I am also trying to add one horizontal line showing open price NY-midnight. This line I only want to be printed for the current day, no history needed.
And one more little help would be appreciated, I would like one horizantal line across the daily chart showing previos weeks high and low.
RETURNPrevHcoloured("Blue")style(Line,2)AS"Previous DAY high",PrevLcoloured("Red")Style(Line,2)AS"Previous DAY low",PrevHwcoloured("Gold")style(Line,2)AS"Previous WEEK high",PrevLwcoloured("Fuchsia")Style(Line,2)AS"Previous WEEK low"
Just the previous weekly high/low that gives a strange result (or a result I didnt had in mind).
On the daily chart I want just a line from the high/low of the previous week and covering the current week. I dont want any lines for the weeks before the previous week.
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