// --- variables
// --- extern
//Time1=090000 // when, must be format hhmmss
//Red=255 // red part of the RGB color code
//Green=0 // green part
//Blue=0 // blue part
//Visability=255 // alpha value of color 0=invisible 255=fully visible
// check color values do not exeede allowed values
Red=max(Red,0) // take the highest between users choice and 0
Red=min(Red,255) // take the lowest between users choice and 255
Blue=max(Blue,0) // if user pushes -2 -> take 0 which is higher than -2
Blue=min(Blue,255) // if user pushes 400 -> take 255 which is lower than 400
IF time=Time1 THEN // if the time is the one of Time1
// syntax: DRAWVLINE(x-AxisValue) coloured(R,G,B,A)
// x-AxisValue: barindex at that candle, barindex-1 one candle before
// optional addition coloured() with RGB and optinal Alpha values
// https://www.prorealcode.com/documentation/drawvline/
// https://www.prorealcode.com/documentation/coloured/
DRAWVLINE(barindex) coloured(Red,Green,Blue,Visability)
// --- each indicator must end with some kind of RETURN (but only ONE Return command is allowe)
// either you plot a line with RETURN VariableName as "a human understandable description"
// or standalone if you used only DRAW... components
// https://www.prorealcode.com/documentation/return/