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  • #181252

    Hola. Les dejo el código de un indicador de TradingView para ver si fuera posible tenerlo en ProRealtime. Gracias.

    // REUSING THIS CODE: You are welcome to reuse this code without permission, as long as it is used in open-source publications. Credits are appreciated.

    study(“Technical Ratings”, “Ratings”, precision = 2)

    // Technical Ratings
    // v1.0, 2021.05.19 09:01 — LucF

    // This indicator is a Pine version of the TradingView “Technicals” rating gauge and the “Rating” indicator in the TradingView Screener.
    // It is a fork and refactoring of the code base used in the “Technical Ratings” built-in script.
    // It will produce identical results most of the time, but slight and variations are to be expected, as both use different code.
    // This version provides:
    // • Non-repainting HTF values.
    // • Control over repainting of the plotted values when no HTF is used.
    // • Weighing of the Oscilators vs MAs balance in the calculation of the aggregate signal.
    // • A selection of non-repainting markers on a signal level breach or on signal advances/declines.
    // • Alerts on the marker displaying conditions configured when the alert is created.

    // This code was written using the PineCoders Coding Conventions for Pine:


    // ———————————————————— Constants, global arrays and inputs {

    // ————— Input options selections.
    var string RT1 = “MAs and Oscillators”
    var string RT2 = “MAs”
    var string RT3 = “Oscillators”

    var string ON = “On”
    var string OFF = “Off”

    var string TD0 = “None”
    var string TD1 = “Longs”
    var string TD2 = “Shorts”
    var string TD3 = “Longs and Shorts”

    var string PS1 = “Columns”
    var string PS2 = “Histogram”
    var string PS3 = “Area”
    var string PS4 = “Line”

    // Levels determining “Strong Buy/Sell” and “Buy/Sell” ratings.
    var float LEVEL_STRONG = 0.5
    var float LEVEL_WEAK = 0.1

    // Color constants.
    var color C_AQUA = #0080FFff
    var color C_BLACK = #000000ff
    var color C_BLUE = #013BCAff
    var color C_CORAL = #FF8080ff
    var color C_GOLD = #CCCC00ff
    var color C_GRAY = #808080ff
    var color C_GREEN = #008000ff
    var color C_LIME = #00FF00ff
    var color C_MAROON = #800000ff
    var color C_ORANGE = #FF8000ff
    var color C_PINK = #FF0080ff
    var color C_RED = #FF0000ff
    var color C_VIOLET = #AA00FFff
    var color C_YELLOW = #FFFF00ff
    var color C_WHITE = #FFFFFFff

    var color C_NEUTRAL = #434650

    // ————— Global arrays
    // Array holding values for the 3 ratings in this order: All, MAs, Osc.
    var float[] ratings = array.new_float(3)
    // Array holding the text used as a legend in the displayed results.
    var string[] TEXTS = array.from(“All”, “MAs”, “Osc”)
    // Array holding the index into ratings and texts arrays determined by which rating user chooses to display.
    var int[] indices = array.new_int(3)

    // ————— Inputs
    string i_tf = input(“”, “Higher timeframe”, type = input.resolution, tooltip = “When using a higher timeframe, values do not repaint, which means that only values from COMPLETED timeframes are displayed. This provides late, more reliable values, and also ensures the indicator behaves in realtime the same way it does on historical bars.”)
    bool i_repaint = input(ON, “Repainting”, options = [ON, OFF], tooltip = “This only controls the repainting of the displayed signal when NOT using a higher timeframe. Alerts never repaint, regardless of this setting. This means you can display repainting calculations but still have non-repainting markers and alerts.”) == ON
    string i_calcs = input(RT1, “Rating uses”, options = [RT2, RT3, RT1])
    float i_weightMAs = input(50, “Weight of MAs (%)”, minval = 0, maxval = 100, step = 10, tooltip = “Determines the respective weight of MAs and Oscillators when both are used to calculate the overall rating. Equal weight for MAs and Oscillators is 50%. If you use 60% for MAs, then Oscillators weigh in at 40% of the overall rating.”) / 100
    string i_plotStyle = input(PS1, “Plot style”, inline = “10”, options = [PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4])
    int i_plotWidth = input(1, “”, inline = “10”, minval = 1, maxval = 50, tooltip = “Width for styles other than ‘Columns’.”)

    color i_c_01 = input(C_LIME, “Bull  ”, inline = “11”, tooltip = “Pick only one. These are preset colors, but you can modify anyone of them.”)
    bool i_01 = input(true, “”, inline = “11”)
    color i_c_02 = input(C_GOLD, “”, inline = “11”)
    bool i_02 = input(false, “”, inline = “11”)
    color i_c_03 = input(C_WHITE, “”, inline = “11”)
    bool i_03 = input(false, “”, inline = “11”)
    color i_c_04 = input(C_PINK, “Bear   ”, inline = “12”, tooltip = “Pick only one. These are preset colors, but you can modify anyone of them.”)
    bool i_04 = input(true, “”, inline = “12”)
    color i_c_05 = input(C_VIOLET, “”, inline = “12”)
    bool i_05 = input(false, “”, inline = “12”)
    color i_c_06 = input(C_BLUE, “”, inline = “12”)
    bool i_06 = input(false, “”, inline = “12”)
    color i_c_neutral = input(C_NEUTRAL, “Neutral”, inline = “13”)

    var string GP1 = “Alert Markers (non-repainting)”
    string i_markerDir = input(TD0, “Direction”, options = [TD0, TD1, TD2, TD3], group = GP1, tooltip = “Markers only become active when you select a direction here. Your marker setup defines the conditions that will trigger an alert configured on the indicator.”)
    bool i_markerAlt = input(ON, “Alternate Longs & Shorts”, options = [ON, OFF], group = GP1, tooltip = “If both Longs and Shorts are displayed, shows only the first marker in a given direction. This prevents triggering successive markers in the same direction. Has no effect when only long or only short markers are displayed.”) == ON and i_markerDir == TD3
    float i_levelUp = input( LEVEL_STRONG, “Longs Level”, minval = 0, maxval = 1, step = 0.05, group = GP1, tooltip = “The level that must be breached upward to trigger a long.\n’Buy’ state corresponds to 0.1\n’Strong Buy’ state corresponds to 0.5\n\nUse zero if you do not want triggers on this condition.”)
    float i_levelDn = input(-LEVEL_STRONG, “Shorts Level”, minval = -1, maxval = 0, step = 0.05, group = GP1, tooltip = “The level that must be breached downward to trigger a short.\n’Sell’ state corresponds to -0.1\n’Strong Sell’ state corresponds to -0.5\n\nUse zero if you do not want triggers on this condition.”)
    float i_gradLevel = input(0, “Cumulative adv./decl.”, minval = 0, maxval = 5, step = 1, group = GP1, tooltip = “The number of cumulative advances or declines in the signal (capped to 5). The maximum of 5 corresponds to the brightest color for the signal.\n\nUse zero if you do not want triggers on this condition.”)
    string i_msgAlertUp = input(“Long”, “Alert message: Long”, inline = “14”)
    string i_msgAlertDn = input(“Short”, “Short”, inline = “14”)

    // Determine base bull/bear colors as per user selection.
    var color i_c_bull = i_01 ? i_c_01 : i_02 ? i_c_02 : i_03 ? i_c_03 : i_c_01
    var color i_c_bear = i_04 ? i_c_04 : i_05 ? i_c_05 : i_06 ? i_c_06 : i_c_04

    var bool doLongs = (i_markerDir == TD1 or i_markerDir == TD3)
    var bool doShorts = (i_markerDir == TD2 or i_markerDir == TD3)

    int plotStyle = i_plotStyle == PS1 ? 5 : i_plotStyle == PS2 ? 1 : i_plotStyle == PS3 ? 4 : 0
    // }


    // ———————————————————— Functions {
    // Individual ratings are one of four values:
    // • +1 for bull bias.
    // • 0 for neutral.
    // • -1 for bear bias.
    // • na when no value can be determined yet.
    // The average of all non-na values within each of the MAs and Oscillators groups determines the group’s rating.
    // The overall rating is the average of the two group ratings.

