Limit number of order to 2 per day

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Limit number of order to 2 per day

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  • #238421

    I have developed a trading strategy and backtested the same using ProRealtrade. I used OTD = Barindex - TradeIndex(1) > IntradayBarIndex to limit the order to one per day. Now i want to see how the results are if i increase number of trades per day to two.

    I searched in the forum below and found below code should be used to limit orders per day to two. However, i am struggling to understand how this code works and it’s not currently delivering my need.

    ( (not onmarket and onmarket[1] and not onmarket[2]) or (tradeindex(1)=tradeindex(2) and tradeindex(1)=barindex[1] and tradeindex(1)>0) )

    Please can i get some help in limiting number of order per day to 2 and this can be configurable..


    There you go:


    2 users thanked author for this post.

    Thats brilliant. Thank you.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
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