Kijun Cross Over

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  • #39830

    Hi folks.

    I’m after some help with a simple scanner using Ichimoku

    I’m looking for when price on daily charts first crosses above the Kijun (21 period not 26) when price has been trending below(ie below the cloud)  and then opposite for when price has been trending above the cloud.

    The second part of the scanner is to look for when those prices meeting condition 1 above first break and close above/below the cloud

    My basic code is such, but it’s not showing up all the pairs that meet the conditions when eyeballing the chart?


    Any help appreciated.



    Edited by moderator to make code appear with PRT format. Please use the “<>” button (insert PRT code) at the right end of the text editor toolbar when adding code inside your message next time, thanks.


    >> For clarity of messages on ProRealCode’s forums, please use the “insert code PRT” button to separate the text of the code part! Thank you! <<

    Your conditions named “finalcondition1” and “finalcondition2” will never be met at the same time and that’s what you want to be found by ProScreener because you used “and” in the screener instruction. You should have used “OR”:

    There are maybe other errors, this is only the first thing I saw.



    Thanks Nicolas. I missed that! Will report back soon! Thanks again


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