    // ————— Helper functions.
    f_rising(_src) => rising( _src, 1)
    f_falling(_src) => falling(_src, 1)
    f_trendUp() => close > ema(close, 50)
    f_trendDn() => close < ema(close, 50)
    f_notNa(_src) => not na(_src) and not na(_src[1])

    // ————— Function returning _color with _transp transparency.
    f_colorNew(_color, _transp) =>
    _r = color.r(_color)
    _g = color.g(_color)
    _b = color.b(_color)
    color _return = color.rgb(_r, _g, _b, _transp)

    // ————— General MA rating (+1/0/-1) calculated using position of _src price with regards to _ma.
    f_ratingMa(_ma, _src)=> sign(_src – _ma)

    // ————— Converts bull/bear conditions into a +1/0/-1 value corresponding to a bull/neutral/bear bias.
    f_ratingBullBear(_bullCond, _bearCond) => na(_bullCond) or na(_bearCond) ? na : _bullCond ? 1 : _bearCond ? -1 : 0

    // ————— Ichimoku rating.
    f_donchian(_p) => avg(lowest(_p), highest(_p))
    float _conversion = f_donchian(9)
    float _base = f_donchian(26)
    float _lead1 = avg(_conversion, _base)
    float _lead2 = f_donchian(52)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(
    _lead1 > _lead2 and close > _lead1 and close < _base and close[1] < _conversion and close > _conversion,
    _lead2 > _lead1 and close < _lead2 and close > _base and close[1] > _conversion and close < _conversion)
    if not (na(_lead1) or na(_lead2) or na(close) or na(close[1]) or na(_base) or na(_conversion))

    // ————— RSI rating.
    f_ratingRsi() =>
    float _rsi = rsi(close,14)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(_rsi < 30 and f_falling(_rsi), _rsi > 70 and f_rising(_rsi))
    _return := f_notNa(_rsi) ? _return : na

    // ————— Stochastic rating.
    f_ratingStoch() =>
    float _k = sma(stoch(close, high, low, 14), 3)
    float _d = sma(_k, 3)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(_k < 20 and _d < 20 and _k > _d and _k[1] < _d[1], _k > 80 and _d > 80 and _k < _d and _k[1] > _d[1])
    _return := f_notNa(_k) and f_notNa(_d) ? _return : na

    // ————— CCI rating.
    f_ratingCci() =>
    float _cci = cci(close, 20)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(_cci < -100 and f_rising(_cci), _cci > 100 and f_falling(_cci))
    _return := f_notNa(_cci) ? _return : na

    // ————— ADX rating.
    f_ratingAdx() =>
    [_diPlus, _diMinus, _adx] = dmi(14, 14)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(_adx > 20 and _diPlus[1] < _diMinus[1] and _diPlus > _diMinus, _adx > 20 and _diPlus[1] > _diMinus[1] and _diPlus < _diMinus)
    _return := f_notNa(_diPlus) and f_notNa(_diMinus) and not na(_adx) ? _return : na

    // ————— Awesome Oscillator rating.
    f_ratingAo() =>
    float _ao = sma(hl2, 5) – sma(hl2, 34)
    bool _aoXUp = crossover(_ao, 0)
    bool _aoXDn = crossunder(_ao, 0)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(_aoXUp or (_ao > 0 and _ao[1] > 0 and f_rising(_ao)), _aoXDn or (_ao < 0 and _ao[1] < 0 and f_falling(_ao)))
    _return := f_notNa(_ao) ? _return : na

    // ————— Momentum rating.
    f_ratingMom() =>
    float _mom = close – close[10]
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(f_rising(_mom), f_falling(_mom))
    _return := f_notNa(_mom) ? _return : na

