Indicateur Gold M1 RSI + CE + BJ de Tradingview
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- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by FXtonio.
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05/24/2023 at 4:30 PM #215136
Bonjour à tous,
ci dessous un code d’un indicateur de tradingview pour du scalping M1 plutôt efficace (60% de winrate) pour ceux qui veulent le mettre sur Prt
ci joint:
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at © HunterXTrader//@version=4strategy(“Gold M1 RSI + CE + BJ”, overlay = true)// ####################################################// RSIma(source, length, type) => sma(source, length)rsiLengthInput = input(25, minval=1, title=”RSI Length”, group=”RSI Settings”)rsiSourceInput = input(close, “Source”, group=”RSI Settings”)maTypeInput = input(“SMA”, title=”MA Type”, options=[“SMA”, “EMA”], group=”MA Settings”)maLengthInput = input(150, title=”MA Length”, group=”MA Settings”)bbMultInput = 2.0upIndic = rma(max(change(rsiSourceInput), 0), rsiLengthInput)downIndic = rma(-min(change(rsiSourceInput), 0), rsiLengthInput)rsiIndic = downIndic == 0 ? 100 : upIndic == 0 ? 0 : 100 – (100 / (1 + upIndic / downIndic))rsiMA = ma(rsiIndic, maLengthInput, maTypeInput)// #################################// DEMAlength = input(170, minval=1)src = input(close, title=”Source”)e1 = ema(src, length)e2 = ema(e1, length)dema = 2 * e1 – e2plot(dema, “DEMA”, color= color.white)// ##############################################// CHANDELIER EXITlengthCE = input(title=”ATR Period”, type=input.integer, defval=1)mult = input(title=”ATR Multiplier”, type=input.float, step=0.1, defval=2.3)showLabels = input(title=”Show Buy/Sell Labels ?”, type=input.bool, defval=true)useClose = input(title=”Use Close Price for Extremums ?”, type=input.bool, defval=true)atr = mult * atr(lengthCE)longStop = (useClose ? highest(close, lengthCE) : highest(lengthCE)) – atrlongStopPrev=nz(longStop[1],longStop)longStop := close[1] > longStopPrev ? max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStopshortStop = (useClose ? lowest(close, lengthCE) : lowest(lengthCE)) + atrshortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop)shortStop := close[1] < shortStopPrev ? min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStopvar int dir = 1dir := close > shortStopPrev ? 1 : close < longStopPrev ? -1 : dirvar color longColor = color.greenvar color shortColor = color.redbuySignalCE = dir == 1 and dir[1] == -1plotshape(buySignalCE and showLabels ? longStop : na, title=”Buy Label”, text=”Buy”, location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=longColor, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)sellSignalCE = dir == -1 and dir[1] == 1plotshape(sellSignalCE and showLabels ? shortStop : na, title=”Sell Label”, text=”Sell”, location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=shortColor, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)midPricePlot = plot(ohlc4, title=””, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0, display=display.none, editable=false)// #########################################// BJ SUPERSCRIPT// ¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦+// ¦¦+–¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+–¦¦+¦¦+–¦¦+¦¦+—-+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦// ¦¦¦¦¦¦-+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦++¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦// ¦¦+–¦¦+¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+–¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦++¦¦¦// ¦¦¦¦¦¦-++¦¦¦¦¦+++¦¦¦¦¦++¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦+++¦¦¦¦¦¦++¦¦¦¦+-+¦¦¦¦// +—–+¦¦+—-+¦¦+—-+¦+-+¦¦+-+¦+—–+¦¦+—–+¦+-+¦¦¦¦¦+-+strat = “Bj Reversal”strat_val = 0bjrev = strat_val < 1hema = strat_val > 0 and strat_val < 2trm =strat_val>1and strat_val<3rsicol = strat_val > 2 and strat_val < 4t3vis = falsehemavis = falsepsarvis =falsearrowvis = false// TRMtsistrat = “Fast”tsistrat_val = tsistrat == “Fast” ? 0 : tsistrat == “Slow” ? 1 : natsifast = tsistrat_val < 1tsislow =tsistrat_val>0longf = 25shortf = 5signalf = 14longs = 25shorts = 13signals = 13lenf = 5lens = 14shortvar = tsifast ? shortf : tsislow ? shorts : nalongvar = tsifast ? longf : tsislow ? longs : nasignalvar = tsifast ? signalf : tsislow ? signals : natsi = tsi(close,shortvar,longvar)tsl = ema(tsi, signalvar)// HAhaClose = (open + high + low + close) / 4haOpen = float(na)haOpen := na(haOpen[1]) ? (open + close) / 2 : (nz(haOpen[1]) + nz(haClose[1])) / 2haHigh = max(high, max(haOpen, haClose))haLow = min(low, min(haOpen, haClose))// RSI Bar Colorrsistrat = “Slow”rsistrat_val = rsistrat == “Slow” ? 11 : rsistrat == “Fast” ? 12 : narsifast = rsistrat_val > 11rsislow =rsistrat_val<12len =tsifast and trm ? lenf :tsislow and trm ? lens :rsifast and rsicol ? lenf :rsislow and rsicol ? lens : lensrsi = rsi(close,len)buy1 = crossover(tsi,tsl) and rsi > 50buy2 = crossover(rsi,50) and tsi > tslbuy3 = crossover(tsi,tsl) and crossover(rsi,50)buy4 = buy1 or buy2 or buy3sell1 = crossunder(tsi,tsl) and rsi < 50sell2 = crossunder(rsi,50) and tsi < tslsell3 = crossunder(tsi,tsl) and crossunder(rsi,50)sell4 = sell1 or sell2 or sell3buy = tsi > tsl and rsi > 50sell =tsi<tsland rsi<50rsicross =cross (rsi,50)rsiup =crossover (rsi,50)rsidwn =crossunder (rsi,50)rsiob =crossover (rsi,70)rsios =crossunder (rsi,30)rsicd =crossunder (rsi,70)rsicu =crossover (rsi,30)// Bj Reversal///T3 MA5aLength = 6AxPrice = closeaxe1 = ema(AxPrice, aLength)axe2 = ema(axe1, aLength)axe3 = ema(axe2, aLength)axe4 = ema(axe3, aLength)axe5 = ema(axe4, aLength)axe6 = ema(axe5, aLength)ab = 0.7ac1 = -ab*ab*abac2 = 3*ab*ab+3*ab*ab*abac3 = -6*ab*ab-3*ab-3*ab*ab*abac4 = 1+3*ab+ab*ab*ab+3*ab*abanT3Average = ac1 * axe6 + ac2 * axe5 + ac3 * axe4 + ac4 * axe3colOne =anT3Average>anT3Average[1]colTwo =anT3Average<anT3Average[1]color2 = colOne ? #64b5f6 : colTwo ? #ef5350 : nap2 = plot(anT3Average, color= t3vis ? color2 : bjrev ? color2 : true ? na : #ffffff , transp=100, title=”T3 Fast”)///T3 MA8Length = 8xPrice = closexe1 = ema(xPrice, Length)xe2 = ema(xe1, Length)xe3 = ema(xe2, Length)xe4 = ema(xe3, Length)xe5 = ema(xe4, Length)xe6 = ema(xe5, Length)b = 0.7c1 = -b*b*bc2 = 3*b*b+3*b*b*bc3 = -6*b*b-3*b-3*b*b*bc4 = 1+3*b+b*b*b+3*b*bnT3Average = c1 * xe6 + c2 * xe5 + c3 * xe4 + c4 * xe3upCol =nT3Average>nT3Average[1]downCol = nT3Average < nT3Average[1]myColor = upCol ? #64b5f6 : downCol ? #ef5350 : nap1 = plot(nT3Average, color=t3vis ? myColor : bjrev ? myColor : true ? na : #ffffff , transp=100, title=”T3 Slow”)revbar = cross(close, nT3Average)trendbar = cross(nT3Average, anT3Average)revup = crossover(close, nT3Average)revdwn = crossunder(close, nT3Average)// Bj Reversal Bar Color and Filluc = (close > nT3Average) and (anT3Average >= nT3Average)dc = (close < nT3Average) and (anT3Average <= nT3Average)dr =(close< nT3Average)and (anT3Average>=nT3Average)ur =(close> nT3Average)and (anT3Average<=nT3Average)hauc = (haClose > nT3Average) and (anT3Average >= nT3Average)hadc = (haClose < nT3Average) and (anT3Average <= nT3Average)hadr = (haClose < nT3Average) and (anT3Average >= nT3Average)haur = (haClose > nT3Average) and (anT3Average <= nT3Average)hadu = haClose >= haOpenhadd = haClose < haOpenfillData = nT3Average < anT3AveragefillDtat = nT3Average > anT3AveragefillCol = fillData ? #64b5f6 : fillDtat ? #ef5350 : nafill (p1,p2, color=t3vis ? fillCol : bjrev ? fillCol : na, transp=15, title=”T3 Fill”)// HEMAhemaslow = 5bjhemaslow = ema (haOpen, hemaslow)up = bjhemaslow > bjhemaslow[1]down = bjhemaslow < bjhemaslow[1]mycolor = up ? #64b5f6 : down ? #d32f2f : nabjhemafast = ema(hl2, 1)hemaslow2 = 9bjhemaslow2 = ema(haOpen, hemaslow2)up2 = bjhemaslow2 > bjhemaslow2[1]down2 = bjhemaslow2 < bjhemaslow2[1]mycolor2 = up2 ? #64b5f6 : down2 ? #d32f2f : nahemaslow3 = 21bjhemaslow3 = ema(haOpen, hemaslow3)up3 = bjhemaslow3 > bjhemaslow3[1]down3 = bjhemaslow3 < bjhemaslow3[1]mycolor3 = up3 ? #64b5f6 : down3 ? #d32f2f : naemasig = cross (close, bjhemaslow) and cross(close, bjhemaslow2)// HEMA area plot fillhfillData = bjhemaslow > bjhemafasthfillData2 = bjhemaslow < bjhemafasthfillDtat = bjhemaslow2 > bjhemaslowhfillDtat2 = bjhemaslow2 < bjhemaslowhfillDat = bjhemaslow3 > bjhemaslow2hfillDat2 = bjhemaslow3 < bjhemaslow2hemauc = (close> bjhemaslow) and (close > bjhemaslow2)hemadc = (close< bjhemaslow) and (close < bjhemaslow2)crossup1 = crossover (close, bjhemaslow) and (close > bjhemaslow2)crossup2 = crossover (close, bjhemaslow2) and (close > bjhemaslow)crossup3 = crossover (close, bjhemaslow2) and crossover(close, bjhemaslow)crossdown1 = crossunder (close, bjhemaslow) and (close < bjhemaslow2)crossdown2 = crossunder (close, bjhemaslow2) and (close < bjhemaslow)crossdown3 = crossunder (close, bjhemaslow2) and crossunder(close, bjhemaslow)Hcrossup = crossup1 or crossup2 or crossup3Hcrossdwn = crossdown1 or crossdown2 or crossdown3// alertcondition (revbar, title=’Bj Reversal’, message=’Reversal candle is forming on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}’)// alertcondition (revup, title=’Reversal Up’, message=’Reversal up on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}’)// alertcondition (revdwn, title=’Reversal Down’, message=’Reversal down on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}’)// ____ __ _ ____// ( __)( ( \( \// ) _) / / ) D (// (____)\_)__)(____/// fillCol = fillData ? #64b5f6 : fillDtat ? #ef5350 : nabuySignal = rsiIndic > rsiMA and close > dema and buySignalCE and fillCol == #64b5f6 and (rsiIndic – rsiMA) > 1.8 // 2.8sellSignal = rsiIndic < rsiMA and close < dema and sellSignalCE and fillCol == #ef5350 and (rsiIndic – rsiMA) < -1.8 //-2.8// === INPUT DATE RANGE ===fromMonth = 1fromDay = 1fromYear = 2021thruMonth = 1thruDay = 1thruYear = 2112// === INPUT TIME RANGE ===entryTime = ‘0000-0000’ //input(‘0000-0000’, title = “Entry Time”, type=input.session) // ‘0000-0000′ is anytime to enter //’0800-1800’exitTime = ‘0000-0000’ // ‘0000-0000′ is anytime to exit //’0800-1800’// === DATE & TIME RANGE FUNCTIONS ===isDate() => // create function “within window of dates”start = timestamp(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay, 00, 00) // date startfinish = timestamp(thruYear, thruMonth, thruDay, 23, 59) // date finishisDate = time >= start and time <= finish // current date is “within window of dates”isTime(_position) => // create function “within window of time”isTime = time(timeframe.period, _position)// + ‘:1234567’) // current time is “within window of time”// // Période d’analyseuse_period = true //input(type=input.bool, defval=true, title=”Période spécifique ?”, group=”periode”)startDate = timestamp(“01 Jan 2020”) // input(timestamp(“01 Jan 2020”), “Date de début”, group=”periode”, type = input.time)endDate = timestamp(“01 Jan 2025”) //input(timestamp(“01 Jan 2025”), “Date de fin”, group=”periode”, type = input.time)// //——————————————// //————-Indicateurs——————inDateRange = use_period ? ((time >= startDate) and (time < endDate)) : true//—————————————–//————Stratégie——————–//SL & TP// Définition de la gestion de risque// risk_pct = 1 // Pourcentage du capital à risquer// capital = 10000 // Capital initial// risk_amt = (risk_pct / 100) * capital // Montant à risquer// stop_loss_distance = atr(10) // Distance du stop loss// take_profit_distance = stop_loss_distance * 1.5 // Distance du take profit// stop_loss_price = valuewhen(high == highest(high, 10), high, 0) // Dernier swing high des 10 dernières bougies// take_profit_price = close + take_profit_distance // Prix du take profit// Calcul du montant de la position en fonction du risque// position_size = (risk_amt / stop_loss_distance) / syminfo.mintick//strategy.position_size := position_sizelowestt = 0.0highestt = 0.0if buySignallowestt := lowest(low, 2)highestt := close + (close – lowestt)*1.5if sellSignallowestt := highest(high, 2)highestt := close + (close – lowestt)*1.5// var SL = 0.0// var TP = 0.0isTradeInTime = time >= timestamp(“GMT+2”, year, month, dayofmonth, 7, 30) and time <= timestamp(“GMT+2”, year, month, dayofmonth, 20, 10)if (isTradeInTime)open_long = buySignalopen_short = sellSignalif open_long and strategy.opentrades == 0strategy.entry(“BUY”, true)//, when = isDate() and isTime(entryTime))alert(‘Buy Signal Alert’, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)//strategy.close(“long”, when = sellSignal)//strategy.exit(‘long exit’,’long’, profit = tp_value, loss = sl_value)//profit = 20, loss = 30) //limit = tp_value, stop = sl_valuestrategy.exit(“Exit Long”, “BUY”, stop = lowestt, limit = highestt)if open_short and strategy.opentrades == 0strategy.entry(“SELL”, false)//, when = isDate() and isTime(entryTime))alert(‘Sell Signal Alert’, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)//strategy.exit(‘short exit’,’short’, profit = tp_value, loss = sl_value) // profit = 20, loss = 30 ) //limit = tp_value, stop = sl_valuestrategy.exit(“Exit Short”, “SELL”, stop = lowestt, limit = highestt)//—————————————–//————–Backtest——————-strategy_pnl = strategy.netprofit + strategy.openprofitbnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt = (strategy_pnl / strategy.initial_capital) * 100float bnh_start_bar = nabnh_start_bar := na(bnh_start_bar[1]) or inDateRange != true? close : bnh_start_bar[1]float bnl_buy_hold_equity = nabnl_buy_hold_equity := inDateRange == true ? ((close – bnh_start_bar)/bnh_start_bar) * 100 : bnl_buy_hold_equity[1]bnh_vs_diff = bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt – bnl_buy_hold_equitybnh_diff_color = bnh_vs_diff > 0 ?, inDateRange ? 