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  • #61011

    Salve Nicolas, le chiedo se è possibile tradurre il seguente indicatore per PROREALTIME :

    // @author LazyBear
    // List of all my indicators:
    study(“No Volume SVAPO [LazyBear]”, shorttitle=”SVAPO_NOVOL_LB”)
    length=input(8, title=”SVAPO Period”, minval=2, maxval=20)
    cutoff=input(1, title=”Minimum %o price change”, maxval=10, minval=0)
    devH=input(1.5, title=”Stdev High”, maxval=5, minval=0.1)
    devL=input(1.3, title=”Stdev Low”, maxval=5, minval=0.1)
    stdevper=input(100, title=”Stdev Period”, maxval=200, minval=1)

    calc_tema(s, length) =>
    ema1 = ema(s, length)
    ema2 = ema(ema1, length)
    ema3 = ema(ema2, length)
    3 * (ema1 – ema2) + ema3

    calc_linregslope(C, tp) =>

    calc_OR2(x) =>
    y=x // To force expr evaluation
    (y == true) or (y[1] == true)

    haOpen=(ohlc4[1] + nz(haOpen[1]))/2
    haCl=(ohlc4+haOpen+max(high, haOpen)+min(low, haOpen))/4
    haC=calc_tema(haCl, round(length/1.6))
    vma=sma(src, length*5)
    vc=iff(src<vmax, src, vmax)
    vtr=calc_tema(calc_linregslope(src, length), length)
    svapo=calc_tema(sum(iff(haC>(nz(haC[1])*(1+cutoff/1000)) and calc_OR2((vtr>=nz(vtr[1]))), vc, iff(haC<(nz(haC[1])*(1-cutoff/1000)) and calc_OR2((vtr>nz(vtr[1]))),-vc,0)), length)/(vave+1),length)
    plot(devH*stdev(svapo,stdevper), color=red, style=3)
    plot(-devL*stdev(svapo,stdevper), color=green, style=3)
    plot(0, color=gray, style=3)
    plot(svapo, color=maroon, linewidth=2)


    il codice l’ho preso da tradingview


    Grazie Nicolas, sei un grande.

    Salvo 64

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