    // ————— MACD rating.
    f_ratingMacd() =>
    [_macd, _signal, _] = macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(_macd > _signal, _macd < _signal)
    _return := not na(_macd) and not na(_signal) ? _return : na

    // ————— Stoch RSI rating.
    f_ratingStochRsi() =>
    float _rsi = rsi(close, 14)
    float _k = sma(stoch(_rsi, _rsi, _rsi, 14), 3)
    float _d = sma(_k, 3)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(f_trendDn() and _k < 20 and _d < 20 and _k > _d and _k[1] < _d[1], f_trendUp() and _k > 80 and _d > 80 and _k < _d and _k[1] > _d[1])
    _return := f_notNa(_k) and f_notNa(_d) and not na(f_trendDn()) and not na(f_trendUp()) ? _return : na

    // ————— Williams %R rating.
    f_ratingWpr() =>
    float _wpr = wpr(14)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(_wpr < -80 and f_rising(_wpr), _wpr > -20 and f_falling(_wpr))
    _return := f_notNa(_wpr) ? _return : na

    // ————— Bull Bear Power rating.
    f_ratingBbp() =>
    float _powerBull = high – ema(close, 13)
    float _powerBear = low – ema(close, 13)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(f_trendUp() and _powerBear < 0 and f_rising(_powerBear), f_trendDn() and _powerBull > 0 and f_falling(_powerBull))
    _return := f_notNa(_powerBull) and f_notNa(_powerBear) and not na(f_trendDn()) and not na(f_trendUp()) ? _return : na

    // ————— Ultimate Oscillator rating.
    f_ratingUo() =>
    var int _pFast = 7
    var int _pMid = 14
    var int _pLong = 28
    float _tl = close[1] < low ? close[1] : low
    float _uo = na
    float _v1 = sum(tr, _pFast)
    float _v2 = sum(tr, _pMid)
    float _v3 = sum(tr, _pLong)
    float _v4 = sum(close – _tl, _pFast)
    float _v5 = sum(close – _tl, _pMid)
    float _v6 = sum(close – _tl, _pLong)
    if _v1 != 0 and _v2 != 0 and _v3 != 0
    float _p0 = _pLong / _pFast
    float _p1 = _pLong / _pMid
    float _v7 = (_v4 / _v1) * _p0
    float _v8 = (_v5 / _v2) * _p1
    float _v9 = (_v6 / _v3)
    _uo := 100 * (_v7 + _v8 + _v9) / (_p0 + _p1 + 1)
    float _return = f_ratingBullBear(_uo > 70, _uo < 30)
    _return := not na(_uo) ? _return : na

    // ————— Function that calculates the ratings for the three groups: All, MAs, Oscillators.
    f_ratings(_offset) =>
    // int _offset: offset of values returned. Required to control repainting. Can be 0 or 1.
    // Dependencies: f_ratingMa(), f_ratingIchimoku(), and one function for each of the oscillators.

    // Array holding the calculated ratings for MAs group, then for Oscillators.
    var float[] _ratings = array.new_float(0)

    // Calculate MAs rating.
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(sma(close, 10), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(sma(close, 20), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(sma(close, 30), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(sma(close, 50), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(sma(close, 100), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(sma(close, 200), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(ema(close, 10), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(ema(close, 20), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(ema(close, 30), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(ema(close, 50), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(ema(close, 100), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(ema(close, 200), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(hma(close, 9), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMa(vwma(close, 20), close))
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingIchimoku())
    float _ratingMas = array.avg(_ratings)

    // Calculate Oscillators rating.
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingRsi())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingStoch())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingCci())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingAdx())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingAo())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMom())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingMacd())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingStochRsi())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingWpr())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingBbp())
    array.push(_ratings, f_ratingUo())
    float _ratingOsc = array.avg(_ratings)

    // Calculate weighed average of the two groups: MAs and Oscillators.
    float _ratingTot = nz(_ratingMas * i_weightMAs) + nz(_ratingOsc * (1. – i_weightMAs))
    [_ratingTot[_offset], _ratingMas[_offset], _ratingOsc[_offset]]

