ICT Killzones + Pivots [TFO] By tradeforopp

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  • #238554

    Pine Script™ indicator
    ICT Killzones + Pivots [TFO]

    // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
    // © tradeforopp

    indicator(“ICT Killzones & Pivots [TFO]”, “ICT Killzones & Pivots [TFO]”, true, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500)

    // —————————————- Constant Functions ————————————————–
    get_line_type(_style) =>
    result = switch _style
    ‘Solid’ => line.style_solid
    ‘Dotted’ => line.style_dotted
    ‘Dashed’ => line.style_dashed

    get_size(x) =>
    result = switch x
    ‘Auto’ => size.auto
    ‘Tiny’ => size.tiny
    ‘Small’ => size.small
    ‘Normal’ => size.normal
    ‘Large’ => size.large
    ‘Huge’ => size.huge

    get_table_pos(pos) =>
    result = switch pos
    “Bottom Center” => position.bottom_center
    “Bottom Left” => position.bottom_left
    “Bottom Right” => position.bottom_right
    “Middle Center” => position.middle_center
    “Middle Left” => position.middle_left
    “Middle Right” => position.middle_right
    “Top Center” => position.top_center
    “Top Left” => position.top_left
    “Top Right” => position.top_right
    // —————————————- Constant Functions ————————————————–

    // —————————————- Inputs ————————————————–
    var g_SETTINGS = “Settings”
    max_days = input.int(3, “Session Drawing Limit”, 1, tooltip = “Only this many drawings will be kept on the chart, for each selected drawing type (killzone boxes, pivot lines, open lines, etc.)”, group = g_SETTINGS)
    tf_limit = input.timeframe(“30”, “Timeframe Limit”, tooltip = “Drawings will not appear on timeframes greater than or equal to this”, group = g_SETTINGS)
    gmt_tz = input.string(‘America/New_York’, “Timezone”, options = [‘America/New_York’,’GMT-12′,’GMT-11′,’GMT-10′,’GMT-9′,’GMT-8′,’GMT-7′,’GMT-6′,’GMT-5′,’GMT-4′,’GMT-3′,’GMT-2′,’GMT-1′,’GMT+0′,’GMT+1′,’GMT+2′,’GMT+3′,’GMT+4′,’GMT+5′,’GMT+6′,’GMT+7′,’GMT+8′,’GMT+9′,’GMT+10′,’GMT+11′,’GMT+12′,’GMT+13′,’GMT+14′], tooltip = “Note GMT is not adjusted to reflect Daylight Saving Time changes”, group = g_SETTINGS)
    lbl_size = get_size(input.string(‘Normal’, “Label Size”, options = [‘Auto’, ‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’, ‘Large’, ‘Huge’], tooltip = “The size of all labels”, group = g_SETTINGS))
    txt_color = input.color(color.black, “Text Color”, tooltip = “The color of all label and table text”, group = g_SETTINGS)
    use_cutoff = input.bool(true, “Drawing Cutoff Time”, inline = “CO”, tooltip = “When enabled, all pivots and open price lines will stop extending at this time”, group = g_SETTINGS)
    cutoff = input.session(“1200-1201”, “”, inline = “CO”, group = g_SETTINGS)

    var g_KZ = “Killzones”
    show_kz = input.bool(true, “Show Killzone Boxes”, inline = “KZ”, group = g_KZ)
    show_kz_text = input.bool(true, “Display Text”, inline = “KZ”, group = g_KZ)
    box_transparency = input.int(70, “Box Transparency”, 0, 100, group = g_KZ)
    text_transparency = input.int(50, “Text Transparency”, 0, 100, group = g_KZ)

    use_asia = input.bool(true, “”, inline = “ASIA”, group = g_KZ)
    as_txt = input.string(“Asia”, “”, inline = “ASIA”, group = g_KZ)
    asia = input.session(“2000-0000”, “”, inline = “ASIA”, group = g_KZ)
    as_color = input.color(color.blue, “”, inline = “ASIA”, group = g_KZ)

    use_london = input.bool(true, “”, inline = “LONDON”, group = g_KZ)
    lo_txt = input.string(“London”, “”, inline = “LONDON”, group = g_KZ)
    london = input.session(“0200-0500”, “”, inline = “LONDON”, group = g_KZ)
    lo_color = input.color(color.red, “”, inline = “LONDON”, group = g_KZ)

