Instrument removed from PRT but still in IG

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Instrument removed from PRT but still in IG

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  • #236534


    Anyone else PRT/IG that has problems with missing instruments.

    One of my most used instruments was gone from my lists and can’t be found with search when I logged in this morning.

    The instrument is the sep-24 of SP500.

    On my IG account it still shows up as usual.




    This weekend, IG migrated and merged some of its trading instruments.

    You will find below the list of instruments concerned:

    • Germany 40 Cash (E25)
    • Germany 40 Cash (E5)
    • Germany 40 Cash (E1)
    • US 500 Cash ($250)
    • US 500 Cash ($50)
    • US Russell 2000 Cash ($50)
    • US Russell 2000 Cash ($10)
    • US Tech 100 Cash ($100)
    • US Tech 100 Cash ($20)
    • Wall Street Cash ($10)
    • Wall Street Cash ($2)


    This technical operation may have repercussions on your accounts.


    For the instruments mentioned, here are the main points to check:

    1. Automatic trading strategies

    Your automatic trading strategies may have been stopped. Unfortunately, we are unable to intervene directly in this matter.

    It is imperative that you check your current positions on the instruments listed above and restart your strategies if necessary.


    2. Positions moved by IG

    It is possible that some of your positions have been moved.

    We recommend that you carefully check your current positions on the instruments concerned.


    3. Lost position history

    As a result of this migration, display of closed positions history on the instruments concerned have been lost.

    We sincerely apologise for this inconvenience, and hope you understand that this situation is beyond our control.


    4. Missing objects and chart studies

    All your objects and studies must be available on your platform.


    5. Missing instrument

    If an instrument is missing from your platform, please send an email to PRT Support.

    If you encounter any other problems, please do not hesitate to contact the IG and PRT support teams. They will be happy to assist you.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Thanks. From what I made out of that list it is only the cash-instruments that should have been removed, not the futures. I will send an email to PRT Support.



    I understand from IG that they are working on restoring these cash CFDs. If they restore eg the US500 cash, does that also mean that the missing autotrading strategies will automatically be restored into PRT?


    Excellent question, I started by calling IG support in Sweden and after a while my instruments where restored so I didn’t get any information about PRT unfortunately. 🙁


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