    // ————— Function returning the index to be used in arrays ratings and texts to get values and legends in the correct order when printing results.
    f_idx(_pos) =>
    // int _pos: line number (0-2) for which we need the index into our ratings and texts arrays.
    // Dependency: indices array containing the vertical order of appearance of the current ratings.
    int _return = array.get(indices, _pos)

    // ————— Function that orders the indices array such that its elements represent the indices into arrays ratings and texts,
    // which f_idx() will then use to fetch the proper values and legends for each of the three lines in the results.
    // The order used is derived from the “Rating uses” user selection. User’s choice always appears on line 1, with the remaining ones on lines 2 and 3.
    f_orderSignals(_userSelection) =>
    // string _userSelection: user choice of which rating group to display.
    // Dependencies: indices array, RTx constants.
    if _userSelection == RT2
    array.set(indices, 0, 1)
    array.set(indices, 1, 2)
    array.set(indices, 2, 0)
    else if _userSelection == RT3
    array.set(indices, 0, 2)
    array.set(indices, 1, 1)
    array.set(indices, 2, 0)
    array.set(indices, 0, 0)
    array.set(indices, 1, 1)
    array.set(indices, 2, 2)

    // ————— Function counting the number of consecutive ups and downs for _src.
    f_countRising(_src) =>
    // float _src: value of ratings to color.
    var int _cnt = 0
    float _chg = change(abs(_src))
    if _src == 0
    _cnt := 0
    else if _chg > 0
    _cnt := min(5, _cnt + 1)
    else if _chg < 0
    _cnt := max(1, _cnt – 1)
    int _return = _src > 0 ? _cnt : -_cnt

    f_c_signal(_gradient) =>
    // int _gradient: gradient level (+5 to -5) from which to derive a color.
    color _color = _gradient > 0 ? i_c_bull : _gradient < 0 ? i_c_bear : i_c_neutral
    float _transp = 100 – (abs(_gradient) * 20)
    _transp := _transp == 80 ? 75 : _transp
    color _return = _color == i_c_neutral ? _color : f_colorNew(_color, _transp)

    // ————— Function returning the color used to display a state string in the results.
    f_c_colorFromRating(_rating) =>
    // float _rating: rating from which to derive a color.
    color _return = if _rating > LEVEL_STRONG
    f_colorNew(i_c_bull, 00)
    else if _rating > LEVEL_WEAK
    f_colorNew(i_c_bull, 25)
    else if _rating < -LEVEL_STRONG
    f_colorNew(i_c_bear, 00)
    else if _rating < -LEVEL_WEAK
    f_colorNew(i_c_bear, 25)

    // ————— Function returning a string corresponding to the state of a _rating.
    f_textFromRating(_rating) =>
    // float _rating: rating from which to derive a string.
    string _return = if _rating > LEVEL_STRONG
    “Strong Buy”
    else if _rating > LEVEL_WEAK
    else if _rating < -LEVEL_STRONG
    “Strong Sell”
    else if _rating < -LEVEL_WEAK

    // ————— Function that prints one line at a time in rating results to the right of the last bar.
    f_print(_txt, _lineNo, _txtColor) =>
    // string _txt : text of the line.
    // int _lineNo : number of the line (0-2).
    // color _txtColor: color of the text.
    var _lbl =, 0, “”, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color(na), label.style_label_left, color.white, textalign = text.align_left)
    // Create dynamic prefix and suffix containing the appropriate qty of newlines before and after the line, to place it in the correct vertical position.
    string[] _returnsPrefix = array.new_string(max(0, _lineNo – 1), “\n”)
    string[] _returnsSuffix = array.new_string(max(0, 4 – _lineNo), “\n”)
    string _prefix = array.join(_returnsPrefix, “”)
    string _suffix = array.join(_returnsSuffix, “”)
    // Update label.
    if barstate.islast
    label.set_x(_lbl, bar_index)
    label.set_text(_lbl, _prefix + _txt + _suffix)
    label.set_textcolor(_lbl, _txtColor)