    use_nyam = input.bool(true, “”, inline = “NYAM”, group = g_KZ)
    na_txt = input.string(“NY AM”, “”, inline = “NYAM”, group = g_KZ)
    nyam = input.session(“0930-1100”, “”, inline = “NYAM”, group = g_KZ)
    na_color = input.color(#089981, “”, inline = “NYAM”, group = g_KZ)

    use_nylu = input.bool(true, “”, inline = “NYLU”, group = g_KZ)
    nl_txt = input.string(“NY Lunch”, “”, inline = “NYLU”, group = g_KZ)
    nylu = input.session(“1200-1300”, “”, inline = “NYLU”, group = g_KZ)
    nl_color = input.color(color.yellow, “”, inline = “NYLU”, group = g_KZ)

    use_nypm = input.bool(true, “”, inline = “NYPM”, group = g_KZ)
    np_txt = input.string(“NY PM”, “”, inline = “NYPM”, group = g_KZ)
    nypm = input.session(“1330-1600”, “”, inline = “NYPM”, group = g_KZ)
    np_color = input.color(color.purple, “”, inline = “NYPM”, group = g_KZ)

    var g_LABELS = “Killzone Pivots”
    show_pivots = input.bool(true, “Show Pivots”, inline = “PV”, group = g_LABELS)
    use_alerts = input.bool(false, “Alert Broken Pivots”, inline = “PV”, group = g_LABELS)
    show_labels = input.bool(true, “Show Pivot Labels”, inline = “LB”, group = g_LABELS)
    show_midpoints = input.bool(false, “Show Pivot Midpoints”, group = g_LABELS)
    ext_pivots = input.string(“Until Mitigated”, “Extend Pivots…”, options = [‘Until Mitigated’, ‘Past Mitigation’], group = g_LABELS)
    ext_which = input.string(“Most Recent”, “…From Which Sessions”, options = [‘Most Recent’, ‘All’], group = g_LABELS)

    ash_str = input.string(“AS.H”, “Killzone 1 Labels”, inline = “L_AS”, group = g_LABELS)
    asl_str = input.string(“AS.L”, “”, inline = “L_AS”, group = g_LABELS)

    loh_str = input.string(“LO.H”, “Killzone 2 Labels”, inline = “L_LO”, group = g_LABELS)
    lol_str = input.string(“LO.L”, “”, inline = “L_LO”, group = g_LABELS)

    nah_str = input.string(“NYAM.H”, “Killzone 3 Labels”, inline = “L_NA”, group = g_LABELS)
    nal_str = input.string(“NYAM.L”, “”, inline = “L_NA”, group = g_LABELS)

    nlh_str = input.string(“NYL.H”, “Killzone 4 Labels”, inline = “L_NL”, group = g_LABELS)
    nll_str = input.string(“NYL.L”, “”, inline = “L_NL”, group = g_LABELS)

    nph_str = input.string(“NYPM.H”, “Killzone 5 Labels”, inline = “L_NP”, group = g_LABELS)
    npl_str = input.string(“NYPM.L”, “”, inline = “L_NP”, group = g_LABELS)

    kzp_style = get_line_type(input.string(defval = ‘Solid’, title = “Pivot Style”, options = [‘Solid’, ‘Dotted’, ‘Dashed’], inline = “KZP”, group = g_LABELS))
    kzp_width = input.int(1, “”, inline = “KZP”, group = g_LABELS)
    kzm_style = get_line_type(input.string(defval = ‘Dotted’, title = “Midpoint Style”, options = [‘Solid’, ‘Dotted’, ‘Dashed’], inline = “KZM”, group = g_LABELS))
    kzm_width = input.int(1, “”, inline = “KZM”, group = g_LABELS)

