Importing external tick data

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Importing external tick data

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  • #22908

    Hello there,


    I´m trying to import an external tick data and graphs to my PRT platform. Is it possible to do that as it is in MT4 ? For instance you download a graph data from external source as  .csv  and you import it into your MT4 platform in order to  perform more accurete backtests.

    So I was thinking if it is possible as well in PRT ?

    Thank you guys !

    Best regards




    I have the same question… Do you found some trick to import external data (as csv i.e.) in PRT?




    I asked PRT and they answered it is neither possible to import nor export data to or from PRT. 🙁

    As it looks like all you can do is upgrade to PRT premium to get more data, if you dan´t already have it like me. I would also love to have more data on some securities  or export data for further analysis in Matlab but it is not possible.


    Thanks for your answer Despair…

    I’m not looking for more historical data, but for custom indicators from data mining integration to integrate external buy sell signals…


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