    // ————— Function that triggers alert with _txt message when _cond is true.
    // Note that while we call alert() with alert.freq_all, the moment when alerts will trigger is controlled in the triggering conditions.
    f_alert(_txt) => alert(_txt, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

    // ————— Converts current chart timeframe into a float minutes value.
    f_tfInMinutes() =>
    float _return = timeframe.multiplier * (
    timeframe.isseconds ? 1. / 60 :
    timeframe.isminutes ? 1. :
    timeframe.isdaily ? 60. * 24 :
    timeframe.isweekly ? 60. * 24 * 7 :
    timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375 : na)

    // ————— Returns resolution of _res string timeframe in minutes.
    f_tfInMinutesFrom(_tf) =>
    // _tf: string timeframe (in timeframe.period string format) to convert in float minutes.
    // Dependency: f_tfInMinutes()
    float _return = security(syminfo.tickerid, _tf, f_tfInMinutes())
    // }


    // ———————————————————— Calculations {

    // ————— Set text of results legends and determine their order from user-selected group of ratings.
    if barstate.isfirst

    // ————— Calculate ratings.
    // Determine if HTF is used.
    var bool htfUsed = i_tf != “”
    // If HTF is used, ensure chart TF < HTF.
    bool chartTfIsTooHigh = htfUsed and f_tfInMinutes() >= f_tfInMinutesFrom(i_tf)
    // Fetch ratings, adjusting series offset with HTF (which never repaints) and user-selected repaint settings (when no HTF is used). Two-stage offsetting is required because f_ratings() returns a tuple.
    int idx1 = htfUsed and barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0
    int idx2 = (i_repaint and not htfUsed) or (htfUsed and barstate.isrealtime) ? 0 : 1
    [ratingTot_, ratingMas_, ratingOsc_] = security(syminfo.tickerid, i_tf, f_ratings(idx1))
    float ratingTot = ratingTot_[idx2]
    float ratingMas = ratingMas_[idx2]
    float ratingOsc = ratingOsc_[idx2]

    // ————— Place ratings in known order.
    array.set(ratings, 0, ratingTot)
    array.set(ratings, 1, ratingMas)
    array.set(ratings, 2, ratingOsc)
    // User-selected ratings group to display as the signal and whose state always appears on the first line of results.
    float userRating = array.get(ratings, f_idx(0))
    // }


    // ———————————————————— Plots {

    // ————— Build signal color.
    bool condBuy = userRating > LEVEL_WEAK
    bool condSell = userRating < -LEVEL_WEAK
    float valsBuy = condBuy ? userRating : 0
    float valsSell = condSell ? userRating : 0
    int risingBuys = f_countRising(valsBuy)
    int fallingSells = f_countRising(valsSell)
    int gradientLvl = condBuy ? risingBuys : condSell ? fallingSells : 0
    color c_signal = f_c_signal(gradientLvl)

    // ————— User-selected rating.
    plot(userRating, “Rating”, c_signal, i_plotWidth, plotStyle)

    // ————— Levels.
    // Fixed levels.
    hline( LEVEL_STRONG, “Strong Buy Level”, f_colorNew(i_c_bull, 50), hline.style_dashed)
    hline( LEVEL_WEAK, “Buy Level”, f_colorNew(i_c_bull, 65), hline.style_dashed)
    hline( 0.0, “0.0 Level”, f_colorNew(color.gray, 50), hline.style_dashed)
    hline(-LEVEL_WEAK, “Sell Level”, f_colorNew(i_c_bear, 75), hline.style_dashed)
    hline(-LEVEL_STRONG, “Strong Sell Level”, f_colorNew(i_c_bear, 50), hline.style_dashed)
    // Marker breach levels.
    hline(doLongs ? i_levelUp : na, “Long Level”, i_levelUp == 0 ? color(na) : i_c_bull, hline.style_dotted)
    hline(doShorts ? i_levelDn : na, “Short Level”, i_levelDn == 0 ? color(na) : i_c_bear, hline.style_dotted)