60 : 100) :, inDateRange ? 60 : 100)//—————————————-//—————-Table——————-// var Table2 =, columns = 2, rows = 5, border_width = 1, bgcolor =, border_color = color.gray)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 0, row = 0, text_color=(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt>bnl_buy_hold_equity)?, text_size = size.normal, text = “Buy & hold profit”)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 1, row = 0, text_color=(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt>bnl_buy_hold_equity)?, text_size = size.normal, text = tostring(bnl_buy_hold_equity, ‘#.##’) + ‘ %’)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 0, row = 1, text_color=(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt<bnl_buy_hold_equity)?, text_size = size.normal, text = “Strategy profit”)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 1, row = 1, text_color=(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt<bnl_buy_hold_equity)?, text_size = size.normal, text = tostring(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt, ‘#.##’) + ‘ %’)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 0, row = 2, text_color=color.yellow, text_size = size.normal, text = “Winrate”)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 1, row = 2, text_color=color.yellow, text_size = size.normal, text = tostring(strategy.wintrades/strategy.closedtrades*100, ‘#.##’) + ‘ %’)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 0, row = 3, text_color=color.yellow, text_size = size.normal, text = “Date de début”)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 1, row = 3, text_color=color.yellow, text_size = size.normal, text = str.format(“{0,date,dd-MM-YYYY}”,startDate))// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 0, row = 4, text_color=color.yellow, text_size = size.normal, text = “Date de fin”)// table.cell(table_id = Table2, column = 1, row = 4, text_color=color.yellow, text_size = size.normal, text = str.format(“{0,date,dd-MM-YYYY}”, endDate))// //Plot the SL &TP// var fix_high = 0.0// var fix_low = 0.0// var fix_close = 0.0// if strategy.opentrades>0 and strategy.opentrades[1]==0 and strategy.position_size > 0// fix_high := highestt// tp_value[1] //highestt// fix_low := lowestt //sl_value[1] //lowestt// fix_close := close[1]// //line// var line line_up = na// var line line_low = na// var line line_close = na// //box// var box box_low = na// var box box_up = na// if strategy.opentrades > 0 and strategy.opentrades[1]==0 and strategy.position_size > 0// //line// line_up :=, fix_high, bar_index + 1, fix_high, color =, width = 2)// line_low :=, fix_low, bar_index + 1, fix_low, color =, width = 2)// line_close :=, fix_close, bar_index + 1, fix_close, color =, width = 2)// //box// box_up :=, fix_high, bar_index + 1, fix_close, border_color =,70), bgcolor =,70))// box_low :=, fix_close, bar_index + 1, fix_low, border_color =,70), bgcolor =,70))// if strategy.opentrades==0 and strategy.opentrades[1]==1// //line// line.set_x2(line_up,bar_index + 2)// line.set_x2(line_low,bar_index + 2)// line.set_x2(line_close,bar_index + 2)// //box// box.set_rightbottom(box_up, bar_index + 2 , fix_close)// box.set_rightbottom(box_low, bar_index + 2 , fix_low)05/25/2023 at 8:14 AM #21514905/25/2023 at 9:12 AM #215153 -
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