    var g_RNG = “Killzone Range”
    show_range = input.bool(false, “Show Killzone Range”, tooltip = “Show the most recent ranges of each selected killzone, from high to low”, group = g_RNG)
    show_range_avg = input.bool(true, “Show Average”, tooltip = “Show the average range of each selected killzone”, group = g_RNG)
    range_avg = input.int(5, “Average Length”, 0, tooltip = “This many previous sessions will be used to calculate the average. If there isn’t enough data on the current chart, it will use as many sessions as possible”, group = g_RNG)
    range_pos = get_table_pos(input.string(‘Top Right’, “Table Position”, options = [‘Bottom Center’, ‘Bottom Left’, ‘Bottom Right’, ‘Middle Center’, ‘Middle Left’, ‘Middle Right’, ‘Top Center’, ‘Top Left’, ‘Top Right’], group = g_RNG))
    range_size = get_size(input.string(‘Normal’, “Table Size”, options = [‘Auto’, ‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Normal’, ‘Large’, ‘Huge’], group = g_RNG))

    var g_DWM = “Day – Week – Month”
    dow_labels = input.bool(true, “Day of Week Labels”, inline = “DOW”, group = g_DWM)
    dow_yloc = input.string(‘Bottom’, “”, options = [‘Top’, ‘Bottom’], inline = “DOW”, group = g_DWM)
    dow_xloc = input.string(‘Midnight’, “”, options = [‘Midnight’, ‘Midday’], inline = “DOW”, group = g_DWM)
    sep_unlimited = input.bool(true, “Unlimited”, tooltip = “Unlimited will show as many of the selected lines as possible. Otherwise, the session drawing limit will be used”, group = g_DWM)

    show_d_open = input.bool(false, “D Open”, inline = “DO”, group = g_DWM)
    dhl = input.bool(false, “High/Low”, inline = “DO”, tooltip = “”, group = g_DWM)
    ds = input.bool(false, “Separators”, inline = “DO”, tooltip = “Mark where a new day begins”, group = g_DWM)
    d_color = input.color(color.blue, “”, inline = “DO”, group = g_DWM)

    show_w_open = input.bool(false, “W Open”, inline = “WO”, group = g_DWM)
    whl = input.bool(false, “High/Low”, inline = “WO”, tooltip = “”, group = g_DWM)
    ws = input.bool(false, “Separators”, inline = “WO”, tooltip = “Mark where a new week begins”, group = g_DWM)
    w_color = input.color(#089981, “”, inline = “WO”, group = g_DWM)

    show_m_open = input.bool(false, “M Open”, inline = “MO”, group = g_DWM)
    mhl = input.bool(false, “High/Low”, inline = “MO”, tooltip = “”, group = g_DWM)
    ms = input.bool(false, “Separators”, inline = “MO”, tooltip = “Mark where a new month begins”, group = g_DWM)
    m_color = input.color(color.red, “”, inline = “MO”, group = g_DWM)

    htf_style = get_line_type(input.string(defval = ‘Solid’, title = “Style”, options = [‘Solid’, ‘Dotted’, ‘Dashed’], inline = “D0”, group = g_DWM))
    htf_width = input.int(1, “”, inline = “D0”, group = g_DWM)

    var g_OPEN = “Opening Prices”
    open_unlimited = input.bool(true, “Unlimited”, tooltip = “Unlimited will show as many of the selected lines as possible. Otherwise, the session drawing limit will be used”, group = g_OPEN)

    use_h1 = input.bool(true, “”, inline = “H1”, group = g_OPEN)
    h1_text = input.string(“True Day Open”, “”, inline = “H1”, group = g_OPEN)
    h1 = input.session(“0000-0001”, “”, inline = “H1”, group = g_OPEN)
    h1_color = input.color(color.black, “”, inline = “H1”, group = g_OPEN)

    use_h2 = input.bool(false, “”, inline = “H2”, group = g_OPEN)
    h2_text = input.string(“06:00”, “”, inline = “H2”, group = g_OPEN)
    h2 = input.session(“0600-0601”, “”, inline = “H2”, group = g_OPEN)
    h2_color = input.color(color.black, “”, inline = “H2”, group = g_OPEN)

    use_h3 = input.bool(false, “”, inline = “H3”, group = g_OPEN)
    h3_text = input.string(“10:00”, “”, inline = “H3”, group = g_OPEN)
    h3 = input.session(“1000-1001”, “”, inline = “H3”, group = g_OPEN)
    h3_color = input.color(color.black, “”, inline = “H3”, group = g_OPEN)