    // ————— Data Window values.
    plotchar(ratingTot, “All”, “”,, f_c_colorFromRating(ratingTot))
    plotchar(ratingMas, “MAs”, “”,, f_c_colorFromRating(ratingMas))
    plotchar(ratingOsc, “Oscillators”, “”,, f_c_colorFromRating(ratingOsc))
    plotchar(na, “═══════”, “”,, f_c_colorFromRating(ratingTot))

    // ————— Validate chart’s TF.
    // Show when the chart’s TF is greater than the HTF configured in inputs.
    bgcolor(chartTfIsTooHigh ?, 70) : na)

    // ————— Print text corresponding to the rating on last bar, with user-selected group always on the first line.
    // Legends and rating states are printed separately so they align vertically.
    // Indices into ratings and texts arrays corresponding to the order in which they need to be displayed, given user selection of which group to use as the main signal.
    var int idxOfLine1 = f_idx(0)
    var int idxOfLine2 = f_idx(1)
    var int idxOfLine3 = f_idx(2)
    // Display label to the right of last bar.
    var string COLUMN1_PADDING = “  ”
    var string COLUMN2_PADDING = “      ”
    if barstate.islast
    // Legends.
    f_print(COLUMN1_PADDING + array.get(TEXTS, idxOfLine1) + “:”, 1, color.silver)
    f_print(COLUMN1_PADDING + array.get(TEXTS, idxOfLine2) + “:”, 2, color.gray)
    f_print(COLUMN1_PADDING + array.get(TEXTS, idxOfLine3) + “:”, 3, color.gray)
    if chartTfIsTooHigh
    f_print(COLUMN1_PADDING + “Chart’s timeframe must be smaller than ” + i_tf, 4,
    // Rating states.
    f_print(COLUMN2_PADDING + f_textFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine1)), 1, f_c_colorFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine1)))
    f_print(COLUMN2_PADDING + f_textFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine2)), 2, f_c_colorFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine2)))
    f_print(COLUMN2_PADDING + f_textFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine3)), 3, f_c_colorFromRating(array.get(ratings, idxOfLine3)))
    // }


    // ———————————————————— Alerts and markers. {

    // ————— Alerts.
    // The triggering conditions can only be met in such a way that they never repaint.
    // If no HTF is used and no-repainting is required, we wait for the bar to close. Otherwise we can trigger at the bar’s open because the signal is non-repainting signal.
    int ensureNoRepaintIdx = not htfUsed and i_repaint ? 1 : 0
    bool xUp = i_levelUp != 0 and crossover( userRating, i_levelUp)
    bool xDn = i_levelDn != 0 and crossunder(userRating, i_levelDn)
    bool gUp = i_gradLevel != 0 and gradientLvl == i_gradLevel and gradientLvl[1] < i_gradLevel
    bool gDn = i_gradLevel != 0 and gradientLvl == -i_gradLevel and gradientLvl[1] > -i_gradLevel
    var bool lastDirectionUp = na
    // Trigger alerts on user-selected conditions.
    bool triggerLong = ((xUp or gUp) and (not i_markerAlt or na(lastDirectionUp) or not lastDirectionUp) and doLongs )[ensureNoRepaintIdx]
    bool triggerShort = ((xDn or gDn) and (not i_markerAlt or na(lastDirectionUp) or lastDirectionUp) and doShorts)[ensureNoRepaintIdx]
    if triggerLong
    lastDirectionUp := true
    else if triggerShort
    lastDirectionUp := false

    // ————— Plot qty of advances/declines for the Data Window.
    plotchar(gradientLvl, “Advances/Declines”, “”,, c_signal)
    // ————— Plot markers.
    plotchar(triggerLong, “Long Marker”, “▲”, location.bottom, f_colorNew(i_c_bull, 00), size = size.tiny)
    plotchar(triggerShort, “Short Marker”, “▼”,, f_colorNew(i_c_bear, 00), size = size.tiny)
    // }


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