Is there anyone making money???

Forums ProRealTime English forum General trading discussions Is there anyone making money???

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  • #234518

    Most marktets are very sideways right now, so making money is very difficult, best thing to do is to shut down your systems for a while or you lose money and I am guessing thats the case with market place bots too.

    So we blame the markets for commercial products not working out ?



    I don’t blame the market for market algorithms not making money, it’s just a continuation of the fact that this is the situation at the moment, and it is common knowledge that there is no money to be made in sideways markets. As described in this post, I have turned off my systems because they make a loss because the market moves up and down all the time and I am talking about very small time frames and I am not a commercial party in this matter. I do agree with you that when I see backtest results from commercial parties, I am not at all impressed and wonder how you can make so much money with it in real time, because if one thing is certain, if although you still have such good backtest results, in practice it yields a lot less.


    Result total June 2024: 5435€


    Wallstreet algos 3611€ (June)

    • 1 contract WS3M V1.5
    • 1 contract WS3M V1.7


    NAS-Algos 1837€ (June)

    • 1 contract NAS 5M 2.0
    • 1 contract NAS 5M 0.7
    • 1 contract NAS 30M
    • 1 contract NAS 60M


    DAX-Algos 29€ (June)

    • 1 contract DAX 10M 0.10
    • 1 contract DAX 10M Flat
    • 1 contract DAX 30M
    • 1 contract DAX 15M


    You find our algos here:




    Well Done NordicAlgos ! … would you like to post price curve, equity curve and positions for June 2024 for both of your DJI Algo’s?

    I just spent 10 mins on your section of MP, but couldn’t see price curve, equity curve and positions hence why I am asking.

    I’m not being awkward, it’s just that this is what I make judgements by for my own Algos and so not being able to see these 3 (price, equity and positions) leaves me not able to make a decision / move forward.

    If you show these 3 on youtube / elsewhere then feel free to post a link?


    Just because I’m curious,
    Have your algos been in operation 24/7 throughout June?
    Or did you choose your moments?
    thank you


    Your question (for DJI anyway) should be answered if we get to see the full month of June Live results – DJI Price curve above or below Algo Equity Curve and positions taken during June.


    I earn very well more than €7,000

    Would you like to tell us which Algo please … we all may want to buy it.


    Hi. DeathMetal, They are active 24/7.

    I will post what u ask for Grahal when back at the laptop.


    Then u can dowload all our algos for backtest through discord.





    Your question (for DJI anyway) should be answered if we get to see the full month of June Live results – DJI Price curve above or below Algo Equity Curve and positions taken during June.

    Pls post an example of what u want us to post


    it is common knowledge that there is no money to be made in sideways markets.

    Is this sideways enough for you ? this is June 18 – June 19.
    Maybe the common knowledge is, well, too common ? 🙂

    2nd picture will show a day you may recall … yesterday. The green cells mean profit. 😉
    Edit : there are no red cells, that’s just rendering.


    I am talking about very small time frames

    These are one second systems. You won’t get them smaller in PRT.

    And what about the part from yesterday you see in the 3rd picture. Is that sideways ? or is that Long with a trend downhill perhaps ? (still “always” winning)
    I am certainly not claiming forever victory, but the sideways market is the best to trade. You said it “always up and down”. If you want to make money from uptrending markets, then better buy & hold, right ? It could be the simplest AutoTrading system, but hey.




    Yes … attached is an example of what I mean by Price curve below positions below equity curve for June on Live data.


    And always show this part.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Yes … attached is an example of what I mean by Price curve below positions below equity curve for June on Live data.

    Like this?


    The question was.
    -Is there anyone making money with any Marketplace bots?
    If yes, how much and since when? –
    I answered the question didn’t ask who you are making money with.


    NordicAlgos I might be wrong (?) but reading across from 1 June to yesterday for those 2 Algos on their equity curves … isnt the combined profit more like 2300 for JUNE (not the 3600 you state in your earlier post above?)?

    Or does the 2300 need a conversion to euros?

    Still a good performance at 2300 euros so no problem.


    question didn’t ask who you are making money with

    Yeah no probs, but as you state it is one / 1 Algo we are all ears and I’m sure the MP vendor would love you to share with us which Algo you made 7,000 in 1 year … as we likely all want to share your good fortune and it likely would mean more revenue for said MP Vendor?

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