    use_h4 = input.bool(false, “”, inline = “H4”, group = g_OPEN)
    h4_text = input.string(“14:00”, “”, inline = “H4”, group = g_OPEN)
    h4 = input.session(“1400-1401”, “”, inline = “H4”, group = g_OPEN)
    h4_color = input.color(color.black, “”, inline = “H4”, group = g_OPEN)

    hz_style = get_line_type(input.string(defval = ‘Dotted’, title = “Style”, options = [‘Solid’, ‘Dotted’, ‘Dashed’], inline = “H0”, group = g_OPEN))
    hz_width = input.int(1, “”, inline = “H0”, group = g_OPEN)

    var g_VERTICAL = “Timestamps”
    use_v1 = input.bool(false, “”, inline = “V1”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    v1 = input.session(“0000-0001”, “”, inline = “V1”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    v1_color = input.color(color.black, “”, inline = “V1”, group = g_VERTICAL)

    use_v2 = input.bool(false, “”, inline = “V2”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    v2 = input.session(“0800-0801”, “”, inline = “V2”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    v2_color = input.color(color.black, “”, inline = “V2”, group = g_VERTICAL)

    use_v3 = input.bool(false, “”, inline = “V3”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    v3 = input.session(“1000-1001”, “”, inline = “V3”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    v3_color = input.color(color.black, “”, inline = “V3”, group = g_VERTICAL)

    use_v4 = input.bool(true, “”, inline = “V4”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    v4 = input.session(“1200-1201”, “”, inline = “V4”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    v4_color = input.color(color.black, “”, inline = “V4”, group = g_VERTICAL)

    vl_style = get_line_type(input.string(defval = ‘Dotted’, title = “Style”, options = [‘Solid’, ‘Dotted’, ‘Dashed’], inline = “V0”, group = g_VERTICAL))
    vl_width = input.int(1, “”, inline = “V0”, group = g_VERTICAL)
    // —————————————- Inputs ————————————————–

    // —————————————- Variables & Constants ————————————————–
    type kz
    string _title

    box[] _box

    line[] _hi_line
    line[] _md_line
    line[] _lo_line

    label[] _hi_label
    label[] _lo_label

    bool[] _hi_valid
    bool[] _md_valid
    bool[] _lo_valid

    float[] _range_store
    float _range_current

    type hz
    line[] LN
    label[] LB
    bool[] CO

    type dwm_hl
    line[] hi_line
    line[] lo_line
    label[] hi_label
    label[] lo_label

    type dwm_info
    string tf
    float o = na
    float h = na
    float l = na
    float ph = na
    float pl = na

    var as_kz = kz.new(as_txt, array.new_box(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_float())
    var lo_kz = kz.new(lo_txt, array.new_box(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_float())
    var na_kz = kz.new(na_txt, array.new_box(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_float())
    var nl_kz = kz.new(nl_txt, array.new_box(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_float())
    var np_kz = kz.new(np_txt, array.new_box(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_bool(), array.new_float())

    var hz_1 = hz.new(array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool())
    var hz_2 = hz.new(array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool())
    var hz_3 = hz.new(array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool())
    var hz_4 = hz.new(array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_bool())

    var d_hl = dwm_hl.new(array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_label())
    var w_hl = dwm_hl.new(array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_label())
    var m_hl = dwm_hl.new(array.new_line(), array.new_line(), array.new_label(), array.new_label())

    var d_info = dwm_info.new(“D”)
    var w_info = dwm_info.new(“W”)
    var m_info = dwm_info.new(“M”)

    t_as = not na(time(“”, asia, gmt_tz))
    t_lo = not na(time(“”, london, gmt_tz))
    t_na = not na(time(“”, nyam, gmt_tz))
    t_nl = not na(time(“”, nylu, gmt_tz))
    t_np = not na(time(“”, nypm, gmt_tz))
    t_co = not na(time(“”, cutoff, gmt_tz))

    t_h1 = not na(time(“”, h1, gmt_tz))
    t_h2 = not na(time(“”, h2, gmt_tz))
    t_h3 = not na(time(“”, h3, gmt_tz))
    t_h4 = not na(time(“”, h4, gmt_tz))

    t_v1 = not na(time(“”, v1, gmt_tz))
    t_v2 = not na(time(“”, v2, gmt_tz))
    t_v3 = not na(time(“”, v3, gmt_tz))
    t_v4 = not na(time(“”, v4, gmt_tz))

