Hi there, The DOW prices 34500 and the TOPIX prices 1950. The “draw text” then dosen’t show at the right place on both. It is even in some occasion outside of the chart area. Q: What is the formula please to turn pts in % ? something like “pointsize/100”? Thank you in advance. If Signalachat then PrixACHAT = Low DRAWARROWUP(barindex, low -3)coloured (0,255 ,0) DRAWTEXT ("GO LONG !", barindex,low -10) coloured(0,125, 0) endif if Signalvente then PrixVENTE = high DRAWARROWDOWN(barindex,high+3) coloured (255, 40 , 0) DRAWTEXT ("GO SHORT !", barindex,High + 10 ) coloured(255,40,0)