – trailingStop / 100)

    // If the current price falls below the trailing stop price, close the position
    IF Close <= TrailingStopPrice THEN


    no trades were executed. What is wrong?

    Post screenshot of equity curve … you may be opening 1 or more trades on the far left of the equity curve, but the trades are not closed and then you run out of funds so you can’t open any more due to the reason JS states below?

    this volatility can change a lot and affects the calculation of the number of contracts…



    I now think it is not above as I tested it and your conditions are rarely coincident / True, i.e. dates AND time of 160000.

    Try adding more dates and more times?

    Anyway attached does take 2 trades (over 100k bars) … it might help you, or at least get over the ‘no trades’ bit!

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