    var d_sep_line = array.new_line()
    var w_sep_line = array.new_line()
    var m_sep_line = array.new_line()

    var d_line = array.new_line()
    var w_line = array.new_line()
    var m_line = array.new_line()

    var d_label = array.new_label()
    var w_label = array.new_label()
    var m_label = array.new_label()

    var v1_line = array.new_line()
    var v2_line = array.new_line()
    var v3_line = array.new_line()
    var v4_line = array.new_line()

    var transparent = #ffffff00
    var ext_current = ext_which == ‘Most Recent’
    var ext_past = ext_pivots == ‘Past Mitigation’

    update_dwm_info(dwm_info n) =>
    if timeframe.change(n.tf)
    n.ph := n.h
    n.pl := n.l
    n.o := open
    n.h := high
    n.l := low
    n.h := math.max(high, n.h)
    n.l := math.min(low, n.l)

    if dhl or show_d_open
    if whl or show_w_open
    if mhl or show_m_open
    // —————————————- Variables & Constants ————————————————–

    // —————————————- Functions ————————————————–
    get_box_color(color c) =>
    result = color.new(c, box_transparency)

    get_text_color(color c) =>
    result = color.new(c, text_transparency)
    // —————————————- Functions ————————————————–

    // —————————————- Core Logic ————————————————–
    dwm_sep(string tf, bool use, line[] arr, color col) =>
    if use
    if timeframe.change(tf)
    arr.unshift(line.new(bar_index, high*1.0001, bar_index, low, style = htf_style, width = htf_width, extend = extend.both, color = col))
    if not sep_unlimited and arr.size() > max_days

    dwm_open(string tf, bool use, line[] lns, label[] lbls, dwm_info n, color col) =>
    if use
    if timeframe.change(tf)
    lns.unshift(line.new(time, n.o, time, n.o, xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = htf_style, width = htf_width, color = col))
    lbls.unshift(label.new(time, n.o, tf + ” OPEN”, xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = txt_color, size = lbl_size))
    if not sep_unlimited and lns.size() > max_days
    else if lns.size() > 0

    dwm_hl(string tf, bool use, dwm_hl hl, dwm_info n, color col) =>
    if use
    if timeframe.change(tf)
    hl.hi_line.unshift(line.new(time, n.ph, time, n.ph, xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = htf_style, width = htf_width, color = col))
    hl.lo_line.unshift(line.new(time, n.pl, time, n.pl, xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = htf_style, width = htf_width, color = col))
    hl.hi_label.unshift(label.new(time, n.ph, “P”+tf+”H”, xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = txt_color, size = lbl_size))
    hl.lo_label.unshift(label.new(time, n.pl, “P”+tf+”L”, xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = txt_color, size = lbl_size))
    if not sep_unlimited and hl.hi_line.size() > max_days
    else if hl.hi_line.size() > 0

    dwm() =>
    if timeframe.in_seconds(“”) <= timeframe.in_seconds(tf_limit) // DWM - Separators dwm_sep("D", ds, d_sep_line, d_color) dwm_sep("W", ws, w_sep_line, w_color) dwm_sep("M", ms, m_sep_line, m_color) // DWM - Open Lines dwm_open("D", show_d_open, d_line, d_label, d_info, d_color) dwm_open("W", show_w_open, w_line, w_label, w_info, w_color) dwm_open("M", show_m_open, m_line, m_label, m_info, m_color) // DWM - Highs and Lows dwm_hl("D", dhl, d_hl, d_info, d_color) dwm_hl("W", whl, w_hl, w_info, w_color) dwm_hl("M", mhl, m_hl, m_info, m_color) vline(bool use, bool t, line[] arr, color col) =>
    if use
    if t and not t[1]
    arr.unshift(line.new(bar_index, high*1.0001, bar_index, low, style = vl_style, width = vl_width, extend = extend.both, color = col))

