Is there something wrong with my back testing?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Is there something wrong with my back testing?

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  • #130545

    I’ve backtested numerous times now and some times I get the error message pop up (attached), other times it runs fine. Why does this happen? And will not having it run tick by tick increase incorrect results? As after analysing the results (whether with or without the tick by tick), some of the results are completely wrong. For example it’s reading the candle at a factor of 100 (eg rather than $10 it’s reading it as $1,000), or it has entered a position without fulfilling all criteria (even though I have set it to ensure all criteria are met). If this is happening in the backtesting, will it also happen when I eventually make it do live trading?


    Separately, I am current having to backtest stock by stock on an individual basis – is there a way to back test an entire stock market (i.e. US minor or UK shares).


    Also, when I finally do run the live trading can I set it to live trade in an entire stock market (i.e. US minor), or will I need to set the live trading on each and every stock within the market on an individual basis?


    Thanks for your patience and help.


    Why does this happen?

    You probably have > 2,500 instances of TP and SL being hit in the same bar.

    And will not having it run tick by tick increase incorrect results?


    it’s reading the candle at a factor of 100 (eg rather than $10 it’s reading it as $1,000),

    Please post a screen shot so we can understand?
    The respective snippet of code would also assist our understanding.

    is there a way to back test an entire stock market

    Nearest you will get is an Index … S&P 500 for USA or an ETF / Tracker Fund.

    will I need to set the live trading on each and every stock within the market on an individual basis?

    Wow you must have plenty of cash? 🙂  Margin / deposit would be 5% for each stock.

    Nearest you would get is an Index or an ETF.




    Hi unfortunately I’ve over written the code now – still playing with it.


    But here is the print out of Gush (pretty amazing at first glance!) which is why I wouldn’t mind running this on all stocks 🙂


    – take a look at July 31st 2018 compared to the SS I made from IG. It’s way out. Incidentally, just checked trading view – and it shows 15847.60

    So July 31 2018 prices were as follows:

    Backtest: 1,584,001

    IG: 3960

    Tradingview: 15,847.60


    I’m new at this… what do you mean TP? SL = stop loss?


    Edit: added 4th image


    what do you mean TP?

    Take Profit.

    What spread did you apply to your backtest compared to Gush (spread = 17 currently but maybe cos market closed?)

    Did you have the ‘tick by tick’ box enabled?


    2 point spread – I was told IG has a 2 point spread on shares.

    Tick by tick wasn’t enabled – it didn’t allow me to do so, as per the error message in OP.

    I had not limit to TP, but I did have a trailing stop of 20pts – considering there’s a spread of 17 points, 20pts seems futile!


    This is not an error message but rather an information to warn you about the fact that intrabar checking (tick by tick) cannot be made on the selected history.

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