Help with ChatGPT coding please

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Help with ChatGPT coding please

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  • #235571

    I now think what I said above was rubbish!!! 😀

    Of course on your 4 dates there will be a time of 160000.

    If a date does not include a time (i.e. not a full date time group) does PRT assume a time of 000000 or 000001 or whatever … does anybody know?


    Yes that is it … if you put your time at 000000 then 2 trades are opened!

    The last trade stays open from Dec 23 to current so it is open all through any dates (in 2024) you include which are later than date the trade opened.

    Right … I can get on with my outside jobs now! 😉


    Disregard most of what I said in the my last 2 or 3 posts.

    If you run the last System you posted (including Time = 160000) but run on  10K bars then 15k bars then 25k bars then 50k bars then 100k bars … you will see that 5 trades could be opened (to Aug 23) by your System.

    The trade opened in Dec 2023 stays open throughout 2024 and so the 2 dates you show in your code in 2024 cannot take a trade because you use If Not Longonmarket.

    Delete If Not Longonmarket and make DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = True (not False as currently) and attached is the result … 5 trades opened.


    Thanks a lot. However, its still not working my side…

    Im entering the prorealtime platform via IG. Could that have something to do with it?

    Anyway, I have asked Prorealtime for assistance.


    I am also with IG so that is one factor eliminated.

    Did you do what I suggested above?  You can see my results as evidence your code works so you must be something different than I did?

    Have you deleted Not Longonmarket and made cumulativeorders = True

    From my screenshot, I note that I ran your code on DJI, 1 Hour TF and 200k bars … are you doing exactly the same?

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

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