    vlines() =>
    if timeframe.in_seconds(“”) <= timeframe.in_seconds(tf_limit) vline(use_v1, t_v1, v1_line, v1_color) vline(use_v2, t_v2, v2_line, v2_color) vline(use_v3, t_v3, v3_line, v3_color) vline(use_v4, t_v4, v4_line, v4_color) hz_line(bool use, bool t, hz hz, string txt, color col) =>
    if use
    if t and not t[1]
    hz.LN.unshift(line.new(bar_index, open, bar_index, open, style = hz_style, width = hz_width, color = col))
    hz.LB.unshift(label.new(bar_index, open, txt, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = txt_color, size = lbl_size))
    array.unshift(hz.CO, false)
    if not open_unlimited and hz.LN.size() > max_days
    if not t and hz.CO.size() > 0
    if not hz.CO.get(0)
    if (use_cutoff ? t_co : false)
    hz.CO.set(0, true)

    hz_lines() =>
    if timeframe.in_seconds(“”) <= timeframe.in_seconds(tf_limit) hz_line(use_h1, t_h1, hz_1, h1_text, h1_color) hz_line(use_h2, t_h2, hz_2, h2_text, h2_color) hz_line(use_h3, t_h3, hz_3, h3_text, h3_color) hz_line(use_h4, t_h4, hz_4, h4_text, h4_color) del_kz(kz k) =>
    if k._box.size() > max_days
    if k._hi_line.size() > max_days
    if show_midpoints
    if k._hi_label.size() > max_days

    adjust_in_kz(kz kz, bool t) =>
    if t
    kz._box.get(0).set_top(math.max(kz._box.get(0).get_top(), high))
    kz._box.get(0).set_bottom(math.min(kz._box.get(0).get_bottom(), low))

    kz._range_current := kz._box.get(0).get_top() – kz._box.get(0).get_bottom()

    if show_pivots and kz._hi_line.size() > 0
    if high > kz._hi_line.get(0).get_y1()
    kz._hi_line.get(0).set_xy1(time, high)
    kz._hi_line.get(0).set_xy2(time, high)

    if low < kz._lo_line.get(0).get_y1() kz._lo_line.get(0).set_xy1(time, low) kz._lo_line.get(0).set_xy2(time, low) if show_midpoints kz._md_line.get(0).set_xy1(time, math.avg(kz._hi_line.get(0).get_y2(), kz._lo_line.get(0).get_y2())) kz._md_line.get(0).set_xy2(time, math.avg(kz._hi_line.get(0).get_y2(), kz._lo_line.get(0).get_y2())) if show_labels and kz._hi_label.size() > 0
    if high > kz._hi_label.get(0).get_y()
    kz._hi_label.get(0).set_xy(time, high)
    if low < kz._lo_label.get(0).get_y() kz._lo_label.get(0).set_xy(time, low) adjust_out_kz(kz kz, bool t) =>
    if not t and kz._box.size() > 0
    if t[1]
    array.unshift(kz._range_store, kz._range_current)
    if kz._range_store.size() > range_avg

    if kz._box.size() > 0 and show_pivots
    for i = 0 to kz._box.size() – 1
    if not ext_current or (ext_current and i == 0)
    if ext_past ? true : (kz._hi_valid.get(i) == true)
    if high > kz._hi_line.get(i).get_y1() and kz._hi_valid.get(i) == true
    if use_alerts and i == 0
    alert(“Broke “+kz._title+” High”, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
    kz._hi_valid.set(i, false)
    else if (use_cutoff ? t_co : false)
    kz._hi_valid.set(i, false)

    if ext_past ? true : (kz._lo_valid.get(i) == true)
    if low < kz._lo_line.get(i).get_y1() and kz._lo_valid.get(i) == true if use_alerts and i == 0 alert("Broke "+kz._title+" Low", alert.freq_once_per_bar) kz._lo_valid.set(i, false) else if (use_cutoff ? t_co : false) kz._lo_valid.set(i, false) if show_midpoints kz._md_line.get(i).set_x2(time) else break manage_kz(kz kz, bool use, bool t, color c, string box_txt, string hi_txt, string lo_txt) =>
    if timeframe.in_seconds(“”) <= timeframe.in_seconds(tf_limit) and use if t and not t[1] _c = get_box_color(c) _t = get_text_color(c) kz._box.unshift(box.new(time, high, time, low, xloc = xloc.bar_time, border_color = show_kz ? _c : na, bgcolor = show_kz ? _c : na, text = (show_kz and show_kz_text) ? box_txt : na, text_color = _t)) if show_pivots kz._hi_line.unshift(line.new(time, high, time, high, xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = kzp_style, color = c, width = kzp_width)) kz._lo_line.unshift(line.new(time, low, time, low, xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = kzp_style, color = c, width = kzp_width)) if show_midpoints kz._md_line.unshift(line.new(time, math.avg(high, low), time, math.avg(high, low), xloc = xloc.bar_time, style = kzm_style, color = c, width = kzm_width)) array.unshift(kz._md_valid, true) array.unshift(kz._hi_valid, true) array.unshift(kz._lo_valid, true) if show_labels kz._hi_label.unshift(label.new(time, high, hi_txt, xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = transparent, textcolor = txt_color, style = label.style_label_down, size = lbl_size)) kz._lo_label.unshift(label.new(time, low, lo_txt, xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = transparent, textcolor = txt_color, style = label.style_label_up, size = lbl_size)) del_kz(kz) adjust_in_kz(kz, t) adjust_out_kz(kz, t) manage_kz(as_kz, use_asia, t_as, as_color, as_txt, ash_str, asl_str) manage_kz(lo_kz, use_london, t_lo, lo_color, lo_txt, loh_str, lol_str) manage_kz(na_kz, use_nyam, t_na, na_color, na_txt, nah_str, nal_str) manage_kz(nl_kz, use_nylu, t_nl, nl_color, nl_txt, nlh_str, nll_str) manage_kz(np_kz, use_nypm, t_np, np_color, np_txt, nph_str, npl_str) dwm() vlines() hz_lines() new_dow_time = dow_xloc == 'Midday' ? time - timeframe.in_seconds("D") / 2 * 1000 : time new_day = dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) != dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz)[1] var dow_top = dow_yloc == 'Top' var sunday = "SUNDAY" var monday = "MONDAY" var tuesday = "TUESDAY" var wednesday = "WEDNESDAY" var thursday = "THURSDAY" var friday = "FRIDAY" plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 1 and new_day, location = dow_top ? location.top : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = txt_color, text = sunday) plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 2 and new_day, location = dow_top ? location.top : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = txt_color, text = monday) plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 3 and new_day, location = dow_top ? location.top : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = txt_color, text = tuesday) plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 4 and new_day, location = dow_top ? location.top : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = txt_color, text = wednesday) plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 5 and new_day, location = dow_top ? location.top : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = txt_color, text = thursday) plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 6 and new_day, location = dow_top ? location.top : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = txt_color, text = friday) get_min_days_stored() =>
    store = array.new_int()
    if as_kz._range_store.size() > 0
    if lo_kz._range_store.size() > 0
    if na_kz._range_store.size() > 0
    if nl_kz._range_store.size() > 0
    if np_kz._range_store.size() > 0
    result = store.min()

    set_table(table tbl, kz kz, int row, string txt, bool use, bool t, color col) =>
    if use
    table.cell(tbl, 0, row, txt, text_size = range_size, bgcolor = get_box_color(col), text_color = txt_color)
    table.cell(tbl, 1, row, str.tostring(kz._range_current), text_size = range_size, bgcolor = t ? get_box_color(col) : na, text_color = txt_color)
    if show_range_avg
    table.cell(tbl, 2, row, str.tostring(kz._range_store.avg()), text_size = range_size, text_color = txt_color)

    if show_range and barstate.islast
    var tbl = table.new(range_pos, 10, 10, chart.bg_color, chart.fg_color, 2, chart.fg_color, 1)

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, “Killzone”, text_size = range_size, text_color = txt_color)
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, “Range”, text_size = range_size, text_color = txt_color)
    if show_range_avg
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, “Avg (“+str.tostring(get_min_days_stored())+”)”, text_size = range_size, text_color = txt_color)

    set_table(tbl, as_kz, 1, as_txt, use_asia, t_as, as_color)
    set_table(tbl, lo_kz, 2, lo_txt, use_london, t_lo, lo_color)
    set_table(tbl, na_kz, 3, na_txt, use_nyam, t_na, na_color)
    set_table(tbl, nl_kz, 4, nl_txt, use_nylu, t_nl, nl_color)
    set_table(tbl, np_kz, 5, np_txt, use_nypm, t_np, np_color)
    // —————————————- Core Logic ————————————————–


    Aquí tienes el código.

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